The Ten Commandments
Introduction to the Ten Commandments
I. I AM The Lord
II. No Other Gods
III. Do Not Misuse God's Name
IV. Remember The Sabbath
V. Honor Your Parents
VI. Do Not Murder
VII. Do Not Commit Adultery
VIII. Do Not Steal
IX. Do Not Bear False Witness
X. Do Not Covet

Judeo-Christian Values
I: Better Answers
II: Right and Wrong
III: Human Reason
IV: The Dog or the Stranger?
V: Values vs. Beliefs
VI: Feelings vs. Values
VII: Hate Evil
VIII: Values Larger than Theology
IX: Choose Life
X: Order v. Chaos
XI: Moral Absolutes
XII: Jewish Mission
XIII: The Meaningless Life
XIV: Arrogance of Values
XV: Unholy vs. Immoral
XVI: Nature Worship
XVII: Man and the Environment
XVIII: Murderers Must Die
XIX: Challenge of the Transgendered
XX: No Viable Alternative
XXI: Rejecting Materialism
XXII: Feminization of Society
XXIII: First Fight Yourself

Dennis Prager Audio
A Life in Radio
Age of Stupidity
Agnostics and Atheists
Atheism and Science
Centering Children
Expelled: by Ben Stein
Holocaust Denial
How Much of Life is Random?
Humanist Christmas
Is Life the Highest Value?
Is Spirituality Enough?
Lessons from Vietnam
Love your Neighbor
Marriage Worth Defending
No one Sees God
Political Correctness
Prager v. Hitchens
Same Sex Marriage
Talking about Prayer
The Case for Traditional Marriage
The Failure of the Greatest Generation
The Meaning of Life
The Search for Utopia
The Unimportance of Blood
The World's Greatest Hatred
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
Why I believe in Hell
Debate with David Smalley
Himalayan Database
Dennis Prager
Japan Times
Bill Wall's Chess Page

Always Have a Dream
She Walks in Beauty
Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Trip to Paris, 2019

Magic the Gathering
Magic Decks
Bonesplitter v. Trusty Machete
Righteousness v. Holy Day
Comprehensive Rules
Basic Rulebook
Wizards Gatherer
MTG Wiki
MTG Salvation Forums
Trend Vector — Bill Palmer
The Human Factor: Air France 447
Automation and Disaster: A Rebuttal
Ask the Pilot
So you want to be a virtual pilot?

Topics in Judeo-Christianity
The Philosophy of Religion
Ethical Monotheism
Essence of the Christian Faith
Understanding the Resurrection
Finding the New Testament Church
On Suffering: A Dialogue with Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
COVID-19 and the Failure of America's Major Religions
The Case Against Unconditional Love
King James Bible
Divine Providence and Free Will
Summary of Judeo-Christian Values
Judaism and Christianity Side-by-Side
Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig
Christian Fundamentalism and the KJV Bible
Thoughts on the New Testament and Scripture
The Problem of Innocent Suffering
Primacy and the Pope
On Petitionary Prayer
God and Time: A Review
Slavery and the Bible
Shall We Defend Our Common History?
Are Border Walls "Christian?"
Cruelty in the Old Testament
Contradictions in the Bible
Summa Theologica — St. Thomas Aquinas
Response to Why the Jews: the Reason for Antisemitism
Is Spirituality Enough?
Jesus was no Leftist
Why God Must Be Depicted as Male
Thoughts on Papal Claims
Take the Judeo-Christian Values Exam
Ultimate Meaning Requires God
Is God Your Enemy?
Theology Book List
Catholic Christianity in Korea during the late Renaissance and Englightment Periods
On Gambling
Theology of TACA 110
Resolved, that the Jewish God Exists!
Moral Confusion at Canterbury
The Devil's Advocate
On Halloween
The Dangers of Echo Chambers on Campus

The Moral Use of Force
Thesis: Obligations in the Face of Evil
War, Jesus, and the New Testament
The World's Most Moral Army
Archbishop Demetrios and Confronting Evil
On the Moral Use of Force
Was Jesus a Pacifist?
Turn the Other Cheek
The Virtue of War
Can the President Follow the Christian Faith?
Religion's Failure to Confront Evil
The New York Archdiocese and the Death Penalty
Pope Francis and the Death Penalty
Steve the Builder on the Death Penalty

Early Christian Topics
Early Christian Topics: Icon Controversy
Early Christian Topics: The Great Schism
Early Christian Topics: Christology
Early Christian Topics: Salvation
Early Christian Topics: Typology

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Orthodox Fundamentalism
Challenges in Orthodoxy
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Cremation: An Orthodox Perspective
The Orthodox Church and Abortion
Bishop Thomas on Same-Sex Marriage
Sin in the Early Church
Anti-semitism in the Russian Orthodox Church
Priest: Icon of Christ
The Fathers, Wealth, and Pious Opinions
The Great Church in Captivity
Conversion of Kallistos Ware
The Fast and the Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul
St. Andrew — Revelation
Text of the Divine Liturgy
Chrysostom and the Poor I
Chrysostom and the Poor II
Ravenna, 2007
Orientale Lumen: Pope John Paul II on Eastern Orthodoxy

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Why Live Action Did Right and Why We All Should Know That
Biden Vax Mandate Legally Vulnerable
On the Left, Stealing is OK
Abortion: The Rape and Incest Exception
The Left is Evil — and Liberals Keep Voting for Them
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The Wreckage of Obergefell

America's Founding Documents
Declaration of Independence
Constitution of the United States
Federalist Papers
Anti-Federalist Papers

Law & Politics
Sir Winston Churchill
The Left, Part 1: Naivete and Boredom
The Left, Part 2: Contempt for America
The Left, Part 3: Leftism as Secular Religion
The Left, Part 4: Contempt for Middle-Class Values
The Left, Part 5: Brain vs. Mind
The Left, Part 6: Do They Believe What They Say?
Greta Thunberg: A Living Explanation of the Left
Difference between liberal and left
False Freedom: The Identity Dilemma of Obergefell
And Jews Will Still Vote Democrat
Hiring Woke Grads
Free Speech and the Private Sector
OXI Day Proclamation, 2006
Thoughts on an Assertion Regarding the Populist Right
No God, No Freedom
The Mechanisms of the Slippery Slope
Great Barrington Declaration
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Why Freedom is in Serious Jeopardy
Understanding Richard Nixon
ACLU: Coronavirus immunity passports are not the answer
Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The definitive summary
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Understanding Watergate
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Problems with the 1619 Project
Reeducation is coming for us all
Is the Military Racist?
Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and its Grip on America
The Middle East Dispute is About Religion, Not Land
Critical Race Theory Emanates from Karl Marx
Liberal Critique of Woke Capitalism
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Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It
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Statement Regarding Critical Race Theory
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Supreme Court Justices II
Supreme Court Justices
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