Judeo-Christian Values — A Summary
by pragerfan

May 12, 2019

The following is a summary of Judeo-Christian Values:

1. Morality is God-based. If there is no God — and by "God" I mean the God of the Old Testament — there is no good nor evil, only subjective opinions.

2. Human reason is amoral. As it is only a tool, reason cannot determine whether you choose good or evil. Sometimes it is reasonable to do what is right; other times it is reasonable to do what is wrong.

3. Humans are created in the image of God; animals are not. Human life is infinitely more sacred than animal life. Those who equate humans with animals elevate neither humans nor animals.

4. Beliefs and values are not the same things. People can have differing, even mutually exclusive, beliefs and still share the same values, e.g. Christianity and Judaism.

5. Moral relativism, a foundation of left-wing ideology, is built on the notion that feelings decide right and wrong. One man's terrorist is a another man's freedom fighter. This is a consequence of #1. Judeo-Christian values reject moral relativism.

6. If you love God, you must hate evil; if you don't hate evil, you don't love God.

7. Christians identify with Jews rather than see themselves as merely superseding them.

8. Choose life and reject death.

9. God made order out of chaos, expressed through Divine distinctions e.g. light, darkness; good, evil; male, female; God, man; holy, profane; etc.

10. "Univeral morality" means that if an act is good or bad, it is good or bad for everyone in the identical situation.

11. The mission of the Jews is to bring Ethical Monotheism to the world — to make the world aware of the God of ethical demands and moral judgment.

12. Without God, there is no ultimate meaning.

13. The notion that there is a best value system is neither arrogant nor chauvinistic.

14. Immoral actions are unholy, but not all unholy actions are immoral.

15. Nature is not God and God is not nature. Nature must not be worshiped. Nature reflects the divine, but it is in no way divine. Only its Creator is.

16. We are to be responsible stewards of nature, but for our sake, not nature's sake. Nature in and of itself has no purpose without the existence of human beings to appreciate it.

17. Some murderers must be put to death, otherwise murder is rendered less serious and human life is therefore cheapened.

18. Personal character development is more important than social activism.
