Christian Theology Book List
The following books have been helpful to me in learning Christianity. They are not in any particular order of precedence.
Thompson Chain Reference Bible, Kirkbride Publishing
New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with Apocrypha (KJV), Cambridge
The Church History, Eusebius
The Great Church in Captivity, Sir Steven Runciman (review)
Biblical Literacy: The Most Important People, Events, and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
Early Christian Doctrines, J.N.D. Kelly
The Christian Tradition Volume 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition, Jaroslav Pelikan
The Christian Tradition Volume 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom, Jaroslav Pelikan
The Kingdom of the Cults, Dr. Walter Martin
For the Life of the World, Fr. Alexander Schmemann
Christus Victor, Gustav Aulen
Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism, Bradley Nassif et. al
God, Evil, and Innocent Suffering, John Thiel
The Virtue of War: Reclaiming the Classic Christian Tradition East and West
The Orthodox Way, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
God and Time, Gregory Ganssle
Think a Second Time, Dennis Prager (various essays on God and morality)