Christian Theology Book List

The following books have been helpful to me in learning Christianity. They are not in any particular order of precedence.

  • Thompson Chain Reference Bible, Kirkbride Publishing
  • New Cambridge Paragraph Bible with Apocrypha (KJV), Cambridge
  • The Church History, Eusebius
  • The Great Church in Captivity, Sir Steven Runciman (review)
  • Biblical Literacy: The Most Important People, Events, and Ideas of the Hebrew Bible, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
  • Early Christian Doctrines, J.N.D. Kelly
  • The Christian Tradition Volume 1: The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition, Jaroslav Pelikan
  • The Christian Tradition Volume 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom, Jaroslav Pelikan
  • The Kingdom of the Cults, Dr. Walter Martin
  • For the Life of the World, Fr. Alexander Schmemann
  • Christus Victor, Gustav Aulen
  • Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism, Bradley Nassif et. al
  • God, Evil, and Innocent Suffering, John Thiel
  • The Virtue of War: Reclaiming the Classic Christian Tradition East and West
  • The Orthodox Way, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
  • God and Time, Gregory Ganssle
  • Think a Second Time, Dennis Prager (various essays on God and morality)

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