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Wall Bio Timeline June 1969, graduated from Clover Park High School in Lakewood (Tacoma), WA June 1969, $2,000 scholarship to any engineering college/university June 1969, employed at Tacoma Motor Hotel September 1969, enrolled at Northrop University as an aerospace engineering student, Inglewood, CA October 1969, member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) September 1970, started U.S. Air Force Basic Training, Lackland AFB, TX; Airman Basic (AB) October 1970, graduated from Basic Training, 1st in my class; Squadron 3704, Flight 985 October 1970, promoted to Airman October 1970, entered aircraft maintenance school, Sheppard AFB, TX; 3750 Tech Squadron January 1971, graduated from aircraft maintenance school, 1st in my class January 1971, assigned to 456th OMS, Beale AFB, CA working on KC-135 tankers and B-52 bombers April 1971, promoted to Airman First Class (A1C); specialty code was 43151E November 1971, member of the Air Force Association 1971-1995 December 1971, TDY to Kadena Air Base, Okinawa December 1971, TDY to U Tapao Air Base, Thailand January 1972, returned to Kadena Air Base March 1972, returned to Beale AFB July 1972, promoted to Sergeant (E-4) September 1973, assigned to 307th OMS, U Tapao Air Base, Thailand January 1974, TDY to Andersen AB, Guam April 1974, promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-5) May 1974, returned to U Tapao Air Base August 1974, honorable discharge at Travis AFB, CA September 1974, SSgt, Air Force Reserve January 1975, worked in a textile mill, Statesville, NC January 1976, enrolled at Wilkes College, North Wilkesboro, NC April 1976, elected President of the Wilkes College Student Government Association May 1976, Environmental Impact Engineer for NC Department of Forestry, Stone Mt. State Park, NC September 1976, enrolled at Mitchell College, Statesville, NC April 1977, nuclear physics course, Oak Ridge, Tennessee May 1977, Associate of Science degree, Physics from Mitchell College; distinguished graduate June 1977, counselor and Recreation Director at Barium School for Children, Barium Springs, NC August 1977, marred Lois Anne Hubbard, Taylorsville, NC September 1977, enrolled at Lenoir Rhyne University, Hickory, NC June 1978, production engineer at Super Tire Engineering Co., Statesville, NC May 1979, B.S. Physics (Astrophysics) from Lenoir Rhyne University May 1979, entered USAF Officer Training School, Medina Annex, Lackland AFB; class 79-14B, Squadron 3, Flight 12 August 1979, graduated as 2nd Lieutenant, OTS; top academic student August 1979, student at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH December 1979, member of the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IEEE) March 1981, B.S. Electrical Engineering from AFIT March 1981, Avionics Integration Engineer, Avionics Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB April 1981, systems engineer for the Digital Avionics Integration System (DAIS), WPAFB August 1981, promoted to 1st Lieutenant (O-2); Duty AFSC: 2825 December 1981, Air Force recruiting tour for several US colleges February 1982, participated in Red Flag exercise at Nellis AFB, NV March 1982, Operational Flight Program Development Engineer, WPAFB May 1983, worked on Avionics and Ada compiler work in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Lab (SAIL) at Johnson Space Center, Houston August 1983, promoted to Captain (O-3) working in the System Avionics Division, WPAFB September 1983, Executive Officer for Commander of the USAF scientific laboratorties, WPAFB November 1983, computer automation chairman for the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference (NAECON) December 1983, worked on F-15 avionics at McDonnell-Douglas, St Louis, MO January 1984, worked on F-16 avionics at General Dynamics, Fort Worth, TX February 1984, program manager and project engineer for next generation advanced tactical aircraft (Stealth fighters) avionics March 1984, Air Force engineering recruitment at several US colleges August 1984, entered Squadron Officer School (SOS), Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama October 1984, graduated from SOS November 1984, Air Force engineering recruitment at several US colleges April 1985, assigned to Space Division, Sunnyvale AFS, CA May 1985, Computer Systems Engineer, NASA/Ames Research Center, Mt View, CA June 1985, TS-SCI/SBI/Crypto clearance August 1985, FBI advisor on several federal cases of computer security crimes October 1985, Lawrence Livermore National Labs computer security work May 1986, security engineer at the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) facility, NASA/Ames December 1987, delivered a paper on IA security at a computer security conference, Orlando, FL November 1988, wrote the NASA Incident Report on the Morris Internet worm December 1988, promoted to Major (O-4) January 1989, wrote the Standard Practices and Procedures (SPP) for secure processing on supercomputers (Cray X-MP, Cray-2, Cray-YMP) August 1989, computer security work at NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH August 1989, computer security work at NSA, Fort Meade, MD June 1990, attended Computer Emergency Response Team conference at Pleasanton, CA June 1990, computer security work at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee February 1991, considered the "Air Force's premier expert on scientific supercomputing" April 1991, computer security work and SCIF design at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM September 1991, Chief, Product Assessment and Certification Center (PACC), Kelly AFB, TX April 1992, computer security of embedded processors at Hill AFB, Utah May 1993, Branch Chief, Technical Assessment Division, Air Force Information Warfare, Kelly AFB, San Antonio, TX November 1993, multi-level security work at Hanscom AFB, MA August 1994, security products assessment at Rome Labs, Griffiss AFB, NY June 1995, honorable discharge from the USAF June 1995, Senior Analyst, Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team, Kelly AFB, TX September 1995, Air Force Network Control Center security work at Scott AFB, IL June 1996, Senior Information Security Consultant at Trident Data Systems, San Antonio, TX May 1997, computer security work and penetration testing for American Express, Phoenix, AZ July 1997, computer security work and penetration testing for American Express, Minneapolis, MN November 1997, penetration testing for ad company, Mountain View, CA November 1997, computer security work for Atlanta security tool company December 1997, Computer Security Engineer, Harris Corporation, Melbourne, FL January 1998, provided computer security for Thicket program, Harris, Palm Bay, FL February 1998, created STAT (Security Threat and Avoidance Technology) vulnerability assessment tool for Harris; 1998-2007 January 1999, STAT demo at MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL February 1999, STAT demo at Scott AFB, IL March 1999, charter board member of the Mitre Computer Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) May 1999, presented security paper and STAT demo at SANS conference, Baltimore, MD June 1999, penetration testing at Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX June 1999, STAT demo for the Army at Fort Huachuca, AZ July 1999, STAT demo at Fort Belvoir, VA October 1999, presented paper and STAT demo at SANS conference, New Orleans November 1999, presented paper at the Computer Security Institute, Washington, DC November 1999, attended the Interservice/Industry Training Education Conference, Orlando December 1999, STAT demo for the Army and Marines at Washington, DC and Quantico, VA January 2000, STAT demo at Fort Huachuca, AZ January 2000, STAT demo for the National Guard at Camp Robinson, Arkansas January 2000, gave security briefing and STAT demo at the Army CERT, Fort Belvoir, VA February 2000, Senior Information System Security Engineer (ISSE), Harris Corporation March 2000, presented paper on Computer Vulnerabilities and Exposures, SANS Conference, Orlando April 2000, Harris booth to demonstrate STAT and security products, INFOSEC 2000, Buena Vista, FL April 2000, STAT demo at TECHNET 2000, AFCEA Conference, Ottawa, Ontario April 2000, STAT demo and security briefing for the Army, Heidelberg, Germany June 2000, presented security paper and STAT demo at SUPERCOMM, Atlanta, GA June 2000, STAT demo for the Air Force at Schriever AFB, Colorado Springs, CO November 2000, STAT demo and pen testing on the USS Coronado, San Diego and Mazatlan, Mexico December 2000, computer security work at Raytheon, St. Petersburg, FL January 2001, STAT Scanner and Analyzer demo at SANS conference, New Orleans February 2001, INFOSEC 2001, MISTI conference STAT demo, Buena Vista, FL March 2001, computer security interviews an IA articles for computer magazines, Boston, MA May 2001, STAT demo and security paper at SANS conference, Baltimore June 2001, guest speaker at AFCEA meeting for computer security incidents, Patrick AFB, FL September 2001, computer security work at Avnet and Dynergy, Houston, TX November 2001, STAT demo and briefing at Naval NAVCIRT, Norfolk, VA April 2002, STAT demo and security briefing at DISA, Hagerstown, MD June 2002, provided security training at Army RCERT, Alexandria, VA July 2002, guest speaker at Orlando ISSA; talked on recent computer incidents July 2002, STAT demo for Veterans Administration (VA) in Los Angeles and Long Beach September 2002, STAT demo at Rome Labs, Griffiss AFB, NY September 2002, STAT demo at SecureInfo, San Antonio, TX October 2002, STAT demo for Veterans Administration at Martinsburg, WV October 2002, STAT demo for STRATCOM, Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska December 2002, STAT demo for the Navy on the USS Leyte Gulf, Norfolk, VA January 2003, STAT demo at AFCEA trade show and Navy SPAWAR, San Diego February 2003, STAT demo at DISA, Washington, DC April 2003, STAT demo and security work at Veterans Administration, Washington, DC July 2003, presented paper on computer security at Army Material Command, College Park, MD October 2003, computer security work for HP and Veterans Administration, Silver Spring, MD January 2004, STAT demo at Hines Veterans Administration Hospital, Chicago, IL Feb 2004, STAT demo at RSA Conference, San Francisco May 2004, STAT demo for DISA and USAF at Kelly AFB, TX May 2007, SCADA security work for Florida Power & Electric (FP&L) at Juno Beach, FL June 2007, provided computer security for Algeria border security proposal July 2007, penetration testing on the Health portal August 2007, provided computer security for Air Force surveillance satellite (ADS-B) September 2007, provided security to Digital Rights Management (DRM) content assurance October 2007, provided computer security for Boeing MLS network processor November 2007, provided computer security for Army MET terminals December 2007, provided computer security advice for Army Node Transit Case, HNRv2 December 2007, worked security issues for the Netherlands Compatriot Missile Program January 2008, attended NIST Computer Workshop on SCAP tools, Gaithersburg, MD January 2008, provided security advice for IBM High Assurance Platform (HAP) January 2008, provided computer security info for the Marine Domain Analysis proposal February 2008, did a trade study for single sign on and Information Assurance tools for GPS-OCX February 2008, provided security for the Common Avionics Terminal (CAT) March 2008, led the FP&L wireless vulnerability assessment effort April 2008, security work at FP&L, Fort Lauderdale, FL May 2008, provided security for the PACAF Range Encryption effort September 2008, security work at the Red Flag Alaska Range, Elmendorf AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska September 2008, briefed FP&L CEO and others on computer security, Juno Beach, FL November 2008, provided security input for the Consolidated Afloat Networks Enterprises Services November 2008, provided security support for the UAE Integrated Management System December 2008, provided security for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) February 2009, attended SANS SCADA security conference, Buena Vista, FL March 2009, provided security inputs for the Commercial Broadcast Satellite Program (CBSP) April 2009, attended NIST Smart Grid workshop, Reston, VA May 2009, attended NIST Smart Grid workshop, National Harbor, MD June 2009, provided security comments on SCADA security for the Army Corps of Engineers July 2009, wrote security requirements for the Alaska Satellite Telecommunications Infrastructure September 2009, attended NOAA Weather Radio Information Program (WRIP) kickoff meeting, Silver Spring, MD October 2009, became Certified Information Systems Profession (CISSP) October 2009, attended NOAA WRIP Systems Requirements Review (SRR), Silver Spring, MD October 2009, security advisor at Weather Forecast Office in Mt. Holly, NJ November 2009, Chief Computer Security Engineer for Weather Radio Information Program (WRIP) December 2009, attended WRIP preliminary design review (PDR), CommPower, Camarillo, CA March 2010, attended WRIP critical design review (CDR), Camarillo, CA August 2010, penetration testing and security hardening on WRIP, Camarillo, CA September 2010, Senior Information Security Engineer, Harris CapRock October 2010, security work at FP&L, Juno Beach, FL January 2011, created WRIP System Security Plan, Camarillo, CA August 2011, provide security for the Space Network Ground Segment Sustainment - SGSS January 2012, WRIP program management review (PMR), Silver Spring, MD May 2012, provided computer security requirements for cruise ship security June 2012, provided security analysis for data link source code in encrypted radios July 2012, hardened GOES-R antenna systems at General Dynamics, Richardson, TX August 2012, Senior Computer Security Engineer, NOAA GOES-4 (GOES-16) program January 2013, hardened GOES-R antenna systems at General Dynamics, Richardson, TX December 2013, hardened GOES-R antenna systems at NSOF, Suitland, MD January 2014, hardened GOES-R antenna systems at WCDAS, Wallops Island, VA November 2014, provided security rqmts for the Geostationary Weather Satellite Antenna System April 2015. Provided security requirements for the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System June 2015, Senior Security Engineer for Emirates Land Tactical System (ELTS) Abu Dhabi October 2015, senior Information Assurance (IA) engineer for GOES-R (GOES-16) core system February 2016, did trade studies on IPv6, thin clients, and IT shelters June 2017, wrote System Security Plan for Products Processing Zone (PPZ) for GOES-R |
Publications NAS Worm/Virus Attack Incident Report, Report of Computer Virus Incident at NASA Ames Research Center, Nov 2-5, 1988 How to Secure Windows NT, DTIC Information Assurance Newsletter, 1999 STAT Security Advisory — Antivirus Vulnerability, NTBugtraq, 30 Mar 01 Trojan Horses — Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifs, Harris STAT Security Article, 2001 NT Passwords, Sunbelt Tech Briefing, 2001 Computer Security Incidents, Central Florida ISSA Chapter Guest Speaker, 1 Jul 02 Steps to Improve Security, Information Week, 8 Jul 02 Vulnerability Assessment Strategy, Security Leadership Council, Security & Technology Online, 30 June 04 Algeria Border Security Computer Security Requirements, June 2007 Health Portal Security, July 2007 Covert Analysis, Jan 2008 SOA Security Controls, Aug 2008 FP&L Cyber Assessment Report, Oct 2008 UAE Integrated Management System IT Security Requirements, Mar 2009 CapRock Secure Network Operations Center Security Assessment, Dec 2010 Space Network Ground Segment Sustainment (SGSS) Security Requirements, Aug 2011 Weather Radio Improvement Program (WRIP) System Security Plan, Sep 2011 Data Link Source Code Security Assessment, Jul 2012 White Paper on Maritime Security, Aug 2012 QNX Hardening Recommended Procedures, Sep 2012 Hardening Microsoft Windows Platforms, Dec 2013 Windows Security Configuration Guidelines, May 2014 NOAA GOES-R Antenna Security Vulnerability Mitigation Plan, Nov 2014 GWSAS IT Security Requirements, Mar 2015 AWIPS Information Assurance Guidance, Apr 2015 UAE PKI Design Recommendation, Aug 2015 UAE Certificate Policy, Aug 2015 UAE PKI Design Recommendations, Aug 2015 Emirates Land Tactical System (ELTS) Technical Security Architecture, Sep 2015 ELTS Information Concept Document, Sep 2015 ELTS Identity and Access Management Governance, Sep 2015 ELTS Information Knowledge Management Governance, Sep 2015 ELTS Security Features Users Guide, Sep 2015 ELTS Security Manual, Sep 2015 ELTS Security Design Document, Sep 2015 ELTS Security Reference Architecture, Sep 2015 Encryption in ELTS, co-authored with Marty Durham, Sep 2015 ELTS Cross Domain Solution Recommendation, Sep 2015 NIST 800-53 Rev 3 to Rev 4 Security Requirements, Dec 2016 GOES-R NOAA5050 and PPZ System Security Plan, March 2017 GOES-R NOAA5050 Vulnerability Assessment Report, April 2017 GOES-R NOAA5050 Penetration Testing Rules of Engagement, May 17, 2017 Bill Wall Courses and Training USAF Traffic Safety Course, Nov 27, 1970, Sheppard AFB, TX Jet Aircraft Maintenance (Honor Graduate), Oct 1970 — Jan 25, 1971, Sheppard AFB, TX Calculus, U of Wisconsin correspondence, Jun-Dec, 1971 CIE Electronics Correspondence Course (1972-73) Squadron Officer School correspondence, Apr 14, 1981, WPAFB Management Class, April 23, 1981, WPAFB Threat Assessment, Apr 23, 1981, WPAFB US Military Forces, Apr 23, 1981, WPAFB Communication and Leadership, Apr 23, 1981, WPAFB Jovial/J73 Programming Course, SoftTech, Dayton, OH 27 Apr 81 - 1 May 81 Systems Acquisition Course, Wright-Patterson AFB; 22 Jun 81 - 26 Jun 81 Communications and Leadership Course, SOS, 23 Apr 81 - 17 Jul 81 BASIS User's Training; Wright-Patterson AFB; 14 Sep 81 - 16 Sep 81 Management Course, SOS Apr 81 - 14 Oct 81 Threat Assessment Course, SOS, Apr 81 - 4 Dec 81 Executive Officer Training Course, 1 Sep 1981 — 30 Nov, 1981 US Military Forces Course, SOS, Apr 81 - 5 Feb 82 Squadron Officer School, correspondence (1981 — Feb 12, 1982) Introduction to PASCAL; AFIT, Dayton, OH; 26 Apr 82 - 7 May 82 Radar Technology, Jun 21, 1982, Fairborn, OH Ada Programming, Aug 19-20, 1982, Dayton, OH Digital Signal Processing Course; AFIT, WPAFB; 7 Feb 83 - 11 Feb 83 OPSEC/COMSEC training, WPAFB — Apr 83 Protection of the President training, WPAFB - Feb 84 Creative Problem Solving Workshop; WPAFB; 22 Feb 84 - 24 Feb 84 Database Mgt workshop, Jul 30-31, 1984, Wright State University, Dayton Squadron Officer School; Maxwell AFB, AL 6 Aug 84 - 5 Oct 84 UNIX, 1985, Ames Research Center Computer courses, Stanford, 1985-86 TEMPEST Facilities Course; Moffett Field NAS; 27 Jan 87 - 30 Jan 87 Information Security Orientation Course, Onizuka AFB, CA; 4 Jun 90 - 6 Jun 90 CP-510, Trusted Criteria; Kelly AFB, TX; 23 Sep 91 - 27 Sep 91 Total Quality Management Awareness Course; Lackland AFB, TX; 10 Feb 92 - 12 Feb 92 Supervisor Safety Training; Kelly AFB, TX; 6 Jul 92 - 7 Jul 92 Civilian Personnel Management Course, Kelly AFB, TX; 13 Jul 92 - 17 Jul 92 Sexual Harassment Class; Kelly AFB, TX; 19 Apr 93 - 19 Apr 93 Chemical and Biological Training; Nov 10, 94, Kelly AFB Self Aid Buddy Care; Nov 18, 94, Kelly AFB Small Arms Training; Kelly AFB; Nov 21, 94 CPR, Kelly AFB; Dec 14, 94 Sensitivity Awareness Course; Jan 19, 1995 C2W Seminar, Jan 20, 1995, Kelly AFB, TX Mobile Indications and Warnings Course, Jan 1996 (taught by DIA) Computer Network Attack and Defend Course; Trident, Jan 1997 Leadership Training, Trident, Feb 1997 Career Development and Sensitivity Awareness Course, Feb 1997 (Trident) Internet Security Course, NCSA, Sep 1997 (Trident) Basis of Estimate (BOE), Harris, 10 Mar 98 Systems Architecture Workshop, Harris, 13 Apr 98 Electrostatic Discharge Training, May 22, 1998 (Harris) Fundamentals of Systems Engineering, Harris, 25-26 Jun 98 Intrusion Detection Course, SANS, New Orleans, 29 Jan 01 Electrostatic Discharge Training, Harris, 16 Feb 01 Media Training, Edelman & Harris, 15 Mar 01 Vulnerability Management Seminar, Foundstone, 22 Jul 02 MIL-STD-1686 ESD - - Harris 13-AUG-02 Wireless Vulnerability Detection, Foundstone, 16 Aug 02 Secure Shell (ssh) training, Harris, 10 Sep 02 Corporate Communications, Jun 8, 2005 PatchLinkTraining, PatchLink/Lumension, 24 Oct 05 Integrated Process Overview, Harris, 4 Nov 05 Webex Training, Harris, 26 Feb 06 Integrated Process Overview, Harris — Sep 8, 2006 Values-Based Ethics Awareness Training, Harris, 23 Mar 07 Computer Desktop Workshop and SCAP Training, NIST, MD, 24 Jan 08 Contracts Government Export Control, Harris, 18 Mar 08 Counterintelligence Briefing, 5 May 08 Systems Architecture Course - Harris 28-JAN-09 SCADA Control Systems Security - Dept of Homeland Security, Orlando 04-FEB-09 NOAA IT Security Awareness Course, 2009-2017 Export Compliance — Commercial Development, Harris — May 14, 2012 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Hardware Handling Certification, Harris, May 22, 2012 (good until 6/30/2014) (MIL-STD-1686 ESD) TrendMicro training Sep 27-28, 2012 Tripwire training, Oct 25, 2012 Critical Security Controls, SANS, June 30, 2013 Advanced Targeted Attacks, SANS, June 30, 2013 Auditing Windows Controls, SANS, June 30, 2013 Code Injection, SANS 2013 Intrusion Prevention, SANS 2013 Mobile Application Security, SANS 2013 Security Threat Intelligence, SANS 2013 Situational Awareness, SANS 2013 Trusted Platform Modules, SANS 2013 Veracode, SANS 2013 Web Application Penetration Testing, SANS 2013 BIT9 course, BIT9, July 25, 2013 US Export Compliance, Harris, Aug 19, 2013 Forensics, SANS 2014 Heartbleed malware, SANS 2014 Extracting Windows Credentials, SANS 2014 DOORS training, Harris — Jan 2015 Information security essentials, Harris — Nov 2015 Security Analytics, SANS 2016 CIS security controls, SANS 2016 Security profiling, SANS 2017 Threat hunting, SANS 2017 Social Engineering, SANS 2017 College courses Northrop University (1969-1970) E 110 Engineering Drafting and Design E 102 Engineering Orientation (A) EG106 English Composition and Literature (A) SS 112 US History (A) M 120 Calculus and Analytic Geometry PS 112 General Chemistry (A) Wilkes College (Jan-May, 1976) GPA=3.65 CHM 112 General Chemistry II (A) ENG 112 Composition (A) ENG 212 Literature (B) HIS 212 World Civilization II (B) MAT 117 Pre-calculus II (A) CHM 113 General Chemistry III (A) ENG 113 Composition (A) ENG 220 Journalism (A) HIS 113 World Civilization III (B) MAT 118 Precalculus III (A) PSY 219 Psychology (B) Mitchell College (Aug 1976-May 1977) GPA=3.7 SOC 151 Sociology (A) HIS 251 US History (A) ENG 150 Resource Materials (A) PHY 271 General Physics (A) ANT 251 Physical Anthropology (A) PED 169 Gymnastics (A) EDP 151 Data Processing (B) ECO 251 Economics (B) PHY 272 Physics (A) MAT 252 Calculus (B) POL 251 American National Government (A) PED 174 Intermediate Gymnastics (A) MAT 253 Calculus (B) PHY 273 Physics (B) ENG 273 American Literature (C) MAT 171 Statistics (A) PED 174 Intermediate Gymnastics (A) PED 166 Varsity Tennis (A) Lenoir Rhyne University (May 1977-May 1979) GPA=3.6 COR 200 Fine Arts (A) MAT 265 Calculus PHY 300 Scientific Instruments (A) PHY 303 Intermediate Classical Physics (A) PHY 480 Astronomy (A) LAN 657 Russian AST 100 Astronomy (A) COR 100 Environmental Science (A) MAT 266 Differential Equations PHY 304 Quantum Physics (B) AST 313 Planetary Astronomy (A) FRE 110 French (A) FRE 111 Intermediate French (B) MAT 270 Computer Communications (A) REL 400 Christian Faith (A) AST 319 Astrophysics (B) COR 220 Ideas of Man (A) EAR 100 Physical Geology (A) GEO 102 Regional Geography (A) GEO 225 Urban Geography (A) AFIT (1979-1981) MA 163 Operational Systems MA 502 Mathematical Methods of Engineering EE 560 Feedback Systems CT 200 Technical Writing (A) EE 201 Electrical Circuit Analysis EE 202 Electrical Circuit Analysis II MA 506 Mathematical Methods of Engineering II EE 662 Feedback Systems II MA 580 Probability Statistics for Engineers EE310 Electronic Circuits I MA 509 Mathematical Methods of Engineering III EE 325 Electricity and Magnetism EE 384 Electromechanical energy conversion EE 450 Introduction to Logic Design EE 425 Electromagnetic Waves EE 311 Electronic Circuits II MC 222 Dynamics ME 323 Thermodynamics EE 312 Electronic Circuits III EE 451 Small Computer Systems EE 491 Digital Filters EE 431 Communication Systems EE 490 Engineering Design Project (A) EE 620 Pattern Recognition ST 596 Analysis of Soviet Economy (A) St. Leo University PHI 101 The Quest for Wisdom St Leo University Correspondence, Aug-Dec, 2007 (A) PHI 310 Philosophy — St Leo University Correspondence, Aug-Dec, 2007 (A) ENG 225 Early Literature - St Leo University Correspondence, Aug-Dec, 2007(A) ENG 226 Survey of World Literature II, 2008 (A) |
Awards & Medals Air Force Medals (1970-1995) AIR FORCE COMMENDATION MEDAL AIR FORCE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD with 1 device AIR FORCE GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL NATIONAL DEFENSE SEVICE MEDAL VIETNAM SERVICE MEDAL AIR FORCE OVERSEAS SHORT TOUR RIBBON AIR FORCE LONGEVITY SERVICE AWARD with 3 devices SMALL ARMS EXPERT MARKSMANSHIP RIBBON AIR FORCE TRAINING RIBBON REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM GALLANTRY CROSS REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM CAMPAIGN MEDAL AIR FORCE ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLANCE AWARD with 1 device AIR FORCE OUTSTANDING UNIT AWARD AMERICAN SPIRIT HONOT MEDAL (Top Airman Basic) Badges Aircraft and Munitions Maintenance Badge Aircrew Badge (Enlisted) Operations Support Badge Intelligence Badge Air Force Special Agent Badge Air Force Recruiting Service Badge Other Awards Northrop Institute of Technology Scholarship from Clover Park HS, May, 1969 Top Airman Basic, Lackland AFB, TX, 1970 (American Spirit Honor Medal) Airman of the Quarter, Beale AFB, 1971 Harry S Truman Scholarship from Mitchell Community College, 1976 Certificate in Recognition for Outstanding Roadrunner, 130 miles, OTS, Aug 22, 1979 Company Officer Grade of the Quarter, WPAFB, OH, 1983 Air Force Physical Fitness Achievement Award, Dec 31, 1983 Air Force Physical Fitness Achievement Award, Jul 13, 1984 Squadron Officer School Running Award, Maxwell AFB, 1984 NASA Group Achievement Award, Oct 23, 1986 (supported Challenger disaster investigation) Exemplary Team Performance Award, Harris Corporation Engineering Award - Outstanding Individual Contribution for STAT, Harris 2000 Engineering Award for Outstanding Individual Contribution, Harris Special Recognition Award for the development of STAT Scanner, 2000, Harris Patrick AFB AFCEA Speaking Award for Computer Security, 21 Jun 01 STAT Teamwork Award, Harris, Feb 03 Speaking Award for STAT Scanner Tool, Army Materiel Command, Beltsville, MD, 16 Jul 03 Certificate of CVE Compatibility Award from Mitre, RSA Conference, San Francisco, 23 Feb 04 Harris community volunteer award for teaching tennis and chess, 2005 Certificate of Recognition, STAT, Harris Corporation, Jun 21, 2006 Teamwork Award - Teamwork Award for STAT, Harris, Nov 30, 2006 Certificate of Recognition - 28-MAY-08 FP&L Vulnerability Assessment, Harris Harris UXcel Award for computer security work on GOES-R antenna — June 8, 2013 Harris URock Award, for work on NIST 800-53 Rev 3 to Rev 4 — Jan 10, 2017 Skills Access control requirements ActivClient familiarization Active Directory security settings Admin server security Artifact collection for security assessment teams Audit settings and requirements Basis of Estimate (BOE) writing Bitvise installation Certification and Accreditation documents Configuration documents and settings CVE and OVAL DISA STIG familiarization Domain Time Server familiarization DOORS ESET antivirus scanner familiarization FIPS security documents (FIPS 199, FIPS 200) Firewall rules GPO policies Hardening procedures IA tools IBM Tivoli Monitoring familiarization Inventory documentation for hardware, software, firmware LDAP security settings Linux Microsoft Windows vulnerabilities SME Mitigation plans and procedures Network device security settings (running configs) Nessus scanner tool Nipper security reports for network devices and their configuration files NIST security documentation (NIST 800-53) Nmap tool patching Penetration testing POA&Ms Rules of Engagement (ROE) documentation for penetration testing SCADA device security SCIF design Security controls Snare familiarization Splunk familiarization QNX familiarization SCAP tools SIEM reports System Security Plan (SSP) documentation TAD4D TEMPEST vault design Transparent Screen Lock (TSL) installation Tripwire Enterprise installation UNIX Vulnerability Assessment Reports (VAR) Vulnerability Assessment Tool familiarization |
Bill Wall's list of military bases he has been at Jan 1969, McChord AFB, Tacoma, WA Jan 1969, Fort Lewis, Tacoma, WA Jul 1970, Fort Jackson, Coumbia, SC — military physical Sep 1970, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX — Basic Training Oct 1970, Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, TX — aircraft maintenance school Jan 1971, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA — aircraft crew chief Dec 1971, Hickam AFB, Hawaii — refueled aircraft Dec 1971, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa - TDY Dec 1971, U Tapao Air Base, Thailand — TDY Jan 1972, Clark Air Base, Philippines Jan 1972, Andersen Air Base, Guam Mar 1972, Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska Sep 1973, Travis AFB, CA Jan 1974, Naval Base, Guam Aug 1974, Yokota Air Base, Japan Aug 1974, Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska Jan 1979, Shaw AFB, Sumter, SC — physical May 1979, Medina Annex, Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX - OTS Aug 1979, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio — AFIT Dec 1980, Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN - chess Feb 1982, Nellis AFB, NV — Red Flag May 1983, Fort Knox, KY - chess Aug 1984, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery AL — SOS Sep 1984, Eglin AFB, FL May 1985, Moffett Field NAS, Mountain View, CA May 1985, Sunnyvale AFS/Onizuka AFB, Sunnyvale, CA July 1985, Concord Naval Weapons Station, Concord, CA - chess Aug 1987, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Mare Island, CA - chess Jul 1988, Skaggs Island Naval Base, Skaggs Island, CA - chess Aug 1989, Fort Meade, MD Aug 1989, Langley AFB, VA Jun 1990, Arnold AFB, TN Jul 1990, Andrews AFB, MS — chess Sep 1990, Edwards AFB, CA Sep 1990, Los Angeles AFB, Los Angeles AFB, CA Apr 1991, Kirtland AFB, NM, Albuquerque, NM May 1991, Kelly AFB, San Antonio, TX May 1991, Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX May 1991, Randolph AFB, San Antonio, TX Apr 1992, Hill AFB, UT Nov 1993, Hanscom AFB, MA Aug 1994, Griffiss AFB, NY Sep 1995, Scott AFB, IL Dec 1997, Patrick AFB, FL Jan 1999, MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL Jun 1999, Fort Huachuca, AZ Jul 1999, Fort Belvoir, VA Dec 1999, Marine Corps Base Quanticao, Quantico, VA Jan 2000, Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, Arkansas Apr 2000, Heidelberg Army Base, Heidelberg, Germany Jun 2000, Schriever AFB, Colorado Springs, CO Nov 2000, Navy Base San Diego, San Diego, CA Nov 2001 Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk, VA Oct 2002, Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska Jun 2015, Zayed Military City, UAE Bill Wall's Travels and Residences 1951.05.11—Raymond, Washington (Pacific County) - birthplace—625 Ellwood St, Raymond, WA 1952.09.01—Portland, Oregon - residence 1952.11.01—Centralia, Washington - residence 1955.04.01—Tacoma, Washington (810 Ferry St) - residence 1956.01.01—Tacoma, Washington (8305 S. Yakima St) - residence 1959.01.01—Winlock, Washington - residence—(McCleary, WA) (Shakertown) 1960.05.01—Tacoma, Washington (Sheridon St) - residence 1961.01.01—San Francisco, California (22nd and Sanchez; 3702 22nd St) - residence 1961.11.01—Daly City, CA (Park St) - residence (Palo Alto, CA) 1962.11.01—Pacifica, CA (464 Inverness St (Glasgow)) - residence 1963.06.01—Los Angeles and Disneyland - Boy Scouts 1963.08.01—Pacifica, CA (520 Heathcliff Dr) - residence 1964.05.01—Tillicum, WA—- residence 1966.06.01—Parkway, WA - residence (Spanaway) 1966.08.01—Maniac Manor, Rt 1, Hwy 99, Yuba City, CA - residence (Lexington Inn) 1966.09.01—15008 Woodbrook Ave (Woodbrook and Grant), WA - residence 1968.01.01—Tacoma, WA (99th St) - residence 1968.08.01—Bellingham, WA - Western Washington State College leadership class 1968.11.15—Seattle, WA - science department at University of Washington 1969.01.01—Tillicum, WA (Union St) - residence (near Gerties Grill) 1969.06.01—Tacoma, WA (901 1/2 S. 9th Ave) - residence 1969.07.01—Seattle, WA - Seattle Science Center 1969.09.28—Northrop University (1155 West Arbor Vitae, Inglewood, CA) 1969.11.30—Santa Monica, CA - American Open chess tourney 1970.01.01—Tacoma, WA (9th Ave) - residence 1970.03.01—North Augusta, SC (806 East Ave) - residence (Augusta, GA) 1970.07.15—Ft Jackson, Columbia, SC; Air Force physical 1970.08.01—169 School Rd, Gloverville, SC - residence 1970.09.03—San Antonio, TX, Lackland AFB; class 69-985 - (6 weeks) 1970.11.01—Wichita Falls, TX, Sheppard AFB; 3750th Tech Sq (12 weeks, 2 days) 1971.01.25—Tacoma, WA (9th Ave) 1971.02.01—Yuba City/Marysville, CA (Beale AFB) - residence 1971.09.11—Lake Tahoe - vacation 1971.12.21—Hickam AFB, Hawaii - TDY 1971.12.23—Naha, Okinawa (Kadena AB) - TDY for 179 days 1971.12.26—U Tapao, Thailand - TDY for a week 1972.01.02—Agana, Guam (Anderson AFB) - TDY 1972.01.03—Philippines (Clark AFB) - TDY 1972.03.01—Beale AFB (visits to Lake Tahoe and Los Angeles) 1972.03.02—Hickim, Hawaii 1972.04.08—Tacoma, WA - family visit for a week 1972.04.10—Winlock; Centralia - family visit 1972.04.16—Aiken, SC - family visit 1972.05.16—returned to Beale AFB 1972.06.02—Reno - vacation 1972.11.15—Reno - vacation 1972.12.05—Los Angeles 1973.02.17—Berkeley, CA - chess tourney 1973.05.07—Aiken, SC - family visit 1973.06.30—New York, NY - World Open chess tourney 1973.09.01—Los Angeles/Anaheim - Disneyland 1973.09.16—Alaska - TDY 1973.09.17—Japan - TDY 1973.09.18—U Tapao, Thailand - residence 1973.11.15—Guam 1974.02.01—Guam - TDY 1974.08.01—U Tapao 1974.09.01—Beale AFB, CA 1974.09.10—Reno and Lake Tahoe 1974.10.01—Stony Point, NC - residence (222 N. Thomas Lane, PO box 167) 1975.02.15—Los Angeles, CA - US Booster Ch chess tourney 1975.03.01—Hickory, NC - chess 1975.03.15—Statesville, NC - chess 1975.03.29—Morganton, NC - chess 1975.04.26—Winston-Salem, NC - chess 1975.05.02—Morganton, NC - chess 1975.05.17—Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - World Class Ch, chess 1975.06.22—Raleigh, NC - chess 1975.07.02—New York, NY - World Open 1975.07.18—Louisville, KY - chess 1975.07.19—Lexington, KY - chess 1975.07.27—Winston-Salem, NC - chess 1975.08.30—Chapel Hill, NC - chess 1975.09.27—Greenville, SC - chess 1975.11.29—Raleigh, NC - chess 1975.12.02—Henderson, NC - chess (Walter Browne exhibition) 1976.01.01—North Wilkesboro, NC - college (1328 S. Collegiate Dr, Wilkesboro, NC) 1976.02.21—Durham, NC - chess 1976.03.27—Atlanta, GA - chess 1976.06.01—Stone Mountain State Park, NC - work 1976.07.01—New York, NY - World Open 1976.07.31—Winston-Salem, NC - chess (LPO) 1976.08.01—Stony Point, NC - residence 1976.09.04—Winston-Salem, NC chess ch 1976.11.27—Columbia, SC - chess 1977.03.19—Atlanta, GA - chess 1977.04.15—Oak Ridge, TN - nuclear physics course 1977.05.19—Miami, FL - cruise 1977.05.20—Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Bahamas - cruise 1977.06.25—Greensboro, NC - chess 1977.07.01—Barium Springs, NC - residence/work 1977.07.30—Winston-Salem, NC - chess 1977.08.07—Columbus, Ohio - US Open chess tourney 1977.08.21—Virginia, honeymoon 1977.09.01—Taylorsville, NC - residence 1977.09.03—Chapel Hill, NC - chess 1977.09.15—Hickory, NC - college 1978.01.21—Winston-Salem, NC - chess 1978.04.01—Myrtle Beach, SC - vacation 1978.09.02—Chapel Hill, NC - chess 1979.01.04—Sumter, SC (Shaw AFB) - physical 1979.03.21—Charlotte, NC - Korchnoi chess simul exhibition 1979.04.07—Atlanta, GA - chess 1979.05.30—San Antonio, TX, Lackland AFB, Medina Annex (OTS); class 79-14B 1979.09.01—Fairborn, OH - residence (#13, Cedar Circle Apts) 1979.10.01—Dayton, OH - residence (WPAFB) (5454 Mitchell Dr) 1980.02.16—Columbus, OH - MOTCF chess 1980.12.06—Fort Harrison, Indiana - chess 1981.02.14—Columbus, OH - MOTCF 1981.08.01—Winston-Salem, NC - chess 1981.08.05—Charleston, SC - family 1981.08.08—Cape Canaveral, FL - vacation 1981.08.09—Miami, FL - family 1981.08.22—Cincinnati, OH - chess 1981.09.05—Columbus, OH - chess 1981.10.29—Xenia, OH - chess 1981.12.08—Akron, OH - engineering recruiting 1982.02.05—Nellis AFB, NV - Red Flag 1982.02.13—Columbus, OH - chess 1982.04.24—Statesville, OH - chess 1982.05.16—Cincinnati, OH - chess 1982.06.12—Vandalia, OH - chess 1982.07.31—Winston-Salem, NC - chess 1983.02.12—Cleveland, OH - chess 1983.02.26—Columbus, OH - chess 1983.03.26—Xenia, OH - chess 1983.04.23—Statesville, NC - chess 1983.05.02—Houston, TX, Johnson Space Center 1983.05.11—Tallahassee, FL; ada compiler work 1983.05.21—Fort Knox, KY - chess 1983.05.28—Lima, OH - chess 1983.09.23—Columbus, OH - chess 1983.12.15—St Louis; McDonnell-Douglas F-15 work 1984.01.17—Fort Worth, TX; General Dynamics F-16 avionics work 1984.01.22—Springfield, OH - chess 1984.03.20—Milwaukee, WI - engineering recruiting 1984.07.15—Charleston, SC - family visit 1984.08.06—Montgomery, AL - Squadron Officer School 1984.11.11—Charlotte, NC and Clemson - recruiting 1985.02.01—Raleigh, NC - engineering and astronaut recruiting 1985.05.30—Palo Alto, CA - residence (Alma St); NASA/Ames 1985.07.04—San Jose, CA - chess 1985.07.18—Seattle, Winlock, Centralia, Mt St Helens - family reunion 1985.07.27—Concord, CA - chess 1985.08.15—San Francisco - FBI seminar 1985.09.21—Sunnyvale, CA - chess 1985.10.15—Livermore, CA - Lawrence Livermore National Labs security work 1985.12.04—San Francisco, CA - DECA/FBI conference 1986.03.17—Mt View, CA - residence (Easy St) 1986.03.29—Monterey, CA - chess 1986.05.19—Santa Cruz, CA - vacation 1986.06.24—Campbell, CA - chess 1986.07.26—Concord, CA - chess 1986.08.26—Dayton, OH (WPAFB) - Flight Dynamics TDY 1987.03.13—Las Vegas, NV - National Open chess tourney 1987.03.28—Monterey, CA - chess 1987.04.13—Dayton, OH - Flight Dynamics Lab, TDY 1987.04.17—Fremont, CA - chess 1987.06.21—Moffett Field Naval Air Station - residence (626-B Perimeter Rd) 1987.08.08—Mare Island, CA - chess 1987.12.06—Orlando, FL - Computer Security Conference 1988.03.25—Beale AFB, CA - visit 1988.07.23—Skaggs Island, CA - chess 1988.10.01—Vancouver, WA - family visit 1988.11.15—San Francisco - computer work 1989.01.20—Seattle, WA - Karpov-Hjartarson chess match 1989.04.10—Dayton, OH - TDY 1989.07.29—Concord, CA - chess 1989.08.17—Cleveland, OH - Lewis Research Center, NASA - security 1989.08.19—Langley AFB, VA - computer security 1989.08.21—Fort Meade, MD - National Security Agency computer security 1989.08.23—Washington, DC - NASA headquarters computer security 1989.08.24—Baltimore, MD - NASA recruiting 1990.06.01—Visalia, CA - family visit 1990.06.15—Los Angeles, Anaheim - visit 1990.06.19—Pleasanton, CA - Computer Emergency Response Team Conference 1990.06.25—Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee; security 1990.08.04—Mare Island, CA - chess 1990.08.11—Newark, CA - chess 1990.09.21—Edwards AFB, Dryden Research Center 1990.10.03—Dayton, OH (WPAFB); Flight Dynamics Lab, TDY 1990.10.06—New York, NY - world chess ch (Kasparov-Karpov) 1991.04.10—Albuquerque, NM (Kirtland AFB); computer security, TDY 1991.06.02—Andrews AFB, Maryland - chess 1991.07.27—Skaggs Island, CA - chess 1991.09.01—Yosemete National Park, CA; vacation; San Bernadino, CA 1991.09.07—San Antonio, TX (Caney Creek) - residence 1992.04.29—Hill AFB, UT; TDY for reverse engineering of embedded processors 1992.05.05—Dayton, OH (WPAFB); avionics lab embedded processors 1992.06.05—Dayton, OH (WPAFB); avionics lab embedded processors 1992.07.26—Andrews AFB, MD - chess 1992.12.20—Miami, FL - family 1992.12.24—Stony Point, NC - family 1993.07.03—Miami, FL - family 1993.09.28—Andrews AFB, MD - chess 1993.11.30—Boston, Hanscom AFB, MA - multi-level security meeting 1993.12.20—Stony Point, NC - family 1994.03.01—San Antonio, TX, Kelly AFB - residence 1994.08.01—Griffis AFB, New York - Rome Labs; security product assessment 1995.04.28—San Antonio, TX (Marbach) - residence 1995.09.13—Scott AFB, IL - Air Force Base Network Control Center meeting 1996.03.20—Montgomery, AL - technical exchange on databases 1996.09.08—Dallas, TX - Oracle training 1997.03.20—Melbourne, FL - Harris Corp 1997.05.30—Phoenix - computer security work for American Express 1997.06.03—Phoenix - security work for 4 days 1997.06.16—Phoenix - security work 1997.07.21—Minneapolis, MN - security work for 5 days for American Express 1997.07.13—Houston, TX - computer security work for oil company 1997.09.01—Minneapolis, MN - computer security work for 5 days 1997.11.11—Mountain View, CA - computer security work for 4 days 1997.11.18—Atlanta, GA - computer security work for 2 days 1997.12.05—Palm Bay, FL (906 Pine Walk Ct, 32905)- residence; working for Harris Corp 1997.12.24—Stony Point, NC for Christmas 1998.06.01—Miami/Ft Lauderdale - relatives 1998.12.21—Stony Point, NC - relatives 1999.01.21—MacDill AFB (Tampa, FL) - computer security demo 1999.02.15—Scott AFB, IL - STAT demo 1999.05.09—Baltimore, MD/Washington DC - SANS Conference 1999.06.07—Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX - STAT and security assessment 1999.06.30—Tucson and Fort Huachuca, AZ - STAT demo 1999.07.02—Washington DC/Fort Belvoir, VA - STAT demo 1999.10.07—New Orleans - SANS Conference 1999.11.14—Washington DC - Computer Security Institute conference for 4 days 1999.11.30—Orlando - Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference 1999.12.07—Washington DC - Army meeting for STAT 1999.12.10—Quantico, VA - Marines for STAT 1999.12.23—Stony Point, NC - Christmas 2000.01.12—Tucson and Fort Huachuca, AZ - STAT demo at the TIC for 3 days 2000.01.25—Little Rock, Arkansas - Camp Robinson, STAT demo for national guard 2000.01.26—DC/Fort Belvoir, VA for Windows NT briefing and STAT for ACERT 2000.03.30—Orlando - SANS Conference (CVE with Mitre) 2000.04.03—Buena Vista, FL - Infosec 2000 (MISTI); STAT demo at Harris booth 2000.04.11—Ottawa, Ontario - Technet 2000 (AFCEA Canada); STAT demo; 2 days 2000.04.17—Heidelburg, Germany for 4 days for STAT briefing to Army 2000.06.04—Atlanta, GA - Supercomm for 4 days 2000.06.19—Schriever AFB, Colorado Springs, CO - demo STAT 2000.11.05—San Diego, USS Coronado - demo STAT - Pacific Ocean 2000.11.09—Mazatlan, Mexico - port call 2000.12.19—St Petersburg, FL - Raytheon 2000.12.23—Stony Point, North Carolina - Christmas 2001.01.20—Stateville, NC - Davis hospital 2001.01.29—New Orleans - SANS Conference (STAT Scanner, Analyzer) 2001.02.02—Stony Point, NC - mom's funeral 2001.02.26—Buena Vista, FL - Infosec 2100 (MISTI); STAT demo at Harris booth 2001.03.20—Boston - Network World, Hurwitz Group, Software Mag, SC Magazine, Computerworld 2001.05.15—Baltimore, SANS (Harris booth for STAT Scanner demo) 2001.06.21—Patrick AFB, FL AFCEA guest speaker 2001.09.18—Houston, TX - Avnet, Dynergy 2001.11.01—Norfolk, VA - NAVCIRT, FIWC 2001.12.24—Stony Point, NC - Christmas 2002.04.09—Hagerstown, MD - STAT briefing to DISA 2002.06.27—Alexandria, VA - Army RCERT meeting 2002.07.01—Orlando, FL - ISSA guest speaker - Computer Security Incidents 2002.07.28—Los Angeles, Long Beach - STAT demo for VA; 2 days 2002.08.21—Newport and Parrottsville, TN; genealogy 2002.09.15—Syracuse, NY and Rome, NY (Rome Labs; Griffiss) for STAT demo for USAF 2002.09.19—San Antonio, TX at SecureInfo for STAT demo 2002.10.03—Martinsburg, WV; VA for STAT demo 2002.10.30—Omaha, NE (Offutt AFB); STAT briefing to STRATCOM 2002.12.17—Norfolk, VA; USS Leyte Gulf; FIWC; Scanner and Console demo 2003.01.15—San Diego; AFCEA trade show; SPAWAR; SSC Navy 2003.02.13—Washington DC; DISA 2003.03.03—Washington DC, VA 2003.04.12—Miami; World Chess Hall of Fame; patron member 2003.04.23—Washington DC; Citadel; VA 2003.07.04—Miami - relatives; beach and chess hall of fame and tennis 2003.07.14—College Park, MD - spoke at Army Material Command 2003.10.09—Baltimore, Silver Spring, MD - HP and VA; Citadel 2004.01.10—Cape Canaveral 2004.01.27—Chicago - Hines VA Hospital;—STAT demo 2004.02.23—San Francisco - RSA Conference; STAT award by Mitre CVE 2004.05.10—San Antonio - DISA/STAT testing at Kelly 2007.06.05—Juno Beach, FL - FP&L site visit 2008.01.23—Gaithersburg, MD - NIST Computer Workshop - SCAP 2008.04.29—Fort Lauderdale, FL - Florida Power and Light visit 2008.09.08—Fairbanks, Alaska - Elmendorf AFB for 5 days; Red Flag Alaska Range 2008.09.30—Juno Beach, FL - FP&L site visit 2009.02.28—Jupiter, FL 2009.02.04—Buena Vista (Orlando) - SANS SCADA security; Introduction to Control Systems Security 2009.04.27—Reston, VA - NIST Smart Grid workshop 2009.05.18—National Harbor, MD - NIST Smart Grid workshop; (2 days) 2009.05.30—Miami, FL - Jonathan Wall graduation, class valedictorian 2009.09.22—Silver Spring, MD - NOAA, WRIP II kick-off meeting; (2 days) 2009.10.03—Orlando, FL - CISSP test 2009.10.19—Silver Spring, MD - NOAA Systems Requirements Review (SRR); CommPower (3 days) 2009.10.22—Mt Holly, NJ - Weather Forecast Office Site visit 2009.12.08—Camarillo, California; WRIP PDR; 3 days at CommPower 2010.03.15—Camarillo, CA; WRIP CDR; 3 days at CommPower 2010.08.22—Camarillo, CA for STAT scan; 3 days at commpower 2010.10.11—Juno Beach, FL for FPL possible assessment 2010.12.07—Camarillo, CA for security and WRIP demo; 2 days at CommPower 2010.12.15—Silver Spring, MD; NWS PMR; 1 day at NWS 2011.01.12—Camarillo, CA for System Security Plan 1 day at CommPower 2011.02.07—Silver Spring, MD; NWS PMR; 2 days at NWS 2011.03.21—Camarillo, CA for SSP and scanning; 3 days at CommPower 2011.04.30—Cocoa Beach, FL - 18th space coast open for 2 days 2011.05.27—Fort Yargo (Winder) Georgia; family reunion; 3 days 2011.11.01—Silver Spring, MD - PMR and security meeting; 3 days 2012.01.30—Silver Spring, MD - TIM/PMR and security meeting; 3 days 2012.04.27—Cocoa Beach, FL - 19th Space Coast Open (=2-3) 2012.07.20—Richardson, TX for 3 days; GD; hardened DCS; windows 7 2012.07.30—Richardson, TX for 4 days; GD; hardened IFDSS, Netmac, Glowlink link monitor;— 2012.08.28—Richardson, TX for 4 days; GD;—hardening 2012.11.12—Richardson, TX for 5 days; added agents; 2012.12.03—Richardson, TX for 5 days; added agents; 2013.01.08—Richardson, TX for 4 days; security 2013.01.15—Richardson, TX for 4 days; security 2013.01.28—Richardson, TX for 5 days; security and agents 2013.02.04—Richardson, TX for 4 days; IT-02 tabletop 2013.03.04—Richardson, TX for 4 days; tabletop 2013.03.11—Richardson, TX for 5 days; tabletop 2013.03.25—Richardson, TX for 5 days; tabletop and nessus scan; 2013.04.07—Richardson, TX for 6 days; dry run; 2013.04.26—Cocoa Beach, FL for 3 days; 20th space coast open; 2013.04.29—Richardson, TX for 4 days; common services; 2013.05.13—Richardson, TX for 4 days; 2013.05.20—Richardson, TX for 5 days; 2013.05.28—Richardson, TX for 6 days; FAT; 2013.12.02—Suitland, MD for 5 days; NSOF; 2014.01.13—Wallops Island, VA for 5 days; WCDAS; 2014.02.03—Suiland, MD for 4 days; MSOF;—SAT for active directory 2014.02.10—Wallops for 5 days;—set up AD 2014.02.03—Suitland, MD for 4 days; SAT at NSOF for active directory; 2014.03.03—Wallops for 5 days; SAT at WCDAS; 2014.03.17—Wallops for 5 days;—dry run 2014.04.22—Wallops; network fix, patches, WCDAS-2 common services for 6 days, 2014.04.29—Wallops for 5 days; 2014.05.06—Wallops for 5 days; SAT; 2014.05.16—Norfolk, VA - family reunion 2014.05.27—Suitland, MSl SAT dry run;— 2015.04.24—Cocoa Beach, FL for 3 days; Space Coast Open 2015.06.09—Dubai and Abu Dhabi for 3 months; 2017.03.22—St. Louis for 4 days; world chess hall of fame |
![]() BILL WALL MAJ, USAF (Ret.) Non-Chess Books Owned by Wall Chess Books Owned by Wall Wall Geneology (31,000 names) Wall Jobs |