Here are few comic strips and cartoons that have a chess theme or mention chess. Allen, Dave (1944- ) Two dogs are playing chess outside using scraps as chess pieces. One of the dogs says to the other dog, "I keep forgetting. Is it the chicken bone or fish head that's the black knight?" Archie (created in 1941) by Bob Montana (1920-1975) On April 11, 1951, Bob Montana wrote an Archie comic strip with a chess theme. Archie and Jughead are over Veronica Lodge's house playing chess in the study. Veronica says, "Daddy, I hope you don't mind the boys being in your study." He says, "Mind?? Veronica, I take back everything I said about those two morons! Look at them! Playing chess! Chess mind you! A highly intellectual game that demands the utmost in foresight, brilliancy and resource!" Mr. Lodge walks in the study and says, "Archie, I didn't know you played the game!" Archie says, "Oh sure! I have a set at home! We play it all the time." Jughead then says, "Yeah, but Archie's checkers aren't as fancy as these!" as Jughead holds up a knight. In one Archie comic strip, Betty has arches and is cheering, saying "Go! Fight! Win! Yay, Riverdale!!!" Dilton Doiley comes up to Betty and says, "Betty, we appreciate your school spirit, and it's a nice gesture, but... The chess team can really do without cheerleaders." Doiley is playing chess with some opponent who diesn't look too happy. Arctic Circle by Alex Hallatt (1969- ) On April 14, 2010, an Arctic Circle comic strip was written by Alex Hallatt that had a chess theme. A penguin is playing a computer as another penguin watches and says, "The computer is thrashing you at chess." The other penguin says, "I have one more play up my sleeve." The first penguin says, "You think that will beat it?" The chess-playing penguin say, "Yep" and unplugs the computer. On April 15, 2010, an Arctic Circle comic strip was written by Alex Hallatt that had a chess theme. A penguin is playing chess. Another penguin says, "How's the chess?" The chess-playing penguin says, "It's too hard playing against a computer." The first penguin says, "That's not a computer. That's a microwave." The second penguin says, "I know! I needed something on my level." The first penguin says, "Try the toaster. The microwave's thrashing you," as the microwave goes Beep! Beep! On October 21, 2015, an Arctic Circle comic strip was written by Alex Hallatt that mentioned chess. A few penguins are swimming by an octopus. One of the penguins says, "How smart are octopuses really? You never see them playing chess." As the penguins swim away, the octopus, playing a game, is saying, "Only because we'd rather be playing 'World of Warcraft.'" Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn Cartoonist Scott Hilburn drew a cartoon with a man walking up in bed and seeing a chess knight dead on his bed. The caption reads, "On the eve of his epic defeat by 'Deep Blue,' Garry Kasparov awoke to an ominous warning." In another cartoon, the caption reads "Career-threatening Sports Injuries." It then shows a tennis elbow injury with bandage and labels it "Pete Sampras' Tennis Elbow." The next frame shows a foot injury and labels it "Barry Sanders' Turf Toe." The next frame shows water coming out of an ear and labels it "Michael Phelps' Swimmer's Ear." The final frame shows a crazy man in convulsions and labels it "Bobby Fischer's Chess Brain." Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson In Arlo 'n' Janis, Arlo and Janis are playing chess. Arlo says to Janis, "Can I move my thingabob there?" Janis says, "No. Thingamabobs can only move diagonally." Artz, Sally (1935- ) A boy opens the door to his house accompanied by a lady. The mother and father are playing chess. The boy says to the lady, "See, it's just like I told you, Mrs. Jones — Dad beats mum every night after supper." B.C. by Johnny Hart A woman walks up to the Wiley's dictionary and reads the definition of checkmate. She reads, "Usually the husband." Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott In 2007 (repeated on January 21, 2012), a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Zoe says, "I picked Queen Frostine!" Hammie says, "But I have a hotel there, so it's going to cost you $120 in rent!" Zoe says, "Not if I capture your bishop first!" Hammie says, "MOUSETRAP!" Wanda, the mother, tells Darryl, "We really need to organize our board games." One of the kids says, "How many yahtzees does it take to sink a battleship?" On March 13, 2010, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott that mentioned chess. Hammie asks his parents, "Did either of you play sports in high school?" Wanda, the mother says, "No, but we were both "A" students!" And Darryl, the father, says, "And I was in the Chess Club!" Hammie then says to his sister, Zoe, "Great news — we're genetic nerds." On January 31, 2011, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Wanda, the mother, sees a grocery bag and asks Darryl, "What's that?" Darryl says, "I bought a game for the kids!" Wanda says, "Not a videogame, I hope!" He says, "Nope. It's an ancient game of skill and strategy that's said to be one of the finest achievements of the human mind!" The kids say, "You're going to teach us how to play poker?" Darryl responds, "No! CHESS!" as he pulls out a chess set from the grocery bag. On February 1, 2011, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl wants to teach the kids how to play chess. Wanda, the mother, says, "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Darryl says, "Absolutely." Wanda says, "Isn't chess too complicated for kids?" He says, "Complicated? Anybody who can listen to music, read a book and operate a DVD player at the same time can play chess." On February 2, 2011, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl is trying to teach his daughter, Zoe, a game of chess. Darryl says, "The first thing we do is unpack the pieces." Zoe says, "I'm bored." He then says, "Then we set up the pieces in their proper positions." She says, "I'm bored." He says, "The first rule is that the player with the white pieces makes the first move." She replies, "I'm bored." Darryl says, "Rule #2 is that you're not allowed to put doll clothes on the bishops." Zoe replies, "Even if it helps with the boredom?" On February 3, 2011, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl is trying to teach his daughter, Zoe, a game of chess. Darryl says, "The pieces are called pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, queen and king." Zoe says, "Okay. But I call mine munchkins, castles, horsies, pointy-hats, mommy and daddy. So who rolls the dice first?" Wanda comes in and says, "Don't groan yet ... I want to get a videotape." On February 4, 2011, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl is playing Zoe a game of chess. He says "Checkmate." She says, "What?" Darryl replies, "Checkmate. I captured your king." Zoe, says, "Take him. I still have other pieces." He says, "It doesn't matter, if I capture your king, the game is over. I win." Zoe says, "Oh." Zoe walks out with Hammie and says, "If I would have known that, I would have hidden him in my pocket." Hammie says, "Live and learn." On February 5, 2011, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl is trying to teach chess to his son, Hammie. He ways, "The first thing to know about Chess is that it's really a war game." Hammie says, "Is it?" Darryl says, "Yes. It's my side against your side with some very specific rules." The next frame shows Hammie kicking up the chessboard saying, "KABOOM!!" Darryl says, "And the first rule is 'no explosions.'" Hammie says, "AWWW!" On August 19, 2013, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Zoe asks her father, Darryl, to teach her chess. As he pours some cereal, she says, "Dad, will you teach me to play chess?" He says, "Later." Later, as he is shaving, she asks "Dad, will you teach me to play chess?" He says, "Later." Again, while he is carrying some boxes, she asks, "Dad, will you teach me to play chess?" He finally says, "Okay, okay. Okay, here's how the game works." Zoe then says, "Will it always be this boring?" On August 20, 2013, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl is showing Zoe how to play chess. He says, "This piece is called the queen." Zoe says, "I'm going to call her the princess." Darryl says, "No, it's the queen." She responds, "Yours can be a queen, but mine's a princess. And these are elves, this one looks like a puppy nose, and these are my unicorns." Darryl says, "There go fourteen hundred years of tradition." Zoe says, "You know what this game needs? GLITTER." On August 21, 2013, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Darryl is showing Zoe how to play chess. He says, "Only the bishops can move like that." Zoe responds, "That doesn't seem fair to the unicors." He says, "They're 'knights,' not unicorns. And that's the rule. Zoe then says, "Then the rule is unfair. Mom! Daddy's mean to unicorns!" The mom, off in a distance, says "Really, Darryl? Unicorns?" He hits his head on the table and says, "Sigh!" On August 22, 2013, a Baby Blues comic strip was written by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott with a chess theme. Wanda asks her husband Darryl "How did Zoe's chess lesson go?" Darryl responds with a crush of a can and several smashes of his hand on the counter, then says "Fine!" Ballard Street by Jerry Van Amerongen On May 30, 2009, a Ballard Street comic panel was written by Jerry Van Amerongen with a chess theme. Two old men are sitting in their chairs playing chess. One of the players grabs his forehead with both hands as a queen falls from his face to the table. The caption reads, "In a surprisingly early move, Carl hits Roger in the forehead with his queen." Carl just threw a queen at Roger and hit him in the forehead as the queen bounces onto the table. Bass, Richard Two cows are playing chess. One cow says to the other, "If you say 'your moove' one more time, I'm taking my chess set and going." Beattle Blvd. by Bruce Beattle The parents walk into the room where a little boy is watching TV. The TV is showing some chess being played. The little boy says, "They're finally getting rid of violence on TV. Arnold Schwarzenegger's playing chess against some bad guys!" Beetle Bailey (created in 1950) by Mort Walker (1923- ) and Greg Walker On June 11, 2010, a Beetle Bailey comic strip was written by Mort and Greg Walker and published by King Features Syndicate with a chess theme. Beetle Bailey sees two guys playing chess and he asks one of his friends, "What are those guys doing?" His friend replies, "Playing chess. Sometimes they'll sit there for hours barely moving. The next frame shows Beetle Bailey walking to the Rec Room Office that has posted a sign saying "Sign up for chess lessons." Beetle Bailey says to himself, "Sounds like my kind of game." In one comic strip, Beetle Baily is playing chess with Private Plato. Zero walks by and says, "Chess sure looks interesting. I'd like to play sometime." Private Plato says, "Beat it, Zero." Zero walks away and says, "Darn, I was hoping they'd deal me in." In one comic strip, Sergeant Snorkel sees Beetle Bailey asleep in his bunk. He says, "Beetle, life is like a game of chess. There are many moves possible, but each move determines the next move. Where you wind up is the sum total of all your past moves. But first you have to make some kind of move." Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce (1963- ) On July 15, 1999, a Big Nate comic strip was written by Lincoln Peirce with a chess theme. A boy at a chess camp goes up to the camp director and says, "I think we might have a bona fide chess prodigy on our hands!" The camp director says, "Really?" The boy leads the director to another building, saying to the director, "His name's Nate Wright! I just watched him beat the computer six matches in a row! He's phenomenal! The funny thing is, he does it all by instinct! He has almost no knowledge of chess history or strategy or ..." When the director enters the building where Nate is playing chess with another player, he sees Nate distracting his opponent and singing real loud." The director says, "...or etiquette?" The other boy says, "He's a work in progress." On October 5, 2012, a Big Nate comic strip was written by Lincoln Peirce with a chess theme. Nate's school chess instructor says, "Enough talk, Nate! Time for practice!" Nate replies, "Yeah, with Gina. Great." His instructor says, "It is great! Any time someone — even a beginner — joins the team, it makes us stronger! And if you and your teammates help Gina learn the game, we could be unbeatable!" The next frame shows the girl, Gina, making her chess move against one of Nate's teammates and says "Checkmate," to the surprise of her opponent, Nate, and the chess instructor. Billy Strip by Steve Davies A little boy is talking to his dog and says, "My dad taught me to play chess this morning. But he won't play I with me this afternoon. I think it's because I keep beating him." Bizarro by Dan Piraro (1958- ) On May 8, 2008, a Bizarro cartoon was written by Dan Piraro and published by King Features which showed a horse's head (black knight) in lying in bed as a chess bishop piece wakes up, sees it, and screams. The title of the cartoon was chess gangsters. On December 26, 2010, Bizarro's Sunday Punnies #11 was written by Dan Piraro with a chess pun theme. A man is telling two friends, "I was gobbling up his pawns like popcorn!" The title of the comic strip frame was "Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer." On January 28, 2012, a Bizarro cartoon was written by Dan Piraro and published by King Features which showed an old man playing chess with an old lady with the chess pieces all being prescription drug bottles. He is saying "Lipitor takes Prozac. Check." On July 9, 2012, a Bizarro cartoon was written by Dan Piraro and published by King Features which showed a man teaching his sheep dog to play chess. The dog is barking on the side of the chessboard as the man says, "Again, the object is to checkmate my king, not to herd it." On April 11, 2014, a Bizarro cartoon was written by Dan Piraro and published by King Features which showed a kitten playing chess with a mouse in the kitchen. The mother cat, who is cooking, turns around as says to her kitten, "What've I said about playing with your food?" Blackwell, Douglas A man is playing chess. His opponent gets up to talk to a friend. The opponent says to his friend, "He's such a tough opponent...He declined my resignation!" In another cartoon, two operators in steam shovels are playing chess on a chessboard in front of them, using the steam shovels to make the moves. Finally, the boss comes in and says, "All right...cut it out, you guys! Get back to work!" Two men are playing chess. One of the men says to himself, "What would Kasparov do in a position like this?" The other man says to himself, "What would Deep Blue do in a position like this?" Blondie (created in 1930) by Dean Young (1938- ) and Jim Raymond (1917-1981) Herb and Dagwood are playing a game of chess. Blondie walks in and say, "It's been two hours since anybody's made a move." Dagwood responds, "Chess is a very involved game. Herb hasn't been just daydreaming ... What he does next is crucial." Herb looks up from the board and says, "You mean it's my move?" Born Loser by Art Sansom (1920-1991) and Chip Sansom On February 7, 1998, a Born Loser comic strip was written by Art and Chip Sansom with a chess theme. Brutus P. "Thorny" Thornapple, the born loser, just finished showing Hurricane Hattie O'Hara, the mischievous girl next door, how to play chess and says, "And that's how chess is played!" Hattie says, "Hey, this is my kind of game!" He says, "How's that?" She says, "The king has to stay at home and be protected, while the queen has all the power!" Brutus is playing chess with his friend and says, "Hmm...Aha! Checkmate!" His friend says, "Sorry, but you can't do that." Brutus says, "Oh, yeah? After all these years I finally beat you and you try to deny me my victory. That's just like you! Are you going to think up some obsolete rule to nullify my move? Huh? What's you beef?" His friend simply replies, "That's my man you moved." Wilburforce and his father, Brutus, are visiting someone else's house. Wilburforce is sitting on a chair in front of a chess set. Brutus is having a drink with the other man. Wilburforce says, "Hey, pop! Check this out... They've got a crazy checkers set with castles and stuff on it." Brevity by Guy & Rodd & Dan A queen on a chessboard is talking to a knight, saying, "I'm sorry Roger, it's not you, it's the way you move ... it's just so bizarre." In another cartoon, a queen chess piece is checking out of a store after she bought some groceries. The man behind the checkout counter says, "And how will you be paying, ma'am?" The queen piece says, "Check, mate." Callous by Dr. Carlo Jose San Juan Dr. Rianne Nicah is playing chess online. Cal duck the guardian duck says, "Hey! You're playing online chess again! Uh, are you all right?" She says, "This is the most exhausting game I've ever played! I've thought about every move so hard that I can't think anymore! We're both at the precipice between victory and defeat! I've never thought so hard in chess! I can't mess this up! The pressure is killing me! I'm going in instinct! There!" The duck says, "Checkmate! You won! Finally! Another one for the win columns! Say, are all right, Rianne?!" She replies, "Life was far less stressful as a loser!" Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson (1958- ) On March 7, 2009, a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip was written by Bill Watterson with a chess theme. Calvin is playing chess with his stuffed tiger Hobbes inside the house. Calvin's father comes by and says, "Are you just going to sit inside all day? You should go play outside and get some fresh air!" So Calvin and Hobbes dresses to go outside. They both end up outside playing chess. In September 1989, Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson, had a comic strip with a chess theme. Calvin can't beat Hobbes in football, so takes up chess. He says, "I've decided to be an intellectual." Candorville by Darrin Bell (1975- ) On March 21, 2014, a Candorville comic strip was written by Darrin Bell with a chess theme. A black lady is telling a black man, "I agree with Clyde, the Republicans are going to win BIG this year. Fear. Unlimited funds, Embarrassing launch of Obamacare. All the pieces are in place for a checkmate in six moves, followed by the traditional public pantsing of the loser." The black man responds, "Thanks for reminding me why I never play chess with you." The comic strip was repeated on March 18, 2016. The difference was that the Obamacare sentence was replaced by "Gerrymandering voting districts." Carpenter, Dave Cartoonist Dave Carpenter drew a king, queen and rook together and off to the side were two pawns. One of the pawns says to the other, looking at the king, queen, and rook, "They're upper-management." In another cartoon, an attorney is talking to a chess king on the chess board. The attorney says to the king, "You mean, that at no time since your checkmate have you been read your rights?" Another cartoon shows a chessboard with queen, bishop, rook, and pawn in the background and three checkers on the black squares in the foreground. One of the chess pieces says, "Scram! Beat it! Get off the court!" Carter, Jon A man in a mixed martial arts cage is shown with a computer broken up into hundreds of parts all over the cage. The caption reads, "Computers can beat humans at chess, but they still have a ways to go with mixed martial arts." Close to Home by John McPherson On February 7, 2010, a Close to Home comic strip written by John McPherson had a chess theme. A mother says to another lady, "I love seeing them playing something wholesome like chess, instead of those violent video games." The boys both have a guillotine on the side for chopping up the chess pieces that they take. Cluff (John Longstaff) Two men are about to play chess. One man says to the other, "You're absolutely certain neither of your bishops are gay?" Coby Cur Plays Chess In March 2009, a comic strip "Coby Cur Plays Chess" was released. Cooper, Ashley The cartoon shows a pawn shop that's open for business, with a sign on the window that says, "Urgently needed: knights, bishops, queens & kings, castles." The window also says, "Out of chess sets today." Cordell, Tim Two men are playing chess. One of the men has a chess piece hanging from his nose. The other chess player says, "You're not taking this seriously, are you?" Cornered by Mike Baldwin A man is playing chess with a desktop computer. A scientist is watching and says to the man, "It guess your PIN number and cleaned out your bank account. Your move." Curious Avenue by Tom Toles (1951- ) In the comic strip, one boy is teaching another boy how to play chess. One boy says, "This, Timon, is the queen. She can move as far as she wants in any direction. Got that?" Timon takes the queen and tosses it over the other boys head. He says, "Not that far." Dawbarn, Wilbur An old man is playing chess with the grim reaper. The old man is falling asleep. His wife says to another lady, "Rod can't play to save his life." In another cartoon, the grim reaper is playing a cat a game of chess. The grim reaper says to the cat, "Checkmate, and 8 nil. One more game?" Dilbert by Scott Adams (1957- ) On December 21. 1991, a Dilbert comic strip was written by Scott Adams with a chess theme. Dilbert is playing chess with his dog and says, "Bishop takes Rook. I have you now, my friend." The dog, after knocking some pieces over, replies, "My Queen has an Uzi in her purse. She slays your entire side." Dilbert says, "You did the same thing when we played scrabble." The dog replies, "Take it like a man." On November 27, 1994, a Dilbert comic strip was written by Scott Adams with a chess theme. Dilbert's manager wants Dilbert to move to a different cubicle, but Dilbert wants to stay where he is at to work with his project team. Dilbert says to his manager, "I'll bet another manager wants that same cubicle in the south wing. I think I'm just a pawn in your little game." Dilbert's boss says, "You move tomorrow. By the way, there's a new dress code." The next frame shows Dilbert dressed up like a white chess bishop running into a person dressed up as a pawn. Dilbert says, "You're in my cubicle." The man dressed up as a pawn says, "You can only move to a diagonal cubicle." On January 28, 1998, a Dilbert comic strip was written by Scott Adams with a chess theme. The deputy dog of common sense says to the pointy haired boss, "You are accused of trying to motivate you employees with insulting gifts." The boss says, "You're missing the symbolism. I gave them chess pieces to show that we're all on the same team." The deputy dog says, "Specifically, you gave them pawns." The boss replies, "I'm saving the rooks for bonus day." On February 2, 2010, a Dilbert comic strip was written by Scott Adams with a chess theme. Dilbert's pointy-haired boss is reading a memo from the CEO of the company. It reads, "Our CEO wants to share his good fortune will all employees. He invites all of you to visit his winery and buy his non-award-winning wine at nearly retail prices. He asks that you not park your helicopters near his human chess board because it frightens the dwarves. On July 14, 2011, a Dilbert comic strip was written by Scott Adams with a chess theme. Dilbert walks in and Dilbert's secretary says, "Have you met the new engineer? He's a gigantic dork. You two would get along great. I'll email him to set up a date with you. Is tomorrow good?" Dilbert replies, "Being a dork is not a romantic preference." The secretary, reading the email reply, says, "He says he'll bring his 'Star Wars' chess set." Dustin by Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker On February 9, 2014, a Dustin comic strip was written by Steve Kelly and Jeff Parker that had a chess theme. The mother and daughter are walking in the park. The mother sees a man playing three games of chess at once with three kids. The mother says, "Playing three games simultaneously?" He says, "Yep." She says, "You remind me of my daughter." He says, "She plays chess?" She responds, "No. But she can carry out four message conversations at once." The final frame shows her daughter texting on the iphone. On October 11, 2014, a Dustin comic strip was written by Steve Kelly and Jeff Parker that had a chess theme. Ed and Helen, Dustin's parents, are playing a game of dishwasher chess. He says, "Now what? I've already loaded the dishwasher." She says, "Rearranging things more strategically, sweetheart." He responds, "But I set a bowl right here and you moved it over there and added a glass...then I move your glass two spaces back and you replaced it with a coffee mug." On October 11, 2014, a Dustin comic strip was written by Steve Kelly and Jeff Parker that mentioned chess. Megan, Dustin's sister, says to her mother, "Dishwasher chess? Cabinet Stratego? Really, Mom?" The mother responds, "Your father and I like to turn household chores into games..." Megan says, "Well, it must run in the family. With Dustin, household chores are always a crapshoot." The final frame shows Dustin lying on the couch with the remote, watching TV. On August 22, 2015, a Dustin comic strip was written by Steve Kelly and Jeff Parker that had a chess theme. Dustin is playing chess with his dad. Dustin says, "Dad, what do you say we make this chess game a little more interesting?" The father say, "Seriously? You want to bet on it?" Dustin replies, "No, I want to have the ballgame on while we're playing." The frame shows a TV set showing a baseball game. Fakes, Nate A king chess piece and a queen chess piece are on a chessboard. The queen chess piece says to the king chess piece, "I'm just looking for a committed relationship. I'm sick of all the games." Family Tree by Signe Wilkenson (1950- ) On November 19, 2012, Family Tree comic strip was written by Signe Wilkenson that mentioned chess. One high school girl says to the other, "You'd like the Eco club. We do good stuff." The other girl says, "I'm sure. But there are lots of clubs right? And they all need diversity, right?" The Eco club member says, "So you need to cut the best deal." Her friend replies, "I have attractive offers from the debate team, chess club and the cheerleaders." The Eco girl says, "Our 100% green t-shirt doesn't entice you?" On October 13, 2014, Family Tree comic strip was written by Signe Wilkenson that mentioned chess. At the Eco club it was decided that the school teams stop consuming bottled water. One of the girls says "Great! Who'll take on the football players?" The response was, "they're too big!" The girl then says, "OK, field hockey?" The response was "They've got sticks." The girl then asks "Who will you confront?" The responses from three of the members were "The debate team." "I'll take chess." "I've got the A/V club." Fishman, Loren The cartoon shows a man playing chess with another man, but his side of the chessboard has a king and 6 queens. The man says, "It's not cheating ... My king is Henry VIII." In another cartoon, two big breasted ladies knock on the door and is greeted by a man. One of them says, "We're here for the big chest tournament." The room in full of people playing in a chess tournament. Flanagan, Mike A boy and a girl are playing chess. The girl wins again. The boy says, "Why do you always win?" She replies, "It's a special technique called cheating." For Better or for Worse by Lynn Johnston (1947- ) The grandson and grandfather are playing chess. The grandfather wins again and the grandson says, "Oh, no. Not again! Grampa, you always win!" The grandfather says, "What do you want me to do, lose on purpose? You won't learn anything if I do that!" The boy replies, "I don't wanna learn anything — I just wanna win!!!" FoxTrot by Bill Amend (1962- ) On Feb 10, 2010, a FoxTrot comic strip was written by Bill Amend with a chess theme. The two boys are playing chess with dice and making up their own rules. The daughter comes in and says "Normal chess isn't nerdy enough?" One of the kids says "Is anything, really?" The other boy, trying to get out of a move, says, "Oh wait — my knight had a cloak of poison protection! Woohoo!" In February 2010, there was a FoxTrot comic strip where chess was played with dice. The comic strip is written by Bill Amend. Here is a five-part series where Roger is teaching his daughter how to play chess. On November 13, 2011, the FoxTrot comic strip, by Bill Amend, had a comic strip called "No Chance." Andrea asks Roger to play backgammon. Roger says he doesn't like backgammon because "There's too much luck involved. I prefer games that showcase my brainpower and skill without random chance affecting the outcome. You know, like chess." Andrea then says, "Fine. Let's play chess." In the next frame Andrea says, "Checkmate! That's what? Four games in a row." Roger then says, "On second thought, let's play backgammon." On November 4, 2012, FoxTrot by Bill Amend had a comic strip story called "Greatness Takes a While." Roger, playing a game of chess with Andrea, is thinking a long time about his opening chess moves, saying to himself, "Hmm. Decisions, decisions." Andrea gets up and says, "Well, let me know when it is my turn." He then asks where she is going. She replies, "I figured I'd do the dished while I'm waiting. Then maybe clean out my car. Then swing by the bank. Then go to the gym. Then hit the grocery store. Then come home and watch a few TV shows. Then write a novel." Roger says, "Very Funny. My opening chess moves don't take that long." She then walks away and says, "Says you." As she walks away, Roger says, "Oh, when you're at the store, see if they have those French bread pizzas I like." On July 28, 2013, FoxTrot, by Bill Amend, had a comic strip story called "Piece-love and Misunderstanding." Roger is in a store showing the salesperson a flaw in one of his chess pawns. He had peeled back the felt to expose the bottom of the pawn. He says it has a crack on the base and goes into a long explanation about the piece. He says, "I could try to repair it with glue, but I think replacing the pieces is probably warranted in this case. Any chance you have this model in stock? It's a Tourneypro II, medium weight." The next frame shows Roger leaving the store and his son, Jason, who was waiting in the car, says, "I told you they wouldn't." Roger says, "It was worth a try, OK?! " The store was Dave's Pawn Shop. On October 18, 2015, FoxTrot, written by Bill Amend, had a comic strip story called "Compromising Situation." Peter takes a football and throws it at a chess set. Paige says, "Ha! My king is still on the board. I win!" Peter then says "Help me pick up the pieces. I demand a rematch." The mother, Andrea, comes in and wants to know what is going on. Paige says, "Peter wanted to play football and I wanted to play chess, so we're compromising like you're always telling us to." Andrea says "Can you at least compromise outside, please?" Jason is playing chess with his father, Roger, when he says "Check." Roger replies, "Huh?" Again, Jason says, "Check." The father says, "But you haven't even moved a piece yet." Again, Jason says, "Check." Roger says, "Jason, that's not possible!" Jason then says, "Let me clarify. My payment, please." The last frame shows Roger making out a check, saying "You know, other kids play chess with their fathers for free." In this cartoon, Roger is playing a chess computer. The computer says, "checkmate. Checkmate, checkmate, checkmate, checkmate, checkmate, checkmate," and on and on. Roger says, "Computers are getting a tad too fast, if you ask me." The computer finally says, "That concludes our next 250,000 matches. Shall I continue?" A cartoon shows several frames of very large, thin, chess pieces. Two kids are playing chess with this chess set that are twice as tall as the kids.. One kid says, "I can't believe you paid money for this chess set." The other kid says, "'The Intimidator?' Well, I like it. Your move." Peter is reading a book when his sister walks by. He says, "I hear dad talked you into playing chess. How'd it go?" She says, "He beat me in 9 moves." Peter says, "Nine moves? Paige, you're really improving! It used to take you twice that long to end it." She replies, "Jason gave me some pointers." In the meantime, Roger, the father, yells, "Peter, you're up." Andy, the wife, is playing chess with her husband, Roger. She says, "So, do you like your new chess set?" He says, "Like it? I love it. The pieces... The board... I love everything about it!" She then says, "Checkmate." Roger replies, "OK, maybe not the position of your bishop." Roger is playing the computer a chess game. He says, "Holy Cow! I did it! I beat the computer at chess! I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!" His son, Jason, comes by and says, "Dad, the power went out." Roger replies, "A forfeit's a forfeit, son." Roger carries a chess set to the living room where his wife, Andy, has just finished watching TV. He says, "Care for a game of chess." She says, "Roger, I'm off to bed. I've had a really rough day. I'm tired. I'm beat. My brain is barely functioning." He replies, "Why do you think I want to play you?" Roger carries a chess set to the living room where his daughter, Paige, is watching TV. He says, "Want to play chess?" She says, "Ick. No way." Roger says, "Please?" She replies, "Daddy, there's nothing you could do or say to make me want to play that idiotic game with you." He says, "Nothing?" and she replies, "Nothing." He then says, "What about 'shouldn't you be doing your homework?" She responds, "I'll be black." Jason and Peter are looking over a chessboard. Jason says, "Dad wants to play chess after he gets home from work. I haven't played in a while, so I'm worried I might be a little rusty. Tell me if these look like good moves." Jason then starts dancing around, saying, "Ha Ha! Checkmate! I win again!" Peter replies, "Wiggle your bottom more. He hates that." Paige comes in to talk to her mother, Andy. She says, "I have my first cheerleading assignment today." The mother says, "That's exciting! For a football game?" Paige says, "I wish. I'm just on the JJV squad, so we kinda get the less glamorous teams." The mother says, "So what team is it." The next frame shows Paige at a chess match, yelling, "Rook takes Knight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The boy sitting in the chair at the chess table turns around to Paige and says, "Do you mind?" Roger is on the computer as Peter looks over his shoulder. Roger says, "Peter, check this out. Jason modified the chess program so I have a king and 15 queens, while the computer has a king and 15 pawns. Get ready to laugh." In the next frame, the computer says, "Checkmate. I win." Roger tells Peter, "Forget what I said about laughing." Peter walks away laughing, saying "Too late." Roger is on the computer and talking to his son, Jason. Roger says, "I found this cool online chess service. It assesses your play and matches you with worthy opponents around the world." The computer then says, Timmy@Smithville Preschool challenges you to a game." Roger says to Jason, "I hear the grandmasters like to use aliases." Jason walks away and says, "Good luck." Roger is playing a computer a game of chess. The computer says, "Checkmate." Roger says, "It's not checkmate." The computer replies, "Well, not yet. But I've analyzed our current positions, and my checkmating is unavoidable. I'm just saving you some time." Roger yells, "I haven't moved yet!" The computer says, "rematch?" Roger is holding a chessboard and pieces and goes up to Peter, his son, and says, "Wanny play chess?" Peter says, "Not really." Roger says, "C'mon it'll be fun. You can even go first." Peter says, "OK. I concede." Then he walks away. Roger then says, "rematch?" Francis by Patrick Marrin Francis is about to play chess with a monk. Francis says, "So, do you think you understand the rules for playing chess?" The monk replies, "I think I do. The little guys get sacrificed to protect the big guys. The lady has the best moves. And it's really hard to take out a bishop." Francis says, "Checkers are fun, too." Frank, Phil (1943-2007) A younger man and an older man are playing chess. The younger man says, "A masterful victory, Higgins. Your method of distracting your opponent by loudly fouling your trousers at key moments in the game is a most formidable stratagem." Frank and Ernest by Bob Thaves (1924-2006) and Tom Thaves On June 27, 1998, Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Bob Thaves with a chess theme. It shows a pawn looking at a map of a chessboard. An arrow points to the square he is on, saying "you are here." On September 5, 1998, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Bob Thaves with a chess theme. Frank and Ernest are playing chess and a knight chess piece off the board is saying, "Put me in, coach." On March 25, 2000, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Bob Thaves that mentioned chess. The caption is: When Chess Pieces Play Hockey. As two pawns face off with the hockey puck, a chess piece is in the Penalty Box. He says to the other chess piece in the Penalty Box, "They gave me two minutes for checking." On December 27, 2001, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Bob Thaves with a chess theme. A bishop chess piece is marrying a king and queen chess piece. One of the pawns says, "This marriage will never work --- She's a go anywhere gal and he's a one-step-at-a-time guy." On November 26, 2002, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Bob Thaves with a chess theme. A knight chess piece it telling a bishop chess piece, "It's not a nervous tic! The rules say I have to move this way!" On October 31, 2004, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Tom Thaves with a chess theme. A king is getting into a checkered taxi and says, "Queens Bishop Three, and step on it!" On October 8, 2008, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Tom Thaves with a chess theme. Frank has just destroyed his computer. He says to Ernest, "It keeps beating me at chess, but it's no match in mixed martial arts!" On December 16, 2008, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Tom Thaves with a chess theme. The devil is showing Frank and Ernest around Hades. The devil says, "Here is the grandmasters section." It shows two guys burning in hell as they play chess. Ernest says, "They're chess nuts roasting on an open fire!" On March 4, 2015, a Frank and Ernest cartoon was written by Tom Thaves that mentioned chess. Frank is sitting in a sofa with his phone and says to Ernest, "The computer is bad enough, but my phone can beat me in chess." Fred Basset by Alex Graham (1917-1991) In the comic strip, Fred Basset's owner is playing chess with his pastor. All of a sudden, he sneezes really hard and loud and knocks over all the chess pieces. He says, "Excuse me pastor ... I do apologize." Fred Basset, the basset hound is watching the game and says to himself, "Jolly good timing. I'd say." The man starts picking up the chess pieces from the floor and says, "I'm very sorry ... It looks like we'll have to start again." The pastor agrees. Fred Basset is then saying to himself, "The pastor was just about to checkmate him!" Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk (1947- ) On March 5, 2017, a Funky Winkerbean comic strip was written by Tom Batiuk with a chess theme. Bernie is playing chess at the chess club. When he leaves the chess club, he is asked, "Hey Bernie...how was chess club?" Bernie replies, "Can't talk about it. What happens in chess club stays in chess club." In one comic strip, a man sits by a chess table and says, "Boy, Funky sure clobbered me in that chess game. Of course, you can learn a lot from playing someone better than you! Mainly, don't play someone better than you!" Garfield by Jim Davis (1945- ) In one comic strip, Jon looks at Garfield the cat and says, "I'm in a playful mood. And when I'm in a playful mood that can only mean one thing! Chess by mail!" Garfield has that surprised look and says to himself, "Do you feel that? That's electricity in the air!" Gauld, Tom A cartoon shows the evolution of the chess computer. In 1962, the first chess-playing program was invented. In 1992, a chess computer beats a grandmaster. In 2011, the creation of a computer which can gloat | sulk upon winning | losing. In 2019, the first pretentions chess analogy made by a computer. In 2029, a computer wins the world championship, loses its marbles and goes to live in the wilderness. The frame shows a computer fishing. Godfrey, Mark The cartoon shows a bishop chess piece in his room sitting at his desk logged on to his computer looking at pawns. The queen chess piece walks in his room and sees him watching pawns on his computer screen. She says, "Jeremy, you disgusting little pervert!" Gregory, Alex There is a cartoon of a destroyed computer monitor and computer, a bat on the floor, and overturned table with chessboard and pieces all over the floor. The title of the cartoon is "Great Moments in Chess." The caption reads, "Backed into a corner by his computer opponent, Grand Master Garry Kasparov switches to the Unorthodox and Risky Louisville Slugger Offense." Hardin, Patrick Two businessmen are talking to each other while standing on a chessboard-looking floor. One man says to the other, "Maybe it's me, but I have a feeling we're being used as pawns." Harris, Sydney A man is playing chess with a little girl and he says to himself, "This may be too difficult for her — I think I'll let her win." At the same time, she says to herself, "He's not too good at this — I think I'll let him win." In another cartoon, S. Harris introduces a new chess piece, with a drawing of a cat chess piece on a chessboard. The caption is, "New chess piece: Cat. It can go wherever it wants, or not go anywhere at all." A small boy is playing chess with an older man. The parents are watching and the father says to the mother, "Like other prodigies, he'll either become a grandmaster or something like a serial killer." A cartoon shows two cowboys playing chess. Two other cowboys are watching the game. One of the spectator cowboys says to the other, "He started with the gunslinger opening, but quickly ran into the posse defense." Herman by Jim Unger (1937-2012) A man is playing chess with his dog when his wife comes in and says, "I think you spend more time with that dog than you do with me. I don't know why you two didn't get married... I'm going to see my sister." The wife leaves and the man looks at the dog and says, "Your move." A man is playing chess with his young son. He says, "Whaddya mean 'checkmate'? Get to bed." In the Bleachers by Steve Moore A deer is playing chess with a deer hunter with other deer and other hunters watching the game. Two more hunters are behind the chess-playing hunter. One hunter says to the other, "You call this a sport. It's just plain cruelty! Our guy doesn't stand a chance." Innies and Outies by Leonard Cachola The cartoon has several frames depicting noises, such as Grrrr, Ding, Rrraaaa, Foom. The last frame shows a boy and a girl playing chess. He says, "Queen demolishes Bishop! Checkmate! I win! I win! I win!" The girl says, "Were all those cheesy sound effects really necessary?" Interlandi, Phil On August 7, 1972, a cartoon by Phil Interlandi appeared in the Los Angeles Times. It shows a man beaten up, surrounded by stick and rocks and bricks, trying to hold up a sign that says, "Hooray for Bobby Fischer." He says to himself, "I must be the only one in the country who appreciates genius!" Jack A man on a deserted island is playing chess with a dolphin. The man say, "Checkmate...I won again. I thought that you Dolphins were supposed to be intelligent!" Jartos, George Cartoonist Jartos has a picture of a chess set and two men sitting at the chess set. One man is dressed up in a checkerboard outfit that is the same design as the chessboard. The other man is wearing a crown to make him look like a king. Both men are saying to themselves, "He's just messing with your mind." In another cartoon, two men are arm wrestling on a chess board with chess pieces. The man that wins the arm wrestling contest had a pawn tattooed on his arm. He wins the arm wrestling contest by saying, "checkmate" as chess pieces fly all over the place. Jetlagged by Kelly Kincaid The cartoon depicts two stewardesses playing chess on the serving cart in the middle of the aisle. A chess set is on top of the serving cart. A passenger is trying to get through. One of the stewardesses says to the man, "Go ahead and use the lavatory up front ... we might be a while. Must have been a United Flight where the crew always beats the passengers. In another cartoon, two boys are on stage about to start a chess match. The referee tells the boys, "Alright I want a clean match. No sighing, finger-tapping or stink-eyeing." Judd, Phil A man is teaching his son how to play chess. The boy has just won another game from his father. The father says, "How to you expect to learn to be a good loser when you win all the time?" Jump Start by Robb Armstrong (1962- ) Two men are playing chess. The younger man is getting impatient, looks at his watch, whistles, etc. Finally he shouts "It's your move! I can't believe you wasted a half hour thinking it was my move!! I think you are losing your grip! Now Go! It's your turn!!" The older man makes a move and says, "checkmate." The younger guy looks at the chessboard and replies, "Wait a minute. I think it was my turn." Kasey and Company by Peter Kasperski The cartoon shows a man knocking over the chess board and pieces as the woman says, "Hey Frank! I've told you before that there is no cross checking in chess!" Kids 'n Dogs by Brian Dettmann Two men are playing chess while the girlfriend of one of the men watch. The first guy says "Checkmate. Woo Hoo! I beat your boyfriend at chess." In the next frame, she is saying to her boyfriend, "You let him win, didn't you?" He says, "Uh, sure. Let's go for a walk. I'm never living that one down, am I?" She replies, "I doubt it." King, Jerry Cartoonist Jerry King drew a cartoon with a patient in surgery and one of the doctors looks like he is playing chess on one of the monitors. The patient says, "Forgive the interruption, but can the surgeon wait until after he operates on me to play his chess game?" In another cartoon, a ship has come by to rescue two men on an island. The two stranded men are playing chess. One of the stranded men tells the captain of the ship, "We've been stranded on this island for the last 20 years, so taking another hour to finish our chess fame won't matter." The cartoon shows a dog and a cat in the backyard. The cat says, "Let's settle who's smarter, once and for all. I challenge you to a game of chess." A businessman with a briefcase comes up to the secretary to see someone. The secretary says to the businessman, "Mr. Barnes is expecting you, but he's currently in a chess game. So, he'll be with you in a few minutes, or several hours." Lambert, Larry A man is sitting at a computer and a woman comes up to him and says, "I don't know that using a new opening in a chess match makes you a risk taker." In another cartoon, a man has just dropped off his date, who is not too happy. She says, "When you said we were going clubbing, I didn't know you meant History Club, Chess Club and Math Club." Larry Leadhead by Doug Hamm and Eric Hotz Larry Leadhead says to his gamer friend, "I have discovered a great new game which I consider the perfect tabletop wargame. There are no dice, so there are no poor rolls to upset well-planned attacks. A very simple movement system for each troop type and the rules have easily resolved melees with no combat modifiers." His gamer friend says "Sounds great. What is it?" Larry replies, "It's called chess." Laugh Parade by Bunny Hoest (1932- ) and John Reiner (1956- ) A cartoon shows two men playing chess. One man is on the ground, panting. The other chess player says, "Boy, you are out of shape." In another cartoon, a little girl is sitting on a sofa. In front of her is a knocked over chess table and chair, with all the chess pieces scattered all over the floor. The mother comes in and say, "I see you beat your father at chess again." Life on Earth by Ham Khan A cartoon shows a kitchen floor with a chessboard pattern at night. Chess pieces are coming out of the woodwork and pawns, rook, bishop, queen, and king find their way on the chessboard pattern in the kitchen. The caption is "The kitchen at night." In another cartoon, two Roman soldiers are playing chess in front of a crucified Jesus Christ. One of the Roman soldiers says, "So the rook can jump over any piece?" The other Roman soldier says, "No — the bishop." In the background, Jesus, nailed to the cross, sees and hears the chess game and says, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do." Lindsay A chess bum is sitting in the sidewalk next to his chessboard. A sign next to him says, "Chess $5 A Game. $10 If You Want to win." Lockhorns by Bunny Hoest (1932- ) and John Reiner (1956- ) On November 11, 2015, a Lockhorns comic strip was written by Bunny Hoest and John Reiner. The two men look like they are concentrating on a chess move. The two wives are in the background, as one says to the other, "They haven't made a move in over two hours...they can't remember whose turn it is." Leroy and Loretta are playing chess and she says, "We're even, Leroy...I beat you at chess and you beat me at candy land." Lola by Todd Clark A young boy is playing chess with Lola. The mother comes in and says, "What the heck is this?" Lola says, "Chess...sort of." The mother says, "What do yoy mean 'sort of,' Lola?" Lola says, "Some pieces were missing. We had to use old happy meal toys as substitutes." In the next frame, the boy says, "Shrekmate." Lola replies, "Well played." Loose Parts by Dave Blazek A cartoon drawing shows a dinosaur playing chess with a human, The dinosaur eats the human and says to himself, "Checkmate." The caption of the cartoon is "And so ends the Chessozoic Era." Luke Surl Comics A white king and a black king are on a chessboard. The caption reads, "Little known chess facts. The white and black kings are, in secret, deeply in love." The black king says, "...but we can never be together." The white king says, "Because of our queens?" The black king replies, "Because we'd both be in check." Madden, Chris The cartoon shows a chessboard with pawn, knight, and rook. The knight is holding a picture of a blank chessboard and looking at it. A rook says to the knight "No wonder we're lost — you're holding the map upside down." Martin, John A cartoon shows four pawns, a rook, bishop, and knight on a chessboard. One of the pawns is holding up a peace sign. The caption reads, "Chess peace." Martin, Mike Two men are playing chess when one man makes a move, sets the chess piece on the square and it blows off his arm and leaves it charred and burning. The man with the blown off arm says, "Since when have mine-fields been part of chess??" McCoy, Glenn and Gary A cartoon shows a king playing chess with one of his servants. The kings says, "This is embarrassing. I always forget which way the king can move." In another cartoon, a man is playing chess with a computer when a technician comes in to plug the computer back in. The man sitting at the chessboard in front of the computer says to another man, "I thought nine hours was a little long for a computer to deliberate a move." A cartoon shows a couple staring at a computer as two scientists observe. One scientist says to the other, "Despite its dominance at chess, our computer just plain stinks at charades." McNeill, David A cartoon shows a knight that looks like it just pooped on the chessboard. A pawn says, "You couldn't have waited 'til after the game?" Mike du Jour by Mike Lester (1955- ) On April 14, 2013, a Mike du Jour comic strip was written by Mike Lester with a chess theme. The title of the comic strip was called The Pigeon Gambit. Six frames shows one pigeon jumping around while three other pigeons are lined up in a row. The last frame shows a pigeon and a man playing chess with pigeons. The man says, "Next time we use my chess pieces." On January 6, 2015, a Mike du Jour comic strip was written by Mike Lester with a chess theme. A bird is playing chess with a man outside on a bench while it is snowing. The bird says, "The Queen's Gambit ... Impressive classic opening. Who taught you the Queen's Gambit?" The man says, "Freddie Mercury." On January 7, 2015, a Mike du Jour comic strip was written by Mike Lester with a chess theme. A bird is playing chess with a man outside on a bench while it is snowing. The bird says, "You have thwarted my attack ... An expert use of the Sicilian Defense. The next frame shows the man sitting next to a mafia figure in sunglasses that says, "Grazie." On January 8, 2015, a Mike du Jour comic strip was written by Mike Lester with a chess theme. A bird is playing chess with a man outside on a bench while it is snowing. The bird says, "I have captured your queen. What're you going to do?" The next frame shows the man making something out of snow. He puts the object on the board. The bird says, "The snow queen ... well played, sir." On January 9, 2015, a Mike du Jour comic strip was written by Mike Lester with a chess theme. A bird is playing chess with a man outside on a bench while it is snowing. The bird says, "I've heard of it, but I've never actually seen anyone employ the 'Fried Liver Attack.' ...Where'd you learn that?" The next frame shows the man pointing to another man sitting beside him. The other man seems to be drinking and is drunk. On January 10, 2015, a Mike du Jour comic strip was written by Mike Lester with a chess theme. A man is playing chess with a bird outside on a bench while it is snowing. The man says, "I'll move here." The bird says, "Chirp." The man then says "OK. Then I'll move here." The bird says, "Chirp." The man says "How about here?" The bird says, "Chirp." The man then says, "Then you leave me with no choice but to move here!" The bird says "Chirpmate." Mittelstadt, Mike A cartoon has a big sing that says "Chess Challenge — Man vs. Machine." One of the observers says to another observer, "The champ's gone soft since he lost to that computer." The scene is the chess champion playing chess with a blender. Moore, Mike There is a cartoon of two men playing chess. One man has his head bandaged. One of the guys watching in the audience says to a person sitting next to him, "I like that guy. He gets a splitting headache, but instead of quitting, he calls time out, the athletic trainer tapes him up, and he gets right back in the game." Moore, Steve (1965- ) Two guys are playing chess as a third person watches. One of the players is drinking a cold slush drink. He then yells, "Time out — brain freeze." Morgan, Ron A cartoon shows a woman and her daughter lying down in a field and looking up at the clouds. She says, "Maybe you're playing too much chess. I see a bunny rabbit and you see the Nimzo Indian Defense." In another cartoon, two elves are playing chess and Santa Claus comes by. He says, "You're two weeks behind making toys. What do you mean you now have to test all chess games first?" The father is on a computer playing chess. In another room, his son his on a different computer playing chess. The mother comes in and the boy says to his mother, "I don't know how to tell him, but I've discovered Dad and I are playing each other on line." A white king and queen are on a chessboard with a black king and queen. The white queen says to the black king, "The trouble with you is, you see everything in black and white." Mother Goose and Grimm by Mike Peters (1943- ) On April 25, 2007, a Mother Goose and Grimm comic strip was written by Mike Peters that mentions chess. A scientist is looking through the microscope. Then one computer asks the other computer next to it, "He's not looking. Want to play a hundred games of chess?" On September 26, 2009, a Mother Goose and Grimm comic strip was written by Mike Peters with a chess theme. The king and queen are at a marriage counselor. She says, "We're at a stalemate." On October 21, 2013, a Mother Goose and Grimm comic strip was written by Mike Peters with a chess theme. Two dogs are playing chess, and one dog is moving a bishop. The other dog says, "That's not a hydrant, it's a bishop!" On September 8, 2016, a Mother Goose and Grimm comic strip was written by Mike Peters with a chess theme. An animal walks into a pawn shop and asks if this is a pawn shop. The man says, "Yeah." The animal says, "My chess set is missing pawns, can I buy two?" The man says, "We don't have pawns." The animal grabs the man by his shirt and says, "Is this a rook?" Muir, Kevin Cartoonist Kevin Muir has a cartoon with a chess computer named Deep Pink. A programmer says to a businessman, "Upgrades? Yes, we've programmed it to excrete a few drops of water if it should lose a chess match. You know — tears." Naf (Andy McKay) There is a drawing of a chess club with 3 chessboards. One man in the corner is sitting with the white pieces in front of him. He is wearing a KKK outfit. Another man walks up to him and says, "No wonder nobody will play with you if you insist on being white all the time." A cartoon shows two big game hunters in the jungle, being guided by a black man. They stumble on a large knight chess piece. One of the hunters says, "Apparently, this is a good sign. He says 'big game' is near." New Yorker magazine The New Yorker magazine has had several chess-themed cartoons over the years. A chess king piece and a chess queen piece are visiting a marriage counselor, which looks like a chess bishop piece. The chess queen piece says, "He barely moves." A cartoon, drawn by Saul Steinberg, shows and old man playing with a plugged in toaster sitting on a chair. Another old man comes by and says, "I remember when you could only lose a chess game to a supercomputer." A man is in his driveway playing chess and winning against a tractor. The caption reads, "Once again, man beats machine!" Two men are playing chess. At the start of a game, one of the men throws a pie in the face of his opponent. The caption is "The controversial 'soupy sales' opening." A cartoon introduces three new chess pieces. The lawyer moves very slowly and very expensively. The princess moves just like the Queen but in a less stupid, embarrassing, old-person way. The insult comic doesn't move — just insults the other pieces. He says "No wonder they call you a pawn!" Seven people are sitting around a dinner table. The lady, reading a book, says to the man next to her, "What makes you think we found your cat story boring?" One man is listening to music. One man is going through his mail. One man is typing on his laptop. One man is reading the newspaper. The final man is playing a game of chess with himself. Oddbox by Bob Gonzales In 2010, Oddox, by Bob Gonzales, had a comic strip on chess. The winner says "Checkmate." His opponent says, "We're playing checkers, dude." So the winner says "Checkermate!" Off the Mark by Mark Parisi A pawn is interviewing a king piece on a chessboard and asks, "How would you describe the moment you won?" The king responds, "I was moved." In another cartoon, a pawn sees a checker piece on a square and is falling in love with it. The queen says to the king, "Maybe it's just a phase she's going through." A king is at a bar drinking a beer with a pawn. He says, "She left me for a knight ... she said nobody can move like a knight can move..." Ollie & Quentin by Piers Baker Ollie the seagull is playing chess with Quentin the worm. Ollie says, "That's not a chess move! You can't take my knight like that. C'mon. ...Spit it out!" Quentin says, "Too late!" Ollie the seagull is talking to Quentin the worm that has a football helmet on. Ollie says, "Woohoo! You rock!" Quentin says, "Phew! That was the roughest, toughest, dirtiest game ever! Did you see that guy try to bite me at one point?" Ollie replies, "Yeah. Bet you're glad you're wearing a helmet." Quentin says, "I never play without one." The last frame shows a chessboard, knocked over chess pieces and chair, and scattered debris that showed both opponents were in a fight." Overboard by Chip Dunham Two guys are playing chess on a ship. The little guy says, "Wait a second — Before I make this move — do you promise if I win you won't get all mad and throw my chess board over the side?" The big guy says, "I promise if you win I won't get all mad and throw your chess board over the side." The little guy then makes a move and says, "Then checkmate." The next frame you see the little guy being thrown over the side of the ship. Park, W. B. Cartoonist Park shows a man playing a computer, and at the right moment, uses his foot to unplug the power to the computer. The caption reads, "At the critical move, the Super Chess Computer went blank, once again proving humankind's superiority over machines." Peanuts by Charles Schulz (1922-2000) In the comic strip, Peppermint Patty says, "I can't believe it ... I got every single answer wrong." Marcie, in the background, says, "That's too bad, sir." Peppermint Patty says, "It proves my theory. I'm a parcheesi player in a chess world." Peters, Mike The scene is in a sports bar. On the big screen are two NFL football players playing chess. One of the guys at the bar says to the other, "Sure it's safer fro them, it's just not as fun to watch." Pete and Clete by Richard Torrey Pete and Clete are playing chess. Clete is touching all the pieces and says, "Eeny-meeny-miney-moe, catch a chess piece by the toe!" Pickles by Brian Crane On September 9, 2009, a Pickles comic strip was written by Brian Crane with a chess theme. Two men are playing chess outside. The older man says, "I forgot to brush my teeth this morning. But I found a stick of gum in my pocket, and I've been chewing that, so I think my breath is probably okay. Does it smell okay to you?" The older man breathes on the other man who passes out and falls over. The older man then says, "Checkmate." Rackafracka by Fritz The cartoon shows two cavemen playing chess. It shows a rock with one white square and one black square with one pawn on top of the black square. The caption reads, "Early forms of chess." Raimon, Steamy A cartoon shows the devil playing chess with an angel. The devil is smoking a cigarette and drinking and has just won another game of chess. The angel says, "Gosh darn! You won, again. I guess I'll never get the hang of this cheating thing." Reilly, Donald This cartoon appeared in The New Yorker at the height of Bobby Fischer. Two kids are playing chess with a lampshade in the background. One of the boys says to the other, "I don't like the lighting." Reynolds, Dan (1960- ) This is a cartoon of an earthworm playing itself chess. One end of the earthworm says "Checkmate!!!" The other end of the earthworm, which has dug underground to appear on the other side of the board, says, "Yes! I win again!!" In another cartoon, Bobby Fischer is waking up and notices a knight chess piece under the covers. The caption is "The Mafia sends Bobby Fischer a message." Another cartoon shows the queen chess piece at a marriage counselor talking to a rook chess piece that's her therapist. She says, "Sure, he's a king right now, but he's not telling you about his checkered past, is he." Rex and Dexter On April 5, 2011, a comic strip in Rex and Dexterappeared with a chess theme. Rex , the dog, says, "Check." Dexter says, "The game hasn't even started!" Rex says, "I've got you in three moves." Dexter turns away and says, "I give up." Rex says to himself, "That was easy." Rhymes with Orange by Hilary Price On July 17, 2014, a Rhymes with Orange comic strip was written by Hilary Price with a chess theme. The title of the comic strip was "Dolphins: the cutthroat side." Two dolphins are playing chess. One of the dolphins says "Prawn to King Crab. Check." On November 7, 2014, a Rhymes with Orange comic strip was written by Hilary Price with a chess theme. The title of the comic strip was "The pastime." Two men are playing chess in a park when two women walk by. One of women says to the other, "The point of chess is to avoid intrusions into your personal space and dodge unsavory characters leering from afar. I quit playing when I got that from my walk to school." Rhymo the Monk In October 1905, a comic strip called Rhymo the Monk appeared in the American Chess Bulletin and the New York Evening Journal. Rhymo is bragging about his chess game and his opponent is getting irritated. Finally, the opponent shoves the chess board and pieces in Rhymo's face, saying "I never did like the old game anyway." (source: Edward Winter Chess Notes #7234) Rice, Ingrid On May 13, 1997, a cartoon shows a nerd giving Garry Kasparov a 3 ½ inch floppy disk in a dark alley. Kasparov is carrying a newspaper that says, "Deep Blue Defeats Chess Grandmaster." The nerd says to Kasparov, "There you go, Mr. Kasparov, here's the virus you ordered. I only hope you know what you are doing." Rip Kirby by Alex Raymond (1909-1956) Ripley's Believe it or Not In 2006, a Ripley's Believe it or Not comic strip noted that chess champion Susan Polgar played 1,131 games of chess — and won 1,112 of them — over a 17-hour period in August 2005. On January 28, 2017, a Ripley's Believe it or Not comic strip noted that chess prodigy Bobby Fischer died at the age of 64 — living one year for every square on the chess board. Rosandich, Dan Two men are playing chess as a boy watches the game. One of the men sacrifices his bishop. The boy says, "You sacrificed your bishop? And you call my video games violent?!" Rossi, Rod This cartoon shows a lady in a nightgown carrying a chess set to a man waking up in bed. She says, "Happy Birthday. Sex or chess?" Roy, Peter F. A man is playing chess with himself and making all the moves while sitting in a chair or climbing on the chess table. He says, "White rook to c4." He gets up on the table and says, "Black queen to d6 - chess mate." The last frame shows him sitting back in the chair saying, "Gah! Why do I always lose?" Rudy Park by Darrin Bell (1975- ) and Theron Heir (1966- ) On May 5, 2014, a Rudy Park comic strip was written by Darrin Bell that mentioned chess. The ex-sportscaster says to the old man sitting next to him, "I always suspected the Clippers owner Donald Sterling was a racist. I used to be a sportscaster. I covered the Clippers for a while. Played chess with him after the game once. I opened by moving the black pawn to c5." The old man says, "Oh no. Don't tell me..." The ex-sportscaster replied, "Sterling opened by telling me never to bring black pieces again." On July 2, 2014, a Rudy Park comic strip was written by Darrin Bell that mentioned chess. Randy I shaving his annual emotion. His friend is asking how's it going in there and what is he feeling. Randy says, "I'm feeling...regret. I keep thinking of all the guys I've beaten in sports, in romance, at work." His friend says "You regret being so consumed with competition." Randy responds, "I regret not also beating them at chess." His friend says, "Sometimes I just can't identify with you." Randy responds, "I regret that, little buddy. Wait...no I don't." Schneider, Matt Two cowboys are riding on a knight piece and meet in the middle of a field. One of the cowboys on a white knight says to the other on a black knight, "I suggest that you back up slowly two paces and take one step to the side." Scoops by Doub Sneyd A chess announcer is covering the 1978 Karpov-Korchnoi world championship match in the Philippines. He says, "Karpov has finished his strawberry yogurt and castled on his king's side! As expected, Korchnoi has responded with a salami on rye and moving his queen to K2!" In the final frame, the announcer, holding his microphone, says, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is very exciting! Both candidates have just been handed a waldorf salad!" In another cartoon, several frames show Karpov and Korchnoi thinking about their chess game. The final frame shows both of them saying to themselves, "I wonder what Bobby Fischer would do now?" Sherman's Lagoon by Jim Toomey (1960- ) On May 20, 2009, a Sherman's Lagoon comic strip was written by Jim Toomey with a chess theme. A turtle says to the shark playing an online game of chess "You realize that half the battle of playing chess is getting to know your opponent. That's why playing online just isn't the same. Do you even know who you're playing? The shark responds "He just goes by 'Q'. And he's crafty. He knows a heck of a lot more about this game than I do." The next frame shows the captain of the ship saying to himself, "Which way does the llama move again?" On May 21, 2009, a Sherman's Lagoon comic strip was written by Jim Toomey with a chess theme. One shark says to the other, "So, you're playing online chess, huh?" The chess-playing shark says, "Yep." The first shark says, "Who are you playing against?" The chess-playing shark says, "He goes by the name 'Q.'" The first shark says, "Throw him off his game. Send him an instant message." The chess-playing shark says, "Okay." An instant message is sent "I'm talking 2 a fish". The captain of the ship, looking at his computer, says, "Got a weird one on the other end." On May 22, 2009, a Sherman's Lagoon comic strip was written by Jim Toomey with a chess theme. One shark says to the other, "How's your online chess going?" The chess-playing shark says, "He's good. I think I've found a new chess buddy. I wonder who he is." The first shark says, "Let's check out his FaceBook page. AAAUUGH! It's Captain Quigley! Well done. You've befriended your arch nemesis!" The chess-playing shark reads, "Interests ... Harpooning fat sharks, chess, needlepoint." Speed Bump by Dave Coverly (1964- ) On July 14, 2003, Speed Bump comic strip was written by Dave Coverly with a chess theme. A man is seeing a doctor at the Sports Medicine Clinic with a chess piece shoved up his nose. The doctor says, "After consulting the other doctors, we've concluded that chess is a game, not a sport." On July 22, 2006, Speed Bump comic strip was written by Dave Coverly with a chess theme. A man with a huge head has checkmated a player in record time. The caption read, "There were whispers, but no one could prove that Gerald was using performance-enhancing drugs. On May 4, 2011, Speed Bump comic strip was written by Dave Coverly with a chess theme. A king chess piece and a queen chess piece are in a jail cell. The king chess piece says, "The pawns acquiring guns was a real game-changer." On February 22, 2012, a Speed Bump comic strip was written by Dave Coverly with a chess theme. The cartoon shows a chessboard with all the white pieces set up as a red checker walks towards them on a chessboard. The king says, "Well, there goes the neighborhood." On July 29, 2015, a Speed Bump comic strip was written by Dave Coverly with a chess theme. A king piece and a queen piece are outdoors at a fire camp. The king piece is saying, "I've always dreamed of living off the grid." On December 30, 2015, a Speed Bump comic strip was written by Dave Coverly with a chess theme. The cartoon shows a king playing a serf. He says, "Remember. Don't just LET me win." The king's pieces are all kings. The serf's pieces are all pawns. Stahler, Jeff In 2009, cartoonist Jeff Stahler had a cartoon of two computers playing chess. One of the computers had Google on it main page. The other computer was a HAL 9000. The Hal 9000 computer says, "Your move, Google." Starcraft 2 On May 24, 2007, there was a Starcraft 2 comic strip that mentioned chess. Sid says, "I don't understand the near-religious fervor for Starcraft. It's just another RTS, albeit a very successful one. Why is everyone going spastic over it?" Mike says, "It's an incredible game, Sid." Sid responds, "Chess is an incredible game." Mike says, "Sorry, but a 'pawn rush' just doesn't quite curdle the blood." Stein, Eli A man is at the beach and picks up a seashell and listens to it. It say, "...K-Q2, RxB, Black resigns." A man climbs a mountain and finds a guru on top of the mountain living in a cave. The man is carrying a chess set. He says to the guru, "Thanks, but I already know the meaning of life — what I'm looking for is a good game of chess." A man is in a bishop costume while his wife is dressed up as a queen. There is a box on the floor that says "Costumes." The man says to the wife, "I decided not to go to the party as a king — I'm going as a bishop instead." A man carrying a briefcase comes home late at night and his wife, in a nightgown, opens the door. The man says, "Sorry I'm so late. My lunchtime chess game just wouldn't end." A man is in the hospital and says to the nurse, "What! Three hundred and eighty-five dollars a day and you don't have a chess set?" The cartoon shows a police officer outside of a jury room. One of the jurors opens up the jury room door and says to the police officer, "Can you get us six chess sets?" Strange Brew by John Deering On June 15, 2013, a Strange Brew comic strip was written by John Deering with a chess theme. A crying pawn is surround by a queen, rook, and knight. The rook says, "There he goes again with his 'I'm just a pawn' monologue." On August 18, 2015, a Strange Brew comic strip was written by John Deering with a chess theme. A scientist is playing a chess computer. He then unplugs the computer and says, "Chckmate." The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee by John Hambrock (1963- ) On June 11, 2009, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. Edison Lee, holding up a box, says to his father, "Hey, dad, do you want to play chess?" He says, "Sure ... why not. Hold it! What kind of chess game is this?" as Edison Lee brings out a chess set that also contains a tank and a missile. Edison Lee says, "Hopefully a quick one." On December 15, 2009, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. The comic strip asks, "Have you ever felt 'snowed-in' by all those annoying after-holiday gift receipts, rebate certificates and warranty cards? Then you need the Edison Lee Pocket Desk Snow Blower. The high-torque rotary blades will clear even the deepest pile off your desk with ease . . . leaving you with more free time for the things you enjoy." The last frame shows all the papers blown off the desk to reveal a chess set that father and son can play on. On December 1, 2011, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. Edison Lee says to his friend, "He'll never admit it, but my dad sometimes wishes he had a son who was into sports." Lee's friend says, "You're not thinking of trying out for the football team, are you?" Edison Lee says, "No. I've decided to go for something a little less... You know ..." His friend says, "Painful?" Edison Lee looks into a mirror with all his football gear on (helmet, shoulder pads, gloves) and says, "Sigh! This is a bit much for the chess team, isn't it?" On August 31, 2013, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. The grandfather and father are playing chess while Edison Lee watches. The grandfather says, "Isn't this great? The two of us bonding like this. Before we start, you need to know that I'm going to beat you in four moves. Here, here, here and here! Checkmate. That was fun. Wanna play again?" The father just watches his father make a few moves. On January 26, 2014, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. Edison Lee is teaching Joules, the talking rat, how to play chess. He says, "There are a few basic rules to follow when playing chess, Joules. For instance, you're white, so I go first. Look at that! My rook got your queen. It means I get another turn, and my king get a power shield for the next five moves. Now my pawn is going to fly over and take your bishop." Joules says, "Pawns can fly?" Edison replies, "Only if the queen orders them to, and since yours was captured, your pawns are stuck where they are, living out their lives as blithering idiots." Joules says, "How do I get my queen back?" Edison replies, "You have to pay me ten dollars." Joules then takes off. Edison says, "Hey, WAIT! We haven't gotten to the 'Vortex of Doom' part of the game yet!" He then pulls out a portable vacuum cleaner. On April 7, 2015, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. The father comes in and says, "Your grandfather beat you at chess?!! How?" Edison Lee says, "It's Congress's fault! If they'd do their job I'd be able to focus more by not worrying about stuff." The father says, "C'mon! You know whose fault it really is." Edison Lee responds, "Don't say it! I know...I know. If the media wouldn't keep talking about Congress 24/7...Oh, never mind." On January 6, 2016, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. Edison Lee is about to play a chess game with Joules, his talking rat. Edison Lee says, "The rules for 'Campaign 2016 Chess' are different from those in regular chess. Namely, there are no rules. Shall we begin? Pan takes king. I win." The next frame shows Edison Lee at the chessboard and Joules is gone. Edison Lee says, "That was surprisingly less satisfying that I thought it would be." On February 3, 2016, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock with a chess theme. Edison Lee is playing chess with is talking rat, Joules. Edison Lee says, "Sorry, Joules, looks like this match is over." Joules says, "Not so fast!" Edison says, "But you have not more moves." The next frame shows Joules taking a sledge hammer and pounds the board. Edison says, "So much for diplomacy." On April 7, 2017, The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee was written by John Hambrock that mentions chess. A lady at a school bus stop says to Edison Lee, "So, young man, what will you be doing over spring break?" He responds, "Nothing." She replies, "Nothing? No music lessons? No chess camp? No lawn bowling league." He says, "I'll probably just watch tv and read." She turns to her son and says, "You see, Reginald, some parents don't seem to know what's beat for their kids." Edison Lee responds, "I think you're being too hard on yourself." In one comic strip, Edison Lee is about to play chess with Joules, the talking rat. Edison Lee says, "This is my special edition Capitol Hill chess set. My pieces represent various special interests. Your represent congress." Joules asks, "What are my pieces called?" Edison Lee responds, "Pawns. If you'd like, you can forfeit the match now." The Far Side by Gary Larson (1950- ) Two dinosaurs are trying to play chess. One says to the other, "In light of our physical and mental limitations, what do you say we just declare a draw." The Strange World of Mr. Mum by Irving Phillips (1904-2000) The cartoon shows a museum where The Thinker is located at with a chessboard in front of him and a security guard playing a chess game with the Thinker. Mr. Mum walks by to see the statue playing chess with the security guard. The caption is "Chess with the Thinker." In another cartoon, Mr. Mum is walking by two old guys playing chess. Bothe players and the chessboard is covered with cobwebs. The caption is "Chess Cobwebs." The Wizard of Id (created in 1964) by Brant Parker and Johnny Hart The wizard plays chess with the spook. The spook gets to name the stakes, so that when he wins, the wizard moves into his vat and he puts on the wizard's cap. Thomas The cartoon shows a boy playing a dog as a man observers. The boy says, "He's not all that smart. I beat him most of the time." Tiger by Bud Blake (1918-2005) In the comic strip, Tiger is playing chess with one of his friends and says, "Chess must have been invented by a woman." The friend says, "What makes you think so?" Tiger replies, "The queen is a bigger deal than the king." Toos, Andrew Two kings are playing chess. One of the kings says to the other, "I prefer this way of resolving conflict." Turner, Mike A sign at a store reads, "Games Galore. Now in — Feminist Chess Set Featuring Women Bishops!" Outside is a chess piece that looks like a woman bishop. In another cartoon, there is a sign on the chess club door that says, "Don't move 'til I get back at 2." Uluschak, Edd On July 13, 1972, a carton appeared in the Edmonton Journal by carttonist Edd Uluschak. Boris Spassky is playing chess with Bobby Fischer. In the middle of the chessboard, Spassky has built up a brick wall across the entire chessboard, with barbed wire on top. The caption reads, Spassky now appears to be employing a classic Russian defense." Veley, Bradford Cartoonist Bradford Veley has a cartoon with a chess queen on a chessboard with a bunch of checker pieces. The queen is saying, "Well, I'll say this: when the new boss came on board, it was a real game-changer for all of us!" In another cartoon, a businessman is walking with another man that looks like a pawn. The businessman says to the pawn, "Face it Larry. You're one of those people who are fated to being used and then tossed aside in an endless series of petty corporate boardroom games!" Vern and Dern by Stephen Francis and Rico Vern and Dern play chess with all the pieces upside down. Vern says "I have to hand it to you, Dern. Playing chess with the pieces upside down makes the game much more interesting." Dern says, "Yep." Vern says, "Your move." Dern says, "Checkmate," with the word spelled upside down." Vicky (Victor Weisz) (1913-1966) In 1961 there was a cartoon by Vicky in the New Statesman showing John F. Kennedy playing Khrushchev a game of chess. A sign reads "Vienna Congress: The Boy Wonder versus The Grandmaster." The allies are standing behind Kennedy and the Chinese Premier is standing behind Khruschev. Kennedy is sitting on two chess books called Chess in 100 days and State-Mate. Kennedy says to the allies, "Then I moved a pawn and we adjourned..." Way, Steve (1959- ) A dog is playing chess and says to himself, "I cannot get this game, the pieces all move like cats." Whitehead, Bill Cartoonist Bill Whitehead drew two men playing chess in the center of a room, with an audience behind them both. One side has the audience making faces, gestures, whistling, etc. aimed at the man who has to move next. The caption reads, "To attract a bigger audience, the world chess federation allow fans to distract an opponent when it's his move." Whitworth, James A man with an envelope comes up to a businessman sitting behind a sign that reads, "Chess Championship Fee Payment." The man hands the businessman the envelope and says, "It's my cheque, mate." Whyman, Gerald Two men are playing chess, when one of the men pulls out a gun and shoots his opponent in the chest. A woman spectator says to her husband, "Is that an illegal move, dear?" Willy 'n Ethel by Joe Martin A boy is reaching for the last piece of pizza as the mother and father look on. The father says, "You don't just reach out and take the last piece of pizza... What are you supposed to say first." The boy responds, "I'm sorry I forgot... Checkmate!" Willy is playing a game of chess with Ethel. She says, "Chess is complex strategy... The pros are able to think five or six moves ahead." Willy says, "I'm way beyond that... I'm already thinking about what I'm going to be eating after the games over." He pauses, points to a piece on the chessboard, and says, "Will this put me in check?" Wise, Gary and Aldrich, Lance The cartoon shows two men discussing sports at a bar while drinking. One man says to the other, "I don't think there's any hope for my golf game." The other man says, "How about you switch to chess?" The first man says, "But I don't know anything about playing chess." The second man replies, "You don't know anything about playing golf, either. I anticipate a smooth transition." Zaria by Rosalyn Katz Zaria is a chess cartoon that is published in Chess Life for Kids. Zippy the Pinhead by Bill Griffith Zippy is playing a friend a game of chess. He says, "Chess is a game of strategy...strategy and long silences..." His friend says, "Yup...strategy...and long silences..." Zippy goes on about strategy and long silences and finally says, "Strategy...strategy...uh...strat...egy..uh...trag..edy..tragedy..tragedy!!" His friend says, "Yup..and violence!" Zits by Jim Borgman and Jerry Scott On March 10, 2011, a Zits comic strip was written by Jim Borgman and Jerry Scott that mentioned chess. The father is looking at his son, saying, "Homework?" The son says, "I wish. I'm working on my college resume. The competition is brutal. The only question is, should I start my own non-profit charity, open a food bank or form an N.G.O. in Slovakia." The father leaves and sees his wife making the bed, saying "The days of a pep squad and chess club membership getting you into Yale are over." Please report broken or duplicate links to the Webmaster. Official Website Copyright 2017 by William D. Wall All Rights Reserved |
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