Here are a few more chess highlights from the Brookyn Daily Eagle from 1900 to 1929. The chess column was edited by Hermann Helms (1870-1963). Maroczy First At Vienna. The noted Hungarian Emerges winner of the Kolisch Memorial chess tourney. Geza Maroczy, of Budapest, captured chief honors in the Kolisch Memorial tournament between 12 Austrian and Hungarian masters at Vienna. He scored 9 out of 11. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1900 Death of Thomas Frere. Veteran chess player and organizer dies at Bay Ridge. He was 80. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 20, 1900 Steinitz in a Hospital. William Steinitz is again domiciled in an institution because of mental disabilities, he having been place in the insane ward at the Harlem Hospital last night. This step was of his own seeking and that he went to the hospital, owing to his nervousness about his own condition. This morning it was stated by the surgeon in charge that he was in no serious danger and that hopes were entertained for his speedy recovery. It is more likely that extreme poverty was largely responsible for the present condition of the famous old expert. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 8, 1900 Steinitz's Case Not Hopeless. According to Dr. Roberts, in charge of the insane ward at Bellevue Hospital, Steinitz is not hopelessly deprived of the use of his faculties. A couple of months would readily demonstrate to what extent the veteran's mind was really affected. Unless friends provide for his being placed in a private asylum, Steinitz will be sent to Ward's Island within a week. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1900 Steinitz Goes to the State Hospital. William Steinitz was taken to the Manhattan Hospital for the Insane on Ward's Island this morning, without any word having been received from his friends. His wife is unable to provide for him in a sanitarium or private institution. Steinitz is 62 years old. He was of nervous temperament. His mind shows sign of failing in 1897, when a dispatch was received from Moscow that he had been placed in a sanitarium there. Steinitz was carried down to the boat to be taken to Ward's Island. He retained his little pocket chess board and some few effects which he had when he arrived at the hospital. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1900 To Aid Steinitz's Family. A year ago, Steinitz resigned from the Manhattan Chess Club and in so doing had antagonized many of his former friends. His family is quite destitute. It consists of his wife and two small children, ages 5 and 2. The Manhattan CC has taken the initiative in the matter of a subscription fund for their benefit. They are trying to contribute $300 for the benefit of his family. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 15, 1900 There will be one notable absentee from Paris. Poor old Steinitz. They have caged him again. Yet it may all be for the best. It is a somewhat pathetic incident that among the few personal effects he took along with him to Ward's Island was a pocket chess board. He believed that his book on the Sixth American Chess Congress reached a value of $500 apiece. However, a second hand copy had recently been purchased by a local amateur for $1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1900 Quick Response to Steinitz Fund. The fund being raised by the Manhattan Chess Club for the benefit of Steinitz's family is growing at a remarkable rate. The minimum amount of $300 (worth over $8,000 in today's currency) has already been raised through individual voluntary contributions on the part of members calling at the club during the past two days. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 19, 1900 An incident in Steinitz's early life is brought out in his belief in telepathy, or thought transference. In his early years, Steinitz was quite destitute and seriously contemplated ending all in the waters of the Danube. At this same time, he received a letter from Herr Leopold Popper, who was two years his junior, said: "Something impels me, I cannot tell what, nor give any reason for it, to send you the inclosed ten guilden ($4, or about $80 in today's currency)." Steinitz said, "Never had I asked him for one kreuzer, nor could he know of a fact which I kept absolutely secret for over 40 years afterward; it was a case of telepathy." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1900 Victory for America Likely in Chess Match. At the time of adjournment this afternoon the local forces had the advantage. Pillsbury may score a win. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 23, 1900 Chess Trophy Won in an Exciting Finish. Showalter and Hymes endangered America's chances, but Hodges came to the rescue. Final score, Six to Four. USA secured permanent possession of the Newnes Trophy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 25, 1900 Steinitz Soon to be Free. The ex-chess champion, now in a sanitarium, likely to regain his liberty. Only Technically Insane. He declares his incarceration is unjust — anxious to be released. At present the veteran is domiciled in Astoria, at the River Crest Sanitarium, to which he was recently transferred at the request of some of his friends. His case, as diagnosed, is one of paranoia. Steinitz's ailment was equivalent to the possession of biased ideas. Some of the symptoms the doctor cited was intense egotism, a desire for marked attention or deference, querulousness and morbid suspicion, as well as fear of persecution. The doctor stated that Steinitz would not be detained against the wished of his friends, and that his dismissal could be secured by a certificate, signed by a physician, his wife and another friend, assuming responsibility for his safe keeping. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1900 Steinitz To Be Released. The Rivercrest Sanitarium of Astoria, Long Island, has consented to liberate William Steinitz, having been furnished with guarantees for his future safe keeping, and upon the further understanding that the sanitarium will not be held responsible in case the disorder re-asserts itself. He will be taken away by his wife tonight. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 6, 1900 College Chess Teams Playing By Cable. Second Annual Match for the Rice Trophy began this morning. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1900 Chess Match Lost by American Team. English Collegians Lead by Three Games to One and Sure to Win. When play ceased last night, the Americans had two clearly lost games on hand and boards 2 and 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1900 Rice Trophy Stays Abroad. Oxford and Cambridge Outclass Our Colleges at Chess and Win Hands Down. Harvard Players Alone Score. Great Britain won 4.5 to 1.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 22, 1900 Steinitz Still Insane. Ex-chess champion develops violent symptoms and is taken to Bellevue. William Steinitz, who was discharged from the River Crest Sanitarium in the custody of his family and friends on April 6, is again an inmate of Bellevue Hospital where he was taken at 9 o'clock last night upon a commitment from Magistrate Mott in the Harlem court. He wandered about his apartments at all hours of the night, turned on all the faucets, and bathed himself with ice water. During the day he developed great irritability, called upon absent people, whom he knew, to come to him, and harangued the crowd on the street from the open window. Though he bemoaned the fact that his friends had all deserted him, he refused to listen to those who did come to see him and in several instances ordered them out. The same treatment was accorded his wife and her brother, who could not control him. Once he went so far as to clutch his little boy by the throat, though he did not injure him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1900 Steinitz Goes to State Hospital. William Steinitz, 64 years old, of 155 East One Hundred and Third street, was removed from Bellevue Hospital this morning to the Manhattan State Hospital on Randall's Island. This is the third time that Steinitz has been declared insane, once a short while ago in the city and another some years ago in Russia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1900 Teichmann the Winner. Anglo-German chess expert captures chief honors in London tourney. Next to Teichmann come Gunsberg, Mason and Ward. Teichmann majored in modern philology. Since 1892 he has been a resident of London, where he is now a teacher of languages - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 4 and May 6, 1900 William Steinitz' Condition. The doctor at Ward's Island says that Steinitz has improved somewhat since his admission; he is quiet and orderly, but is childish and demented and unable to appreciate his condition, surroundings, etc. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 11, 1900 The final round of the Paris international chess tournament was played to a conclusion here last night. Lasker won the event, followed by Pillsbury, who took second, and Marshall, who tied for 3rd with Maroczy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 20, 1900 Triple Tie at Munich. Pillsbury, Maroczy and Schlechter bunched for chief chess honors. Will Play Off. The three will have a play-off and the winner will receive the trophy presented by Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, in addition to the first prize of 1,000 marks. Maroczy dropped out of the tiebreak due to illness - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1900 Chess Player Steinitz Dead. Has been an inmate of the insane asylum on Randall's Island since February. William Steinitz died on Sunday in the Manhattan State Hospital on Randall's Island. He married a woman who was 28 years old when he was 63. They lived in Harlem. He astonished his wife early in February last by telling her it was electricity that governed the health of children, and that bolts of electricity kept him well. He said he was in electrical communication with the chess players of the world. He sat in a rocking chair in his Harlem flat, and imagined he talked with his friends in all the capitals of Europe. He was pronounced insane, taken to Bellevue and then to Randall's Island on February 8. His wife had no money to pay for private treatment. The Manhattan Chess Club raised $300 and transferred him to the River Crest, a private asylum. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1900 Unrivaled Chess Record. Steinitz was champion for 28 years and was placed in 14 tourneys. Lasker his only conqueror. Steinitz was buried in Evergreen Cemetery on Tuesday. In his lifetime, he won 203.5 games and lost 98.5 games. In matches, he won 140 games and lost 64 games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 16, 1900 Second Tie at Munich in big chess tourney. Pillsbury and Schlechter draw their 4th game and divide the prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1900 In Memory of Steinitz. Story of the famous master's career to be published in book form. A tribute to his genius. There was also the establishment of a fund for the support of his family, a wife and two small children. The editing of the book will be entrusted to Charles Devide, well known as a writer and competent analyist. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1900 Columbia's Chess Team Triumphs Over Harvard. Crimson's long list of successes finally broken by the Blue and White. Won by a handsome margin. Harvard, champion for 6 years, was easily distanced, there being a margin of 2.5 points in favor of the New Yorkers - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1900 Chess Champion Married. Pillsbury's wedding at Chicago a surprise to his friends. The bride was a Miss Mary E. Bush of Philadelphia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1901 Janowski's Safe Lead. Frenchman may be declared winner of Monte Carlo chess tourney tonight. Marshall completes his schedule. M. Didier scored 1Œ point. He failed to put in an appearance with Marshall, who won on default. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 27, 1901 Marshall is Salta Champion. Frank J. Marshall won 3,000 francs in the international-salta tournament at Monte Carlo. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1901 6th Annual Cable Chess Match Ends in Drawn Battle. At 6:30 o'clock last evening the international cable chess match was declared a drawn battle. The final result was a 5-5 tie. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21 and 27, 1901 Champion Lasker is Greatly Changes. Former friends of the chess champion scarcely recognize him upon landing. Seven years' absence from America has made a decided difference in the appearance of the world's chess champion, Emanuel Lasker. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1901 3rd Annual College Cable Chess match Results in Draw. American college players, despite early lead, fail to beat Oxford and Cambridge. Rice Trophy remains abroad. The score was 3-3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1901 Lasker Challenged. Pillsbury will meet the chess champion before retiring. Lasker says he has been challenged to a match by Harry N. Pillsbury, the American champion. Not long ago Pillsbury announced his intention of retiring from the chess arena in about 18 months and at the time stated that before doing so he would play Lasker. Pillsbury challenged Dr. Lasker to one final struggle for the chess championship of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1901 Yale Triumphant In The Chess Tourney. Clean sweep against Princeton in final round gives cup to old Eli. Columbia one point behind. Yale made a clean sweep on all four boards in the match with Princeton, and thereby emerging victorious, one point ahead of Columbia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1901 College Chess Match Is Won by Columbia. Cornell, winner last year, beaten handily by 8 points to 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1902 State Chess Honors for Dr. B. Lasker. Brother of the world's champion wins the New York Association Tourney. Dr. Berthold Lasker made his debut in American chess yesterday by capturing first prize and the championship of the State of New York in the annual tournament of the New York State Chess Association at the United Charities Building in Manhattan. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1902 Pillsbury Takes The Lead. American now favorite for first prize in Monte Carlo Chess Tourney. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1902 Geza Maroczy First At Monte Carlo. Hungarian chess champion wins international tournament. Pillsbury Second. Marshall is not placed. Janowski and Teichmann Third and Fourth. Pillsbury took 2nd place by the smallest possible margin — a quarter of a point. First prize was 5.000 francs. Maroczy was educated at the Polytechnic School of Zurich, where he became librarian of the Hungarian Society. Later he was appointed to a government position at Budapest and he is now a civil engineer. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1902 Americans Win Cable Chess Match. Helms and Howell of Brooklyn carry off honors and win deciding games. Marshall badly defeated. USA won 5.5 to 4.5. Pillsbury and Marshall played over the board in London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1902 Stranded On Continent. Brooklyn Chess Player Loses All at Monte Carlo and Wants Passage Money. At the Monte Carlo tournament, Frank Marshall finished just inside the money, receiving about $60 for his share of the consolation prize. If Marshall had been satisfied to let well enough alone he might have returned. But his presence in London was required to compete in the international cable match. He decided that $60 was not enough and went with Maroczy, the winner of the tournament, to the rouge et noir tables with the full intention of increasing his wealth. At the close of the evening the two chess players walked 3 miles to their hotel, and it was only through the generosity of Pillsbury and other more frugal members of the chess fraternity that Marshall reached London in time for the cable match. Several appeals have been received from him by members of the Brooklyn Chess Club, but Brooklyn is an unresponsive town, and the globe trotter is still waiting for his answer. One of the heartless members of the local club recently sent him a postal card advising him to borrow money from Baron Rothschild, who is a patron of the game of kings. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 25, 1902 First Chess Prize Goes to Janowski. French champion wins in semi-final round at Hanover today. He has won 12. And lost 3.5. Pillsbury is second with 11 wins and 5 losses. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1902 Final Chess Games in Hanover Tourney. Third and fourth prizes went to Atkins and Mieses, while Napier shared 5th and 6th equally with Wolf. Frank Marshall finished just below the list of prize winners as he did at Monte Carlo. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1902 Pillsbury Will Retire. American Chess Champion Will Practice Law in Philadelphia. H. N. Pillsbury, in conversing with friends, said he had resolved to abandon championship matches and settle down to the practice of law in Philadelphia, playing occasionally with friends. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1902 College Chess Trophy Won By Columbia. Yale's ex-champions finished half a point behind — Harvard Third. Columbia emerged was winners of the 11th annual intercollegiate tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1903 Tarrasch Wins At Chess. Maroczy a point behind the German at Monte Carlo. Pillsbury finishes third. Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch scored 20 points as against 19 points for Maroczy. Harry N. Pillsbury finished in 3rd place, half a point below Maroczy. Colonel Moreau of Paris has established a record, losing 26 games in succession. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 17, 1903 Dr. Lasker, in a recent interview, declared that chess playing, not carried to excess, improves a man's health. He said, "Most of the prominent players live to an advanced age. But nervous people shouldn't play chess at night. If they do they can't sleep. Nor in the morning, or they can't work. They shouldn't play at all, if fact. Chess is beneficial to a normal man, just as athletics is good for him. The chess player lives longer than the athlete." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1903 Honors Even In Cable Chess Match. American Collegians Make Uphill Fight and Win a Tie. Result is with Pillsbury. The 5th cable chess match between the American and British universities, for the Rice Trophy, came to an end today without a final verdict having been reached. The 6th game proved too much for Harry Pillsbury to decide off hand, and he wired that he would hold his decision until Monday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 29, 1903 The Rice international challenge trophy for competition at chess between the British and American universities was won back by the Britons after a match in which the deciding unfinished game was so evenly balanced that Pillsbury took a day to decide it in favor of the Englishmen. Last year the American universities captured the trophy for the first time, in the previous year it was a tie and in the two years preceding that the Britons won, so that they have 3 victories against 1 for our side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 4, 1903 Cable Chess Match and Newnes Trophy Won By Americans. Barry and Helms score brilliantly and turn defeat to victory. Final score is 5.5 to 4.5. Marshall, Voigt, Helms and Barry Win. Pillsbury, Delmar and Hodges Draw. The British team played for the City of London Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1903 Tschigorin Winner In Gambit Chess Tourney. American Champion's Play Disappointing — Both Leaders Improve Their Records. Vienna's international gambit tournament, in which 10 of the leading chess masters have been engaged for a month past, came to an end yesterday, with M. I. Tschigorin of St. Petersburg, in first place, and Frank J. Marshall of Brooklyn, a good second. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 27, 1903 Roosevelt A Patron Of Big Chess Congress. Noted Masters will compete for President's prize at Cambridge Springs. Reception at White House. Chief Executive Interested and signifies approval of international event. President Roosevelt yesterday placed the stamp of his unqualified approval upon the international congress of chessmasters, to be held at the Hotel Rider, in Cambridge Springs, Pa., next April, announcement of which was made last night. Mr. Roosevelt authorized the announcement that he would offer a trophy to be awarded to the winner of the tournament. The exact nature of this prize will be determined upon later. While regretting his inability to go to Cambridge Springs during the tournament he expressed his intention of tendering the competitors and committee a special reception at the White House. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1903 Famous Chess Masters Will Visit White House. President's reception to Cambridge Springs Competitors set for April 19. The managing directors of the international chess masters congress, to be held at Cambridge Springs, received a communication this morning from William Loeb, secretary to Mr. Roosevelt, stating that the President had set apart the afternoon of Tuesday, April 19, 1904, for the reception to be tendered the Americans and foreign competitors in the tournament at the White House a few days prior to the opening of the contest. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1903 Schwab a Chess Student. Steel king aspires to proficiency and will attend Monte Carlo tourney. Charles M. Schwab, the steel magnate, is taking a lively interest in the game of chess. With a view of becoming proficient he has engaged a tutor. On Sunday he had Harry N. Pillsbury, the American champion, and A. B. Hodges, an ex-champion, as guest at his house. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1904 Chess by Wireless. A game of chess was played by wireless telegraphy between teams on the Hamburg American liner Auguste Victoria and the Cunard steamship Saxonia on Friday and Saturday last. The Saxonia's team were the winners. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 25, 1904 Maroczy's First Prize. Marshall beaten in final chess round at Monte Carlo. Schlechter Second; Brooklynite Third. With victory in the international chess tournament at Monte Carlo almost within his grasp, Frank Marshall had his hopes rudely shattered by Geza Maroczy, the Hungarian champion, in the final round yesterday. First prize was $1,000. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 19, 1904 Chess Tourney Ends. Marshall and Swiderski divide first and second prizes at the Monte Carlo Rice Gambit tournament. Marshall and Swiderski each received $170. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 4, 1904 Chess Championship at Cambridge Springs Captured by Marshall. Brooklynite defeats Fox in final round of Cambridge Springs Tourney. Marshall offered a draw to Fox after 16 moves, but under the rules, no games can be drawn in less than 30 moves, and the two players were ordered by the directors to go on. Marshall won the game and became the winner of the first prize of $1,000 and the Cambridge Springs championship. Marshall played 15 rounds without a loss. Janowski and Lasker tied for 2nd-3rd place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1904 Chess Prizes in Doubt. Schlechter may tie Bardeleben and Swiderski in Coburg, Germany tournament. On present figures Curt von Bardeleben and Swiderski are tied for 1st place at 7.5 to 4.5 - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1904 Napier Invincible In London Tourney. Youthful chess master played through 16 rounds without a loss. Marco's feat surpassed. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1904 Controversy Over Chess Championship. Seventh American Congress Committee questions Pillsbury's right to his title. Max Judd defends action. The action of the 7th American Chess Congress committee in offering the title to the American competitor winning the masters tournament at St. Louis next month has started an interesting controversy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 25, 1904 Chess Prizes Decided. Marshall First, Judd Second and Uedemann Third in Masters Tourney in St. Louis. Marshall won 8.5 — 0.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 27, 1904 Napier Wins Trophy. Brooklyn chess expert defeats Shoosmith for British Amateur Championship. A series of four games for the possession of the Newnes amateur chess trophy between W. E. Napier of Brooklyn and H. W. Shoosmith of Brighton was concluded here last night and resulted in favor of Napier on totals of 2 to 0 and 2 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 2, 1904 Rothschild Prizes For Chess Brilliancy. Schlechter Awarded Chief Honors for Game with Lasker at Cambridge Springs. Second Prize for Napier. Janowski and Delmar also selected for distinction. Baron Albert de Rothschild's brilliancy prize of $100, donated by the Vienna millionaire to the Cambridge Springs Chess Congress, has at last been distributed among 4 of the 16 players who participated in that historic event. Carl Schlechter, a townsman of the baron, and champion of Austria, gets chief recognition for his splendid victory over Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the world's champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 20, 1904 Harvard Team Wins College Chess Tourney. Quadrangular championship goes to Cambridge for the 8th time. Princeton in 2nd Place. Harvard easily emerged winner of the 13th annual intercollegiate chess tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 25, 1904 Marshall The Winner Of Paris Chess Match. French Champion, Janowski, Vanquished by Brooklynite After 17 games. Score 8 to 5; 4 Drawn. Frank Marshall emerged victor over D. Janowski, French chess champion, in their great match, begun at the Cercle Philidor on January 24, and secured the stakes of $1,000, as well as the purse furnished by Professor Isaac Rice, of New York. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1905 Pillsbury Delirious. No serious consequence expected to result from chess champion's mishap. Harry N. Pillsbury, the United States champion, attempted suicide at the Philadelphia Presbyterian Hospital, Thursday night, while temporarily deranged. It has since transpired that it was merely a case of delirium consequent upon his feverish state following a delicate operation earlier in the week. While his mind was wandering, the champion acted strangely, much after the manner of this class of patients, and wound up by making a bee line for one of the windows on the 4th floor. The presumption was that he contemplated hurling himself to destruction below, but the timely arrival of Mrs. Pillsbury served to quiet him, and he returned to his room to obtain much needed rest. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1905 Pillsbury Doing Well. Chess champion may yet play in cable match. Walter Penn Shipley declared that Pillsbury's mishap on Friday were overdrawn and that there is no cause whatever for alarm as to the champion's condition. Shipley wrote: The statements in the papers in reference to Mr. Pillsbury's condition have been grossly exaggerated. Pillsbury enter the hospital for a slight operation for a trouble from which he has been suffering for the past two years. Pillsbury is expected to be around again in about a week. As a result of the lack of nourishment and the effects of ether, Mr. Pillsbury had a delusion Thursday night that he must be present at an entertainment given for him in Philadelphia, and that he must be on hand promptly. Pillsbury got up and dressed himself and started to leave the hospital when he was interfered with by the nurses. He attempted to force his way out of the hospital. He was, however, aroused in the course of about half an hour, realized where he was and retired peacefully to bed. His wife was not at the hospital at the time. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 3, 1905 Break In Atlantic Cable Delays The 9th Cable Chess Match. Western Union Tell of a "Terrible Accident," but gives no explanation. Chess Players Disappointed. News came just before the Americans and Englishmen were ready to start play. It was known to all the players and followers of the game that the company did not care particularly about renting its cable for the chess match. At the last moment it was announced that Champion Harry Pillsbury had been forbidden by his physician to engage in play. Word was likewise received from Jackson W. Showalter, who has recently lost his mother, that he positively declined to play. Marshall was prepared to take Pillsbury's place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 14, 1905 Cable Match Off. Annual contest indefinitely postponed. The international cable match was indefinitely postponed in consequence of the announcement of the Western Union company that it would be impossible to make repairs to the broken cables in less than a week. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1905 Geza Maroczy The Winner at Ostend, Belgium. He was the winner of the first prize of 5,000 francs. Frank Marshall lost his final game to Alapin and tied for 7th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1905 As a result of Maroczy's defeat of Gottschall in the deciding game of the international chess masters tournament at Barmen yesterday, the Hungarian champion emerged on equal terms with Janowski, of Paris, for first and second places, while Frank Marshall had to be content with the third prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 1, 1905 Cable Chess Match Gets Under Way. Contest over 6 boards between New York and Berlin last two days. Trophy from Roosevelt. President donates copy of his photograph, to go to winning club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1905 Manhattan Victorious in Cable Chess Match. Experts of Berlin chess society beaten handily by 4 points to 2. A message was sent to President Roosevelt, apprising him of the victory, and thanking him on behalf of both clubs for his trophy and interest in the match. The only win on the Berlin side was from Dr. Emanuel Lasker. Caro and Schallopp drew their games. . - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 13, 1905 Pillsbury Near Death. Beset by apoplexy and paralysis — his case hopeless. Harry N. Pillsbury lies at the point of death in a hospital in the Quaker City. The report stated that he had suffered a stroke of apoplexy and that this was followed by partial paralysis, making his case practically a hopeless one. He is given at most but a few more weeks to live. Earlier this year he returned from a 2-month trip to Bermuda, where he sought to obtain benefit from a thorough rest and change of scene. Pillsbury has a wife, but no children. = Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1906 Chess Stars Matched. Lasker and Maroczy will play for world's championship in October. The announced that a championship match would begin Oct 15 was made last night at the dinner in celebration of the formation of the Rice Chess Club, held at the Café Boulevard in Manhattan. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1906 Max Judd is Dead. Noted St. Louis chess master succumbed to heart disease after a busy career. Max Judd, one of the best known chess experts in America, and at one time United States consul at Vienna under the Cleveland administration, died suddenly yesterday of heart disease at the Monticello Hotel, St. Louis. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1906 Mrs. Frey Chess Champion. Newark Representative Successful in Women's Congress — Miss Burgess a Winner. The first American Women's Chess Congress concluded at the Hotel Martha Washington in Manhattan yesterday, and won by Mrs. Charles P. Frey, of Newark, NJ. Miss E. H. Burgess, of Garden City, Long Island, won the first prize in the general tournament without the loss of a single game, her nearest rival being Miss Eliza Campbell Foot, president of the Woman's Chess Club, and the most active in organizing the congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 10, 1906 Pillsbury Dead, Chess World Mourns. Greatest American player since Morphy, dies at Philadelphia hospital. Harry Nelson Pillsbury died at the Friends Asylum, at Frankfort (Frankford), yesterday. He was ill for many months. Since undergoing an operation at a Philadelphia hospital last year, Pillsbury was on the decline. On that occasion, during an attack of delirium, he was reported to have made an attempt to throw himself from a window, but was prevented. His recent trip to Bermuda, where he spent two months with Mrs. Pillsbury, did not result in the benefit that had been hoped for. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 18, 1906 Not Willed to Science. Family of Pillsbury denies report regarding his brain. The body of Harry Pillsbury was shipped to Somerville, Mass., where his funeral will take place Thursday. It was emphatically denied by his family today that Pillsbury's brain had been willed by him to an institution or scientists for any purpose of scientific investigation. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 19, 1906 Brooklyn Mourns Death of Pillsbury. Deceased chess master brought success and fame to local organization. Condolences from Ostend. Marshall regarded as logical heir to Pillsbury's title of American champion. Mrs. Pillsbury accompanied her husband's remains to Somerville, Mass., his birthplace, where the funeral occurred last Wednesday. Pillsbury's last message to the chess world, sent out from Frankford over his own signature, was addressed to the American Chess Bulletin, which prints it in its June number: "I am very much alive" During the Nuremberg tournament, he suffered intensely until relieved by a surgical operation. This great handicap did not prevent Pillsbury winning his games with Lasker, Steinitz and Tschigorin on successful days. With regard to the American championship, while Marshall may possible claim it, such players as Showalter, Hodges and Napier among others, are likely to dispute his title. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 24, 1906 Carl Schlechter wins Ostend chess tourney. Maroczy second and Marshall seventh. Schlechter became the winner of the first prize of the 4,000 francs and the gold medal indicative of the tournament championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 12, 1906 Tourney Proposed for Pillsbury's Title. Western Chess Association arranging contest to decide American championship. At Chicago, Aug 20-25. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 29, 1906 Marshall Captures Chief Honors in Tournament at Nuremberg. 16 games were played by Marshall and not one of his opponents were able to defeat him. His score was 12.5 points. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 17, 1906 Silence of Maroczy Embarrases Lasker. Hungarian chess master in default with forfeit for championship match. Hitch cause uneasiness. Upon inquiry by Dr. Lasker, it has developed that Mr. Maroczy's deposit of $500, which was to server as a forfeit, has up to the present not been made. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1906 Chess Match Is Off. Geza Maroczy will not be able to keep his engagement with Dr. Lasker to play a match for the world's championship next month. Maroczy gives as his reason that he is too much engrossed in politics at the present time to think of meeting Lasker, but asserts his readiness to play under the same conditions next year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 11, 1906 Columbia Quartet Wins Chess Tourney. New Yorkers whitewash Princeton and finish 11.5 out of 12. Yale blanked by Harvard. Columbia emerged winner of the 15th annual intercollegiate chess tournament with Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1906 Capablanca's attack in his game with Captain Q. A. Brankett of Harvard netted him a distinct advantage in pawn position, which he turned to account in most approved style (Capablanca-Brackett, French Defense). - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1907 Capablanca won all 3 of his games (Capablanca-Ward, Sicilian Defense). - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1907 Newnes Ches Trophy Regained by British. American lose 9th cable match, after uphill struggle in final session. First defeat by Barry. The British won 5.5 to 4.5. Great Britain recaptured the silver trophy of Sir George Newnes, which had been in the custody of the Brooklyn Chess Club since 1899. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1907 Mrs. Burgess, Champion. St. Louis expert defeats Mrs. Frey in deciding game for U.S. chess title. Mrs. S. R. Burgess, by winning the 6th game of her match for the woman's chess championship of the United States, wrested the title from Mrs. C. P. Frey, at the Hotel Martha Washington, in Manhattan. Her score was 4.5 to 1.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1907 I. L. Rice chess trophy remains in England. Cable match between American-British colleges results in a draw. J. R. Capablanca, board 1 and playing for Columbia, was very fortunate to escape with a draw. The score was 3-3 between the two teams. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 24, 1907 Big Chess Match Ended; Lasker's Title Clear. Marshall succumbs to World's Champion without winning a single game. Score 8 to 0. 7 drawn. With the 15th game of the series decided in favor of Lasker, at the Everett House, in Manhattan, yesterday, the match for the chess championship of the world, which was begun in Brooklyn on January 26, at last came to a conclusion, and with it ended for the time being Frank J. Marshall's dreams of conquest. Lasker surpassed Dr. Tarrasch's record of defeating Marshall by the score of 8 to 1, with 8 drawn. Lasker last defended his title in 1897, against Steinitz. After the match, Marshall said, "In two years I expect to challenge for a return match and hope then to be ina position to back myself. Had all the games been played in one place and we could have avoided journeying about the country, the chances of my holding my own would have been much improved. The privacy afforded by clubs would have suited me much better than playing in public, as we did on most occasions." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 9, 1907 When Leo Tolstoy was a young officer in the Caucasus, he was promised a St. George's Cross for bravery. One evening, absorbed in a game of chess, he failed to go on duty that night before the awards were distributed. The commander of the division visited the guns which should have been in Tolstoy's charge, and, not finding him at his post, ordered his arrest. The next day, when the crosses were distributed, Tolstoy was a prisoner, and missed the honor. Tolstoy's eldest son, Count Sergei Tolstoy, was a better chess player than his father and once won a correspondence game against Tschigorin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 18, 1907 Ostend Chess Tourney. Unfinished games point to Dr. Tarrasch winning the championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1907 Ostend Chess Tourney won by Dr. Tarrasch. Nuremberg physician captures world's championship and gold medal. Carl Schlechter Second. Marshall defeats Janowski and ties Frenchman for third place. Tarrasch scored 12.5 — 7.5 and won $430.20. Dr. Tarrasch received a gold medal, together with a diploma of championship, recognizing him as the tournament champion of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 14, 1907 Dr. O. S. Bernstein and S. Rubinstein share chief honors as Ostend masters tourney. Both scored 19.5 — 8.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1907 Chess Championship Still Held by Atkins. H. E. Atkins, chess champion of Great Britain, has once more demonstrated that he is king of players in the United Kingdom by winning 1st prize in the annual championship tournament of the British Chess Federation, held this year at the Crystal Palace in London. He successfully defended his title in a very strong field, including Blackburne, but missing Amos Burn of Liverpool. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1907 Dr. Tarrasch Retires From Tourney Chess. German champion determined to limit his activity henceforth to set matches. Most likely to meet Lasker. He is the honorary president of the Nuremberg Chess Club. In a speech, Dr. Tarrasch stated that he did not contemplate participating hereafter in any more tournaments, but he would not be averse to playing serious matches for stakes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1907 Carlsbad tournament won by A. Rubinstein. A. Rubinstein of Lodz, Russia, emerged winner of the international congress which has been in progress at Carlsbad, in Bohemia, since August 19. Rubinstein won 3,000 crowns, followed by Maroczy, who won 2,000 crowns. Frank Marshall won 10 and lost 10 to finish in 12th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1907 Columbia chess team won annual tourney. Columbia emerged winner of the 16th annual intercollegiate chess tournament, Tuesday night, the final score being 9.5 out of a possible 12. Yale finished in 2nd, Princeton 3rd, and Harvard 4th. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 26, 1907 Capablanca, the young Cuban chess prodigy and the champion player at Columbia University, at Brooklyn Chess Club wins 21 games. He won 21, lost 1, and drew 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 2, 1908 America Wins at Chess; Newnes Trophy Returns. Score is 3 won games and 5 draws — British 5 draws. Two games not decided. America won the 10th cable chess match decisively for the Newnes challenge trophy by 3 won games and 5 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1908 Manhattan Chess Handicap. The annual handicap tournament has begun at the Manhattan CC. A rapid transit tourney was won by Jose Capablanca. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 12, 1908 Triple Tie at chess in Vienna tournament. Oldrich Duras, Prague; C. Schlechter, Vienna, and G. Maroczy, Budapest, the Victors. Marshall shares minor prizes with Leonhardt and Mieses. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1908 Demise of H. E. Bird. Chess players mourn death of master at the age of 78. Word comes from England that H. E. Bird died there on April 14. By profession he was an accountant. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1908 Quakers Lose At Chess. Manhattan CC captuyres Martinez Trophy by defeating Franklins in Decisive match. Manhattan CC had 10 points and Franklin CC had 6 points. J. R. Capablanca was the referee. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 31, 1908 Tie in chess tourney after close struggle. O. S. Duras divides honors of first place at Prague with C. Schlechter. Third prize for Vidmar. Marshall shared 7th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1908 Ajeeb, the famous automaton chess and checker player has been one of the features of the Eden Musee for the quarter century of its existence. The popularity of this wonderful piece of mechanism is as great as ever. Champion chess and checker players from all parts of the country have visited the Musee to try their skill against the figure. Parties from different states bet expenses of the trip that the local player could not beat Ajeeb. In every instance the visitor was defeated. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1908 Cable Chess Match Costly. Britons spent $550 to defend the Newnes Trophy, which they lost. In the annual report of the London Chess Club, there appeared a statement that the club spent $550 on the cable match, of which the greater part was raised by donations. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1908 Why Tarrasch Lost. Dr. Tarrasch ascribes his lack of success in the world championship series at Duesseldorf to the climate. The weather was rainy and foggy and was generally depressing, at least to the temperament of the challenger. This was his complaint also at Hastings in 1895, when he said the sea air affected him. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 20, 1908 Chess Match is Over. Supremacy of Dr. Lasker established in 16th game — Score, 8 games to 3. By winning the shortest and most decisive game of the match with Dr. Tarrasch, and the 16th of the series, Dr. Lasker emerged, yesterday, the victor in the contest which has been in progress at Duesseldorf and Munich since August 17, and retained his title of chess champion of the world. The final score was 8 games to 3 in the champion's favor, with 5 games recorded as drawn. Carl Schlechter of Vienna is now the favorite as opponent of Dr. Lasker in the next championship match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 1, 1908 Capablanca Will Tour. Intercollegiate chess this year will suffer the loss of its strongest exponent in consequence of the decision of Jose Capablanca, who, for the past 3 years, has been identified with chess at Columbia University. His skill at chess will enable him to make an extensive tour of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Panama. It is asserted by his enthusiastic admirers in this city that it will not be long before Capablanca may be a candidate for world's championship honors. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1908 Old Penn Gets Trophy. William Hughes and Norman Whitaker score 6 straight games in Tri-Collegiate chess tourney. The representatives of the University of Pennsylvania obtained permanent possession of the Isaac L. Rice trophy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1908 Columbia the Winner. Blue and White chess team defeated Cornell by the odd game. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1909 Capablanca a Wonder. Cuban chess prodigy establishing a world's record on western tour. Since leaving New York on January 11, Capablanca has played 168 games. He has won 167 and drawn 1, with no losses. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 24, 1909 A total of 354 games have been contested by Jose R. Capablanca while on tour. He has won 345, lost 5, and drawn 4. The latest advices gave him clean scores at Des Moines and Newton, Iowa, where he defeated 25 and 17 opponents, respectively. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1909 Jose R. Capablanca spent last week in New Orleans, where an annual carnival is in full swing. So far he has made a record of 436 wins, 10 losses and 10 drawn games since leaving New York. He has played in 20 cities. On March 2, when the Pittsburg Chess Club will formally open its new headquarters, Capablanca will be pitted against a team of 50 opponents. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 26, 1909 Return of Capablanca. After an absence of nearly 2 months Jose R. Capablanca returned to New York, Saturday, completing what is undoubtedly the most remarkable chess tour on record. He visited 27 places, going as far west as St. Paul and south as far as New Orleans, in which city he remained a week. Since he opened his itinerary at Troy, NY, a total of 657 exhibition and single games were contested by Capablanca, and of these he won 621, lost 14, and drew 19. Capablanca wound up his tour with a simultaneous exhibition against 49 players, the largest number that has ever faced an expert in this country at the same time. Capablanca played until 2 am, and emerged with a score of 42 wins, 2 losses and 5 drawn games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1909 Tie in St. Petersburg Tourney. Rubinstein draws with Tartakower and Lasker Overtake him. A. Rubinstein, Russia's chess champion, yesterday missed his opportunity of winning an international tournament with Dr. Lasker, the world's champion, as a participant. Such a feat has been accomplished only twice, and both times by an American, Pillsbury in 1895, and Marshall in 1904. Rubinstein and Lasker both scored 14.5 out of 18. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 13, 1909 Jose R. Capablanca defeated Frank J. Marshall by a score of 8 games to 1, with 14 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 27, 1909 Chess Title Disputed. Owing to a protest lodged by Capablanca and objections from other sources, the management of the New York State Chess Association has eliminated the match for the US chess championship from the programme of the mid-summer meeting to be held at the Fort Lowry Hotel in Bath Beach the last week of July. Capablanca takes the stand that, in view of his decisive defeat of Frank Marshall, he must be considered in any contest involving the title of champion of the United States. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 11, 1909 Capablanca Claims Chess Title. According to some authorities, Capablanca cannot hold the US chess champion title because of the circumstance that he is foreign born and is not a citizen of this country. Capablanca, however, had made up his mind that, in view of the fact that he is the undisputed champion of Cuba, and the further circumstance of his one-side defeat of Marshall, who is credited with the best chess record of any living American player, he is justly entitle to be regarded as American champion. Furthermore, he is prepared to defend his position against all comers within a year, and for the stakes of not less than $1,000 a side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 26, 1909 Another match for the chess championship of the world is about to begun according to advices received from Europe, which are that Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the champion, and Carl Schlechter of Vienna, challenger, have agreed to play 30 games for the title. A condition suggested by Lasker and accepted by Schlechter, was that in order to win the match one of the players must emerge with a final advantage of at least two points. It was planned to begin play in Vienna this month, after which the scene of the contest will shift to Munich and Berlin, and wind up in St. Petersburg, where the last 6 games will be played. The match was to have taken place in America, according to the original plans of the champion, but the energetic efforts of the patrons of chess in the Russian capital resulted in depriving this country of that attraction. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 10, 1909 Marshall vs. Showalter. Frank Marshall and Jackson Showalter will begin a match for the United States chess championship on Tuesday next. Articles have been signed and 15 games will be played at the rate of one a day. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1909 Marshall and Showalter will go to Louisville today where several games are scheduled. Marshall has won 3 of 5 games. Showalter one, and one was a draw. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 16, 1909 Once again has Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the chess champion, proven that he is practically invincible by defeating D. Janowski, the French champion, in the series of 10 games, which has been concluded at Paris, resulting in a one-sided victory for the former by the score of 7 games to 1, with 2 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 26, 1909 To regain the laurels lost to Marshall in the recent United States chess championship match at Lexington, Jackson W. Showalter of Georgetown, Ky., is willing to come to New York next spring in order to play his conqueror the return match to which he has been challenged. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1909 Chess Champion Dined. Frank Marshall, just home from Lexington, Ky., where he clinched his title to the US chess championship by defeating Showalter by the score of 7 to 2 and 3 drawn games, was the guest of honor, last night, at the annual dinner of the Rice Chess Club of Newark. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1909 Lasker and Schlechter have finally agreed to start their match for the chess championship of the world, in Vienna, tomorrow. Contrary to expectations, only 10 games will be played — 5 in Vienna, the home of Schlechter, and 5 in Berlin, where Lasker had made his home for the past year. The contest will extend over 4 or 5 weeks. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1910 The remarkable achievement of Dr. Lasker in winning the 10th game of the chess championship with Carl Schlechter of Vienna, at Belin last week, thereby tying his rival's score at the 11th hour and saving his title, is the talk of chess circles at present. Schlechter did share in the honors of the match and divided the stakes with Dr. Lasker. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1910 The British won the 12th international cable match. The British won by a score of 4.5 to 2.5, with 3 games pending adjudication. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 13, 1910 Of all the American players who have taken part in more than one of the international cable matches since 1896 only one remains with an unbeaten record and he, Albert B. Hodges of Staten Island, is the only one who has played in every one of the 12 matches of the series. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 14, 1910 Cable Match Ended. Americans resign games and British score chess victory by 6.5 to 3.5. The Brooklyn CC cabled the London CC the resignations of board four and board nine. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 28, 1910 Not having fully recovered from his indisposition to sail by the Barbarossa on Thursday, Jose R. Capablanca yesterday abandoned his contemplated European trip to play in the Hamburg chess tourney. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 9, 1910 By his victory at Hamburg on Saturday, Carl Schlechter of Vienna figured for the 6th time in his career at the top of an international chess masters tournament. He scored 8 wins, 1 loss, and 7 draws. Duras took 2nd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1910 Dr. E. Lasker to Marry. Chess champion will spend honeymoon in America. In addition to the information that Lasker and Janowski are about to begin their match of 8 games up for the world's chess championship at Berlin, comes the report that Lasker contemplates marriage soon after the match, and will spend his honeymoon in America. 10 games of the match will be contested in Berlin, the Berlin Schachgesekkschaft having subscribed the sum of 2,500 marks toward the fund for the contest. At the conclusion of this series of 10 games, the match will be continued in Vienna and concluded in London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 6, 1910 Lasker holds championship. Dr. Emanuel Lasker, of New York, today retained the world's championship by defeating the challenger, D. Janowski, of Paris, with the score of 8 games to none. Three games were drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1910 Invincible at Chess, Lasker Outranks All. One-side defeat of Janowski is champion's latest and greatest feat. Lasker won the last 5 games in succession. Capablanca, who will make his debut in international chess at San Sebastian, is now looked upon as the one player likely to place the champion's position in jeopardy, provided the Cuban develops the strength indicated by his talents. Lasker has now played 88 world championship games, winning 45, losing 11, and drawing 38. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 11, 1910 Columbia Chess Team Wins Annual Tourney. Harvard succumbs to Blue and White by 2.5 to 1.5 in final round. Yale is placed second. Columbia has now won 7 times in 19 events. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 25, 1910 National Chess Tourney Begins This Morning. Capablanca, making debut, and Marshall are the favorites. The national tournament will begin at the Café Boulevard in Manhattan. The tournament has been arranged under the patronage of such men as John W. Griggs, former Attorney General (former governor of New Jersey) and past president of the Brooklyn CC and Paterson CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 22, 1911 Marshall wins National Chess Masters Tournament. Went through the tourney without losing a game. The event was in session 13 consecutive days. He scored 10 out of 12 (8 wins, 4 draws). Capablanca finished a close second, winning 7 games in a row. He scored 9.5 with 8 wins,1 loss (to Roy Black) and 3 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1911 Off to San Sebastian. Capablanca bound for scene of Masters tourney. Following 4 days after Marshall, Capablanca, Cuba's chess champion and holder of the title of New York State champion, got under way for San Sebastan, Spain, on board the Lusitania yesterday. It will be the first visit to Europe and at San Sebastian he will have his first experience in an international tournament against the leading masters of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1911 Capablanca Triumphs At San Sebastian. Cuban chess champion winner of first place of one thousand dollars. The tournament opened on Feb 20, on which day he started out with a brilliant victory over Dr. Bernstein of St. Petersburg. Capablanca scored 9.5 — 4.5. Rubinstein and Vidmar tied for 2nd-3rd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 17, 1911 British win chess match ending Newnes Cup series. American team defeated in 13th and deciding encounter, 6 games to 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 23, 1911 Both Governor Dix and Mayor Gaynor are chess patrons. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1911 Richard Teichmann wins Carlsbad chess tourney. Teichmann, the Anglo-German chess master and instructor of languages, who enjoys the distinction of having been born on the same day as Dr. Lasker, Christmas Eve, 1968, today won the first prize in the international chess masters tournament at Carlsbad, Bohemia. He did not lose a single game. He score 18.5 out of 24. He had 11 drawn games. Rubinstein and Schlechter tied for 2nd and 3rd. Marshall placed 5th. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 24 & 26, 1911 After an absence of 16 months, Dr. Emanuel Lasker, chess champion of the world, arrived here, yesterday, as a passenger on board the steamship, America, of the Hamburg-American Line. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lasker, who visits this country for the first time. The latter suffered greatly from sea-sickness as the passage was unusually stormy. He will remain about 2 months. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 8, 1911 On a par with the recent performance of Dr. Emanuel Lasker at the Manhattan CC, the world's champion made a score of 23.5 out of 24, are the feats of Capablanca. At Breslau he played 35 opponents and won 34 and drew 1. At Allenstein, he scored 39.5 out of 40. An exhibition of living chess was the feature of his visit to Denmark. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 22, 1911 College chess trophy retained by Columbia in the 20th annual intercollegiate chess tournament. Harvard defeated by 3-1. Princeton placed 3rd by downing Yale. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 24, 1911 Mahlon Pitney was selected to be on the Supreme Court by President Taft. He is a keen admirer and patron of chess, with a chess library of considerable proportions. Other talented chess players include John W. Griggs, former Governor of New York, and Edward C. Stokes, chess champion of New Jersey, and Governor or New Jersey. Another chess player is Governor John Shaforth of Colorado. Bonar Law, the new power in British politics, counts chess among his diversions. General Nelson A. Miles was recently elected president of the Washington Chess, Checkers and Whist Club. President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale is a chess player. For several years, he was the champion of the Graduates Club of New Haven. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1912 An eleventh-hour victory on the part of A. K. Rubinstein, Russian chess champion, over Rudolph Spielmann of Munich, gave the former the first prize in the second international chess masters tournament at San Sebastian. Rubinstein's final score was 12 to 7. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 23, 1912 Titanic sinks. Chess champion Frank J. Marshall reported missing. Marshall may have been on the Titanic. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1912 Chess Champion Safe. Marshall not among the Titanic ill-fated passengers. It transpired that it was Henry Marshall, and not Frank, who was in the list of missing passengers. Frank Marshall was in Paris at the time. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1912 Rubinstein won the international chess masters tournament at the Hotel Royal in Poestyen. Spielmann took 2nd, followed by Frank Marshall. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 12, 1912 Capablanca has challenged Lasker for the world's championship, but Lasker has given the opportunity to A. K. Rubinstein, winner at San Sebastian and Poestyan, to play him for its possession. Capablanca, however, maintains that the title has already been forfeited by Dr. Lasker. And arranging a New York-Havana international championship. The top 12 players in the world are invited. It is planned to follow up this tournament with another, limited to the four finishing highest in the congress, the winner to be declared champion of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 27, 1912 A. K. Rubinstein of Warsaw and O. S. Duras of Prague tied for first at the international chess masters tournament at Breslau. Frank Marshall took 6th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 6, 1912 Capablanca quits Manhattan Chess Club. There was trouble between Capablanca and the directors of the club in consequence of the readmission of a certain former member. Capablanca will said tomorrow, accompanied by Mrs. Capablanca, on board the steamship Saratoga for Havana. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1912 R. C. Griffith won the British Chess championship, succeeding H. E. Atkins, who did not play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 12, 1912 Announcement was made yesterday by Charles R. Macauley, president of the New York Press Club, that the forthcoming New York-Havana international championship tournament will be formally opened in the assembly room of the Press Club on Nov 30. Governor Dix and Mayor Gaynor are both honorary patrons of the congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1912 Prohibitive Terms By Chess Champion. Dr. Lasker demands guarantee to insure his participation in the New York-Havana chess championship tournament. Lasker is asking for a guarantee of $5,500 (equivalent of $132,000 today). The total prize fund was $2,000. Lasker also demands that the championship shall not be at stake in the tournament. Dr. Lasker also calls for an apology from Capablanca for the latter's reference to the alleged unfairness of Dr. Lasker when the Cuban replied to the conditions laid down by Dr. Lasker to govern the match for the championship between them. Further, Dr. Lasker wished that the players in the forthcoming tournament be restricted to 12 masters and that there by two rounds. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1912 Easy for Marshall. Marshall takes match from Janowski by 6 to 2. Marshall beat Janowski, the French champion, recently concluded at Biarritz, France, by the score of 6 wins, 2 losses and 3 drawn games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 29, 1912 The New York-Havana tournament has been called off. Capablanca has severed all business relations with F. D. Rosebault. Mr. Rosebault laid the blame on certain patrons, who, although their subscriptions were perfectly good, declined to pay the amounts into the treasury until they had positive assurance that the tournament would take place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1912 Louis Uedemann, 3 times Western chess champion and chess editor of the Chicago Tribunre, died at his home yesterday of Bright's Disease. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 23, 1912 New York-Havana Congress. Nothing new has transpired during the past week with regard to the unhappy situation in which the management of the New York-Havana Congress finds itself. Dr. Lasker suggests that the foreign masters, who were humbugged by the dilatory action of the management of the Congress, should be compensated for the loss of time involved in training for the anticipated ordeal, and for the loss of other engagements. The champion also suggests that the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Franklin chess clubs act in concert in an effort to rehabilitate the Congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 27, 1912 Capablanca won the American national chess masters tournament with 10 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. Frank Marshall took 2nd place. Capablanca won his first 10 games in a row before losing to Jaffe. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1913 Marshall finishes first at Havana, outplaying Capablanca. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 7, 1913 There are 6 "grand masters" of the game — Lasker, Capablanca, Marshall, Rubinstein, Tarrasch, and Schlechter. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1913 Dr. Lasker states his case. The chances of Emanuel Lasker of Berlin ever again appearing in a tournament are of the slimmest. Lasker, so far as tournaments are concerned, must be regarded as on the retired list. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1913 A vote of censure has been passed by the directors of the St. Petersburg Chess Club with regard to an article written by Dr. S. Tarrasch of Nuremberg about M. I. Tschigorin, the late Russuan champion, and published as a part of the German master's lasts book, "Die Moderne Schachpartie." It seems that Tarrasch ascribed Tschigorin's demise at a comparatively early age to his fondness for alcohol. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 18, 1913 Frank Marshall, the US chess champion, filled an engagement at the San Francisco Club yesterday, giving an exhibition of simultaneous chess against 31 opponents. After 4 hours of play, the Brooklyn master had won 25, lot 1, and drawn 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 2, 1913 Frank Marshall filled an engagement at the San Francisco Club yesterday against 37 opponents. He won 26, lost 6 and drawn 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 5, 1913 Jose R. Capablanca has been appointed Cuban Vice Consul at St. Petersburg. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 6, 1913 Marshall's Chess Tour Brought to Sudden End. Strain of simultaneous play too much for the champion. He ended his tour in Denver. He was force to cancel all other tournament engagements, owing to the strain of his past matches. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1913 Capablanca, who equaled Dr. Lasker's record last week, by winning 13 straight games in the masters' tournament at the Rice Chess Club, has decided to visit Cuba again, and will sail for Havana next Saturday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 3, 1913 The only game lost by A. A. Alechine, the winner of the masters tournament at Scheveningen, was the one with D. Janowski in the final round. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 4, 1913 The followers of Capablanca have expressed their indignation over the change of front on the part of Dr. E. Lasker, the world's champion, as shown by the agreement the latter entered into with A. K. Rubinstein, the Russian champion. In that agreement there appears nothing about a $2,000 forfeit, as required of Capablanca, nor does the champion insist that the advantage of one game be conceded to him, in case there is a difference of only one point in the final totals of the match under certain prescribed conditions. Lasker has waived purse, forfeit and stakes in the case of Rubinstein and consents to play as soon as the sum of $2,500 is in sight as the result of subscriptions to the proposed book of the match. In the matter of the time limit, too, he has withdrawn from the firm stand he took against Capablanca, with whom he demanded a rate of 12 moves an hour, whereas now he is willing to play at 30 moves in 2 hours. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 21, 1913 The Berlin CC has put in a bid for the first portion of the forthcoming championship match between Lasker and Rubinstein. The Anderssen CC of Frankfurt and two Russian clubs have also bespoken games of the match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1913 When Zeppelin's military airship, L-2, was destroyed with a loss of 28 lives, at Johannisthal, on October 17, there went down with her to tragic death one of the strongest members of the Berlin Chess Club, the famouse "Berlin Scachgegellschaft," in the person of Captain Max Behnisch, in command as "Korvettenkapitaen." Captain Behnisch enjoyed the distinction of having been the only player in the past year who had been able to wrest a game from Dr. E. Lasker, the world's champion, in any of the exhibitions of simultaneous play given by the latter in that time. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 16, 1913 Lsker, Capablanca, Rubinstein, Marshall, Tarrasch, Alekhine all in the same ring at St. Petersburg. This was the first time in 5 years that Lasker has played in a chess tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 23, 1914 Marshall qualifies for chess finals. Brooklynite and four other masters to play for Czar's prize. The other qualifiers are Capablanca, Lasker, Tarrasch, and Alekhine. Capablanca had 6 wins and 4 drawn games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1914 Dr, Lasker Captures Czar's Chess Prize. Lasker had 13.5 points to 4.5 points in 18 games played, 10 of these having been in the first stage and the remaining 8 in the second. Capablanca took 2nd place, followed by Alechine. . - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 24, 1914 With wars and rumors of wars all about them and general mobilization momentarily expected, the chess masters at Mannheim continue their peaceful battles in the mimic warfare of the international tournament of the German Chess Association. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 30, 1914 Grim War Stops Chess Maters. Players evidently isolated. The cable has been silent concerning the doings of the players. It is recalled that during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, an international chess congress was in progress at Baden-Baden, which was not interfered with, but played through to a finish. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1914 Marshall Wins Prize at Mannheim. Brooklyn master hopes soon to leave Germany. Alechine placed first. 11 of the 17 rounds were contested, after which the committee of management decided to have play stop on account of the mobilization of the Germany army and the consequent state of war which was declared to exist. This was evidently done to enable the chess masters to get away to their homes before the situation in Germany became too intense. Marshal shared the 4th-6th prizes with Breyer and Reti. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 4, 1914 Chess champion Frank J. Marshall safe. Frank Marshall informed his wife that he had gone with Leon Nardus, the well-known Parisian artist and chess patron, to his country seat at St. Malo, in northwestern France. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1914 Frank Marshall wrote that he was in Amsterdam, then went to London, then crossed back to France. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1914 No word of Capablanca since he won the 2nd prize at St. Petersburg. He was expected to be transferred from the Cuban Embassy at St. Petersburg to the one at Berlin. He may have sailed for South America. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 23, 1914 In the course of his international career, which opened with the tournament at London in 1899, Frank Marshall, who is on board the steamship Rochambeau, due here tomorrow, having sailed from Havre on August 30, has taken part in 33 important tournament, and in the majority of these he has been a prize winner. 8 times he has carried off the first prize and on two other occasions he tied for first and second. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1914 After the Mannheim tournament, Frank Marshall was the only foreigner allowed to escape. His baggage was stranded at Emrich. Marshall was in Mannheim when mobilization was ordered. As quick as the facilities would permit, he headed for Holland. He then crossed over to England and subsequently recrossed the Channel to France. The one French representative, Janowski, and the Russians — Alechine, Flamberg, and Bogoluboff — were promptly placed under arrest. The other players were invited to make themselves scarce. The Germans at once joined the colors, and these included Krueger, Carls and John. Dr. Tarrasch, one of whose sons died a year ago, saw 2 other sons depart for the front. Shortly after leaving the English shore there was a scare on board the boat over the report that a mine, laid by the English themselves, had been narrowly missed. The ship to American carried more than double her usual complement of passengers and supplies began to run dangerously short. Marshall mourns the loss of a considerable amount of manuscript which he had prepared for his next book. It is with his baggage somewhere between Cologne and Emrich, where, too, are marooned the many presents he received in St. Petersburg and elsewhere. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1914 Wochenschach, the well-known chess weekly publication in Germany, has not been heard from recently, but Schachwat, for August, has come to hand. This is the organ of the Berlin Chess Society, and the editor-in-chief is Dr. Emanuel Lasker. In addition, Deutsche Schachblaetter, the organ of the German Chess Association, published at Coburg, under date of August 23, reached here yesterday. Only half of the entire prize fund at Mannheim was divided among the leaders as prizes, and among the others as consolation money. The balance was kept at hand for a later day, for a national contest among German players, "when our Fatherland has been led to glorious victory." In addition to Alechine, Flamberg and Bogoljuboff, the Russian, who participated in the masters' tournament and were arrested when war broke out, B. Maljutin, president of the St. Petersburg Chess Club, Romanovsky, Kopelmann, Weinstein, Rabinowitsch, Sselesniew and Bogatyrtscuk who played in the minor tournaments, were also deprived of their liberty in Rastatt, en route to Baden-Baden. Later, however, a report was received that they had all been released, and that they had reached Baden-Baden safely. St. Petersburg has been renamed Petrograd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 10, 1914 J. H. Blackburne, age 73, tied with F. D. Yates in the British chess championship. Both scored 9.5-1.5. The tie will be played off before the end of the year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 13, 1914 After St. Peterburg, Lasker went to Switzerland with Mrs. Lasker, to take a much needed rest and has arrived back in Berlin. He got away barely in time, for the Swiss army was being mobilized for the purpose of maintaining the country's neutrality and, besides, financing the journey was anything but a simple matter. Along with most other Germans, Dr. Lasker, who was born in Berlinschen, 46 years ago, is sanguine that the Fatherland will triumph over all of her foes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 17, 1914 Count Zeppelin spent his time playing chess with Major Baden Powell during visits. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 27, 1914 Eduard Lasker of Berlin and a German subject, but latterly a resident of London and at present champion of the City of London Chess Club, has it in mind to come to this country and to this end thinks he can obtain the permission of the authorities to leave Great Britain. Aside from being a chess expert and the author of a well-known book on the subject, he is an engineer by profession. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1914 The Berlin Chess Club, over a hundred years old, has weathered the storm and will continue its existence, thanks to well-time support on the part of several influential members. The Hamburg Chess Club donated the sum of 1,000 marks to a fund for war sufferers, sent a contribution to members at the front and provided boards and chessmen for the wounded in the hospitals. The Munich Chess Club also gave 200 marks to the fund. It is announced that the Arbeiter Schachzeitung, devoted to the interests of the working-men's chess clubs in Germany, will suspend publication until the end of the war. From Russian sources it is learned that A. Alechine of St. Petersburg (now Petrograd), winner of the first prize in the Mannheim international tournament, which was cut short by the outbreak of war, has made his way back to his native land and expects to join his regiment. E. Snosko-Borowski, another Russian chess master, is reported to have been severely wounded at the front. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 27, 1914 Eduard Lasker, Berlin chess expert and champion of the City of London Chess Club, arrived here on board the steamship Cedric, after having obtained his release as a prisoner of war through the courtesy of Haldane Porter, His Majesty's Inspector, under the Alien Act. He owed this special dispensation to his chess connections, however. Being an electrical engineer by profession and having made mathematics a special study, Lasker now seeks his fortune in this country, but will keep up his chess as well. Although a prisoner since the outbreak of the war, he enjoyed practically all the privileges of a free man in England, as long as he accounted for his whereabouts to the authorities and renewed his permits. According to Lasker, A. Alejchin made his escape from Germany with a false pass, and came to London by way of Switzerland and Paris. He was bound for home by way of Sweden to take up arms in behalf of Russia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 31, 1914 Miss Elizabeth Campbell Foot, president of the Women's Chess Club of New York, was run down and instantly killed by a speeding automobile at the corner of 7th avenue and 59th street, Manhattan, between 8 and 9 o'clock last Sunday evening. She had been the head and front of the Women's Chess Club for about 20 years. Her untimely death may possibly cause a postponement of the women's chess congress planned for Jan 10. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 10, 1914 Unable to effect their escape from Germany, as did Alekhine and P. P. Saburoff, former president of the Perograd Chess Society, the other 7 Russian chess experts, who were made prisoners of war when the outbreak of hostilities stopped the congress preferred to, decided to make the best of their unpleasant situation and arranged a tournament among themselves. One of the prisoners is Boris Maljutin, now president of the Petrograd Chess Society. Flamburg won the tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 20, 1914 Leaving no time after his arrival here, following an absence of over a year, Capablanca will make his bow before a public appearance next Tuesday evening, when he will give a lecture on chess, with simultaneous play against all comers to follow, at the Carnegie Dining Hall, below the headquarters of the Manhattan CC, 56th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan. Capablanca was full of his experiences at sea on the way to South America from Europe, where he left shortly before the outbreak of the war. He departed from Paris on July 23 (World War I broke out on July 28) and sailed from Lisbon, on board the German ship Cap Villano, three days later. In mid-ocean, they learned the dire news and then there were anxious days for all aboard. Finally, it was deemed the part of wisdom, to steam into Pernambuco, Brazil where they tarried two days. Here Capablanca transferred to the British ship Amazon. The British skipper charged him more than double price for the balance of the voyage and, in order to reach his destination, he was muleted in the sum of 35 British pounds. The war came as a complete surprise to Capablanca, even with diplomatic connections. - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 21, 1915 Capablanca broke the American record when he played 84 players simultaneously on 65 boards in 7 hours. He surpassed Frank Marshall's record at Pittsburg on April 19, 1913, by 8 boards. His recorded opponents were as stated, but if all of those who offered advice were counted, there would have been 150 opponents. He won 48, drew 12, and lost 5. Marshall had won 46, drew 11, and lost none out of 57 he played. Fully 500 people were in evidence at the hour scheduled for the start. The event had held at the Eagle newspaper auditorium. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1915 Capablanca Plans Big Tour. Amused over shifting of pieces by one of his winning opponents. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1915 A. Kupchik, champion of the Manhattan Chess Club, added to his long list of laurels, by annexing the title of New York State champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1915 Frank Marshall broke all American records for simultaneous chess playing at the Portland Chess and Checker Club last night when he matched himself against 92 opponents at one time, playing 92 boards, winning 71, drawing 11 and losing 4. The exhibition lasted 6 hours and 34 minutes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1915 Capablanca won every game in a simultaneous display on 34 boards at the Washington Chess Club last night, the most remarkable exhibition ever seen at the Capital. His opponents included General Nelson A. Miles and Representative Johnson of South Carolina. The games were played at the rooms of the Washington Chess and Whist Club, the oldest organization of its kind at the capital. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 2, 1915 New Record for Cuban. In 243 games Capablanca has lost but one. He has won 236, drawn 6 and lost only 1. This record has never been equaled by any master of chess. The game Capa lost was to E. B. Adams, in his 2nd appearance at the Washington Chess and Whist Club. Perhaps the finest single effort was the first exhibition in Chicago, when he met 51 opponents, winning 48 and drawing 3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1915 Capablanca established a new record on his last tour, playing 404 games in simultaneous play, with a total of 388 won, 14 drawn and only 2 lost, one each in Washington and New Orleans. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 14, 1915 Yesterday's second round of the chess masters tournament, contested at the Hotel Grenoble in Manhattan, was not without its untoward incident. On the opening day, a framed photograph of Capablanca came crashing down to the floor of the Manhattan CC, directly next to where the great Cuban player sat. State champion Kupchik was unable to play after the sudden death of his father. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1915 A. Kupchik, New York State chess champion, has emerged for the second time in succession as winner of the annual championship tournament of the Manhattan CC, with a score of 10 points out of a total of 12 games played. Magnus Smith, former Canadian champion, and Eduard Lasker tied for 2nd-3rd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 9, 1915 Capablanca took 1st in the chess masters tourney, followed by Marshall. Capablanca won 13 and lost 1. Marshall won 12 and lost 2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 10, 1915 F. G. Naumann, one of the passengers who went down with the Lusitania, was a prominent supporter of chess in England, having been a resident of London for many years. Shortly before sailing, he visited the Manhattan CC while the masters tournament was in progress. He was a patron of that tournament, as well as of the Cambridge Springs International tournament, which Marshall won. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 16, 1915 London Club Disowns German Chess Players. At the last annual meeting of the City of London Chess Club, a resolution was passed to strike the names of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the world's champion, and Dr. S. Tarrasch, the champion of Germany, from its list of honorary members. The directors also sent a request to all members of German and Austrian birth, whether naturalized British subjects or not, not to frequent the club during the war. 10% of the members of the club are on active service, including G. A. Thomas, the club champion, who succeeded Eduard Lasker, now champion of the Metropolitan Chess League of New York, as title holder. Owing to the war the club lost 38 members, and in the Murton Cup handicap tournament there was only one section, where formerly there have been as many as 12. Chess players include General Joffre, General von Hindenburg and Count Zeppelin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1915 The Manhattan Chess Club has received notification of the recent death of Otto Roething (1865-1915), former New York State champion and long in the front rank of Metropolitan players. Before coming to this country, he was an expert on the trapeze and professionally engaged in a German circus. This career was cut short by a serious accident, which compelled his retirement. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 15, 1915 Prof. Isaac L. Rice Dies Suddenly. Pioneer in development of the submarine and a patron of chess. He was president of the electric boat company. He was 65. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1915 War Ridden Europe No Place for a Chess Master, Says Janowski. French champion, who is here for the Rice Memorial tournament, declares international play abroad is dead for at least 20 years — had a hard time getting to America. David Janowski of Paris, known as the French chess champion, although he still retains his Russian citizenship, arrived on board the S.S. Lafayette of the French Line, reported to have been marked for destruction by submarines, from Bordeaux, yesterday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1916 Masters Qualify for Chess Finals. Capablanca, Kostic and Kupchik to play for prizes. Janowski, too, has a chance. They all qualified for the final stage of the Rice Memorial Chess Masters tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1916 Capablanca Wins First Chess Prize. He was ahead of Janowski, Kostic, Kupchik, and Chajes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1916 David Janowski of Paris emerged last night as winner of the second prize from the Rice Memorial at the Café Boulevard in Manhattan. 3rd place went to Chajes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1916 Marshall Shatters Records at Chess. Brooklyn Master engages 105 opponents simultaneously, fixing new world's figures. Marshall played at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and was opposed by members of the official staff, newspaper correspondents and local experts. Marshall played 105 games, winning 82, losing 8, and drawing 15. He started play before 8 pm and wound up the exhibition after 3 am this morning. He beat the record of R. Fahrni, the German expert, who conducted 100 boards at Munich 10 years ago. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 22, 1916 Masters of Chess In Legal Battle. Discuss merits of Rice Gambit in the case of Jaffe vs. Cassel. Charles Jaffe brought suit to recover the sum of $700 for work alleged to have been done in analyzing the Rice Gambit. Harwig Cassel, of the American Chess Bulletin, denied any responsibility of liability for the activities of Jaffe undertaken without any authorization. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1916 Boris Kostic, the Serbian master, who recently won the Rice Progressive Chess Club championship, played 20 opponents blindfolded, winning 19 and drawing 1 game. It is a new record for New York City. Pillsbury played 23 in Hanover. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 5, 1916 A recent chess game was played between French and German Soldiers in opposing trenches. The game lasted a whole day and hostilities in that immediate vicinity ceased till it was finished. During a lull in a battle, a German soldier shouted through a megaphone in French to the French soldiers in the opposite trench, "Let's have a game of chess." The challenge was immediately accepted and the horrors of war were forgotten for a whole day by the contestants in a match that proved fascinating. The moves were transmitted in French through a megaphone and in the end the German troops won. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 14, 1916 Edward Lasker added still another to his list of titles, which include the Metropolitan of New York and the Chicago championships, by winning the Western Chess Association tournament, concluded at the Kenwood Chess Club yesterday. He scored 16.5 to 2.5. Showalter scored 16-3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 24, 1916 Paul Johner, a Swiss musician and chess master, who won the championship of the Manhattan Chess Club during his stay here several years ago, took the first prize in the national chess tournament recently concluded at Copenhagen. The field included players from Denmark, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland. None of the countries embroiled in the war was represented. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1916 Frank Marshall set a new record in Philadelphia when he played 129 boards, winning 97, losing 9 and drawing 23 of the contests. During the course of the afternoon and night, he walked 18 miles, puffing, the while, on long, black cigars. He wore a pedometer during the entire series. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 27, 1916 Frank Marshall created a new record for simultaneous playing in Buffalo when he met 144 local players. He won 131, drew 12, and lost 1. It was played in two sessions, afternoon and evening. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 9, 1917 Members of the Brooklyn Chess Club are already falling into line for Uncle Sam. First and foremost comes Frank K. Perkins, last year's club champion, who has made application for a commission in the officers' reserve of the engineering corps and awaits the verdict as to his physical examination. (the USA joined its allies on April 6, 1917) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1917 Frank Marshall played 101 boards (and 125 players) at the New York City Chess Club in Manhattan. It is the largest number of games ever contested at one time within the limits of Greater New York. Marshall won 69, drew 25, and lost 7. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1917 A. A. Alechine of Petrograd, visited Odessa for the purpose of giving a series of exhibitions. Against 20 players, he won 17, drew 2, and lost 1. In blindfold play, he won 7 and lost 1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1917 Announcement was made yesterday of a dissolution of partnership between Hartwig Cassel and Hermann Helms, publishers of the American Chess Bulletin for the past 13 years, the former retiring on account of advancing years. Mr Helms will continue the publication of the Bulletin, of which he is now the sole owner. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1917 Frank K. Perkins, ex-champion of the Brooklyn CC, has been commissioned as first lieutenant in the U.S. R. Engineers Corps and is now at the Madison Barracks of the Reserve Officers Training Camp. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 14, 1917 Chess Players in Service. Walter Olsen of the Brooklyn CC is in the service, having joined the 13th New York Regiment. F. K. Perkins and H. K. Mount have both received their commissions as first lieutenants at Plattsburg. J. H. Taft joined a regiment in Montclair, NJ. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1917 For the 6th time since its organization, 44 years ago, the Manhattan CC changed its place of abode yesterday, removing from Carnegie Hall Building and taking up its quarters in the Hotel Sherman Square, Broadway and 71st street, Manhattan. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 30, 1917 Albert B. Hodges, ex-US chess champion, has made a number of appearances on the screen, notably as a member of the Russian Duma in "War Brides," the police inspector in "The Auction Block," the coroner in "Empty Pockets," and the butler in the new Brennon play, "False Faces." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 24, 1918 Women chess players may hereafter invade sacred precincts of the Manhattan CC, which, for over 40 years of single blessedness, has decided to open its doors to the fair sex. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1918 Members of the Brooklyn CC, yesterday, heard with pleasure of the safe arrival on the other side of Lt Frank Perkins, former club champion. Sgt Louis J. Wolff, Brooklyn CC tournament chairman, sent his best regards from France. Corporal Walter Olsen is with the American Expeditionary Forces. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 23, 1918 J. H. Blackburne, age 76, and his wife were severely shaken up in a recent air raid. Mrs. Blackburne was thrown down by the force of the explosion and Mr Blackburne was rendered temporarily deaf. Both are recuperating from the effects of their experience in a quiet country town. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 22, 1918 Sgt. Benjamin H. Marshall, a younger brother of the present champion, is with the Quarter-master's Corps in Bordeaux. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 26, 1918 Frank Percival Boynon, formerly very active as a member of the Manhattan CC and of Marshall's Chess Divan, is the first chess player of prominence to give his life for the cause of the Allies. He died in action on Sep 2. He was 29. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 29, 1918 On Tuesday, Hermann Helms will have completed a cycle of 25 years of chess writing for the Eagle. He will give a simul at Marshall's Chess Divan, 118 West 49th st, Manhattan. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 10, 1918 Temperament Halts The Chess Tourney. First international round postponed until today. Four of the experts gave notice at the last minute, yesterday that they were not prepared to go on with the tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1918 Capablanca First In Chess Tourney. Kostich sure of second. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1918 Capablanca scored 10.5 — 1.5 (three draws) and Kostich scored 9-3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1918 William Rismiller, who held the championship of the Rice Chess Club in Newark and also of the State of New Jersey, was one of the recent victims of the influenza. He was also a member of the Brooklyn CC. J. C. Kelly, another well-known member of the Rice Club of Newark, succumbed to the epidemic recently. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 14, 1918 About the middle of January, Marshall's Chess Divan will move to 57 West 51 st, Manhattan, a private residence, the lease of which has been taken by the US chess champion, in whose behalf a fund of about $2,999 is being raised by a committee of his friends in order to establish a permanent home for Marshall and his family, and hereafter to be known as Marshall's Chess Club. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1919 Carl Schlechter Is Dead. He passed away at Budapest on Dec 27 at the age of 45. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1919 The 5th and last game of the Capablanca-Kostich chess match at Havana, which was won by Capablanca with a score of 5-0, lasted only 15 moves. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1919 Ten players from the Manhattan CC will play 10 players in Washington, DC by telegraph. Justice Mahlon Pitney of the US Supreme Court will be the referee of the match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 29, 1919 Capablanca won at Hastings. Boris Kostich, Serbian champion, took second place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 22, 1919 Capablanca scored 10.5 — 0.5 at Hastings victory tournament. Kostich scored 9.5 — 1.5. Capablanca and Kostich drew their game. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 24, 1919 After a lapse of 19 years, or since Pillsbury performed here, Uncle Sam's Military Academy witnessed an exhibition of simultaneous chess playing stage at the officers' club last night. Hermann Helms, chess editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, and former State champion, played 21 officers and professors. He won 19 and drew 2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1919 According to a letter received in this city from Sweden, yesterday, Akiba Rubinstein, Russian chess champion, was recently married there, and had completed arrangements to come to this country. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1920 Dr. Southard Dead; Expert At Chess. He was assistant professor of psychology at Harvard. He was 44. He was the most brilliant player who ever represented Harvard in the annual tournaments with Columbia, Yale and Princeton. The Danvers Opening, 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5, was originated by him during the period of 1906-9, when he was assistant physician and pathologist in the Danvers State Hospital for the Insane - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1920 Chess Pact Signed For World Title. Dr. Lasker and Capablanca reach understanding for match 10 months hence. They signed an agreement at The Hague. The masters agreed that the match should be one of 8 games up, but if, after 30 games, neither has reached that total of wins, then the one with the best score at that juncture will be declared the winner. The purse will be $8,000. With 60% to the winner and 40% to the loser. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 15, 1920 According to Jacques Mieses, an 8-year-old boy has made his appearances in Berlin chess circles, where he is astonishing the natives. His name is S. Rzeschewski. He played 20 in Berlin, and won 10, drew 9, and only one loss. Half the games were adjudicated by Mieses and Post. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 15, 1920 Rzeschewski, the Uncanny. Some needlessly exaggerated accounts are coming across the water concerning the activities of Samuel Rzeschewski, the Polish child prodigy. He is accomplishing feats neither Morphy nor Capablanca undertook to do until much older. In an exhibition in Berlin, he conducted 20 games with a score of 16 wins and 4 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 17, 1920 A Paul Morphy medal was recently found through a mere chance by Arthur J. Souweine, ex-champion of the Brooklyn CC, in an antique shop. On the face of it Morphy is referred to as the "American Chess King" and on the back is the inscription: "He has beaten Harrwitz at chess playing and Staunton in courtesy." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 24, 1920 Chess followers here were greatly astonished, not to say disappointed, when they heard of the action of Dr. Emanuel Lasker in renouncing the world's championship title in favor of Jose R. Capablanca. The Lasker-Capablanca match, for which an agreement had been signed last January at The Hague, was planned for the early part of 1921, and chess players the world over had been looking forward to witnessing the greatest match of all time. Lasker is reported as saying, "I must infer that the chess world does not like the conditions of our agreement. I cannot play the match knowing that the rules are widely unpopular." Havana has bid the sum of $20,000 if the match should be held in that city. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1920 Capablanca Back; Would Play Lasker. Cuban to negotiate by cable before finally accepting chess title. If Capablanca can't play Lasker, he would welcome an encounter with Rubinstein, the Russian champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 1, 1920 Marshall wins Pillsbury Prize. Finishes first at the Atlantic City Chess Congress. Marshall scored 5 wins and 5 draws. Charles Jaffe of New York took 2nd. An 8th American Chess Congress was organized. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 21, 1920 Lasker and Capabanca met once more at The Hague. Lasker had changed his mind and consents to play the match at the Cuban capital in Havana. The games, however, will be limited to 24 and not 30. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1920 At the annual business meeting of the New York State Chess Association, held in Albany on Aug 4, the members discussed the proposal to form a United States Chess Association as well as endorse an International Chess Federation, which was suggested by the British Chess Federation. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1920 Samuel Rzeschewski was at the Gambit Chess Rooms in England on Aug 10, and gave an exhibition against 20 opponents. He won 18 and drew 2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1920 A report comes from Gothenburg that the masters held a meeting on Aug 8, the day before Lasker and Capablanca agreed to play a match. The masters voted not to recognize Capablanca as the world's champion, unless he met Dr. Lasker in a match and defeated him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1920 Rubinstein of Russia and Maroczy of Hungary are in line for the championship as soon as Lasker and Capablanca are through with their match, now scheduled to take place in Havana in January. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1920 The origins of Rzeschewski's earliest chess experiences are set forth in a pamphlet of 32 pages printed by Bernhard Kagan of Berlin. He was born in November, 1911, the 6th child of poor, but strictly orthodox parents in Ozierkow, Government of Kalisch, Poland. At the age of 4, he began to take an interest in chess after observing his father play friendly games with a visitor. By the time he was 6, no players in the vicinity were a match for the child. The family moved to Lodz, where Salwe, the master player, took a keen interest in the boy prodigy. Rzeschewski defeated the German Governor-General of Warsaw, von Beseler, then said to the general, "You can shoot, but I can play." He first appeared in Berlin in Dec, 1919. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1920 Confirmation of the determination of Lasker not to regard himself longer as the world's chess champion, was received yesterday in a letter to The Eagle, in which he says: "I shall no more be champion. Should I win the title in the contest at Havana it will be only to surrender it to the competition of the young chess masters." It appears therefore that the report that the famous master had abdicated in favor of Capablanca and recognized the latter as the titleholder is quite correct. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 9, 1920 Rzeschewski contested a blindfold game with R. C. Griffith, former British champion, and won. It was played in London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 21, 1920 Rzeschewski is sailing to the USA from Southampton aboard the Olympic. While in England, he won 18 and drew 2 at the Gambit CC. He won 11, lost 1, and drew 3 at the Leeds CC. He won 14 and drew 5 at the Hampstead CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 28, 1920 Sammy Rzeschewski Chess Wizard, Here. While aboard the Olympic, he played 11 players at one and won all his games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1920 Sammy Rzeschewski Gives Convincing Demonstration. He made his debut at the Marshall Chess Club in the company of Charles Azenberg, his manager, and Max Rosenthal, an American relative of the family. He solved 3 chess problems handed to him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1920 West Point Calls For Rzeschewski. Polish chess prodigy to play 20 Army officers next Wednesday. The officers and professors have organized a flourishing chess club there. The boy's managers concluded the negotiations over the telephone with Chaplain C. E. Wheat, one of the leading organizers up the Hudson River. 20 years ago, Pillsbury visited West Point and gave a blindfold exhibition there. Last November another visit was paid by H. Helms, editor of the American Chess Bulletin, who made a score of 19 wins and 2 draws. He has been invited to officiate as referee during Sammy's performance on Wednesday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1920 Chess Prodigy Conquers 19 At West Point. Little Smuel Rzeschewski encountered 20 opponents, winning 19 and drawing 1 after 3 hours of continuous play. Col. Gustav A. Fieberger, professor of mechanical engineering, was able to draw after 85 moves. There was a crowd of over 500 people watching from floor and gallery. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1920 Drawn Game With Rzeschewski, Well Played by Col. Fieberger. The game was drawn after 85 moves. (partial game score) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 18, 1920 Samuel Rzeschewski Faces Trying Ordeal Tomorrow. Tickets for the first of the two exhibitionists, booked for tomorrow evening at the Lexington Theater, 51st Street and Lexington Ave, have sold so well that there is every likelihood that Sammy will play to a capacity crowd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 24, 1920 After a little over 3 hours, Samuel Rzeschewski won 15, drew 4, and lost 1. A. Sinchow, the champion of the Brownsville Chess Club in Brooklyn, fell the distinction of being the only one of 40 players opposed to Sammy since his arrival in America to be credited with a victory over him. He drew with Marcel Duchamp among others. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 26, 1920 Rzeschewski Opposes 20 at Chess. Sammy made his second bow before a Metropolitan audience at the Lexington Theater last night, when an equal number took boards around the horseshoe alignment in the center of the stage. 10 clubs were represented. For the first time, several women chess experts cane to the front to try conclusions with the little marvel. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 28, 1920 It lacked 5 minutes of midnight Saturday when Samuel Rzeschewski ceased making his rounds at the Lexington Theater. At the time the score stood 15-0 in favor of Sammy, age 9. The rest of the games were adjudicated by Frank Marshall, with 1 loss, 2 draws, and 2 wins. Final score: 17 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 29, 1920 Two Brooklyn players who were successful against Rzeschewski on Thursday were A. Simchow of the Brownsville CC, the only one to win his game, and Dr. Morris J. Clurman, whose game was among those adjudicated by Referee Marshall. (game) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 2, 1920 Sammy Rzeschewski Is Equal To Test. Brooklyn Varsity, Crack Succumbs to Chess Prodigy in 40 moves. Sammy won his first test match game in this country against Morris Schapiro of Brooklyn, champion of Columbia University. The game was played in the apartment of Mischa Elman, famous violinist. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 8, 1920 Capablanca in Farwell At Manhattan Chess Club. He will give his last performance of simultaneous chess before his departure, at the rooms of the Manhattan CC, on Thursday evening, Dec 16. Capablanca commented om the Rzeschewski-Schapiro game, saying, "The boy played the game very well." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1920 Boy Chess Prodigy a Boxer; May Become Great Singer. Sammy Rzeszewski is a devotee of roller-skating, bike riding, boxing and any sport that calls for action and opposition. He is a "regular" kid in his recreations. Sammy is a very strict orthodox Jew. He studies the Talmud every day. Sammy is a woman hater. He will not allow a woman even to touch him if he can avoid it. He can hold his own in this neighborhood. In fact, they are afraid of him. He loves roller skates, but his parents did not want him skating. He understands but does not speak the language, although he has mastered Yiddish, French and German. He recently beat Abe Shapiro, the champion of the Manhattan CC. Sammy insisted that Mr. Elman sing while he played his match. Sammy loves music and has a really excellent voice. Mr. Elman feels that he has the makings of an operatic star, and has offered to procure him a tutor. His manager said that Sammy Rzeschewski was born May 26, 1912, at Ozorkov, near Lodz, Poland. His father is a cloth manufacturer. One source said that his father was a past chess champion of Poland. His two older brothers are not especially gifted mentally. One of them is a soldier in the Polish army. Sammy played his first chess when he was 5 after watching his father in games with village friends. Two weeks later he astounded his parent by defeating him. When the champion of the village succumbed to the boy's genius the father was convinced he was a prodigy. A year later he astounded all Poland by playing, simultaneously, 35 of the best chess experts in Kalish, winning 31, drawing 3, and losing 1. A tour of Europe followed. In Germany he played a draw with Rubinstein the champion. Also a draw with Baderleben, Germany's second best, with whom he played blindfolded. These successes he repeated in Vienna, Constantinople, Rumania, Bulgaria and Paris. In Paris, about half a year ago, he played 20 simultaneous games against famous academicians. He won 19 and drew 1. In England he defeated, while blindfolded, W. G. Griffith, the British ex-champion. In Vienna, a representative from the Emperor called with the information that His Majesty desired to play a match with Sammy. The diplomat explained that it was the part of tact to permit the Emperor to defeat the lad. Sammy turned the offer down. The match was never played. Warsaw had fallen into German hands. The German Governor General prided himself on his skill at chess. He lost a game against Sammy. Sammy's American tour was for the express purpose of obtaining funds for his education. As yet he had had no schooling except for some private tutoring. The boy wants to become a professor in mathematics or some sciences. But he first expects to become world chess champion. It may be decided that his real future lies in the cultivation of his voice. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 12, 1920 Rzeschewski, Blindfolded, Scores Against Canaanite. He defeated Edmund Hilliard blindfolded at the residence of the Rev. Josef Rosenblatt, famous Jewish Cantor, in Manhattan. Hilliard is superintendent of the Berkshire Boys Farm, in charge of 100 boys and an estate of 1,100 acres. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1920 Capablanca, New Champion, Meets All Comers Tonight. He will step out into the hollow square as the new chess champion of the world, recognition of which title is given in the printed postal card notice to Manhattan CC members, sent out over the name of Robert Raubitschek, chairman of the club's tournament committee. Dr. Lasker, after agreeing to go to Havana for the world championship match, set up objections and made demands of a financial nature not set forth in the original bond. This did not in any way affect Dr. Lasker's resignation of his title and it was understood that if the match were played Dr. Lasker should hold the role of challenger. Walter Penn Shipley, president of the Franklin Chess Club in Philadelphia is the referee of the Lasker-Capablanca match. He believes that Lasker was entitle to some reasonable sum like $1,500 for travelling expenses and hoped that Havana might find a way to meet the requirements of the great player. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1920 Rzeschewski Is Preparing to Move on Philadelphia. He is to make his debut in Witherspoon Hall. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1920 Capablanca and Lasker Matched for Chess Title. A match for the chess championship of the world and a purse of $20,000 will begin at Havana, on March 10, between J. R. Capablanca of Cuba and Dr. Emanuel Lasker of Berlin. The match will consist of 8 to 24 games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1921 Dr, Lasker, former chess champion of the world, has sent a cable dispatch to the Union Club of Havana, fixing March 10 as the date for the commencement of a match for the championship with Jose Capablanca, the Cuban player, who now holds the title, says a dispatch to the London Times from Rotterdam. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1921 Rzeschewski Defeats Dane; Recalls Capablanca's Feat. Rzeschewski defeated Einar Michelsen, the Danish expert, and 4 others in a simul. 100 guests were gathered upon invitation of Dr. Henry Keller to witness the exhibition. When asked about his school work, Sammy replied, "I've got a teacher at home; that's all." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1921 Rzeschewski Is Appeased By Judgment of Solomon. Sammy Rzeschewski claimed a simul game when his opponent made two moves at once. His opponent, Samuel Mishook, wanted to retract the last move and play on. The referee, Jaffe, declared the game drawn instead. Reshevsky won the other 4 games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 17, 1921 Brownsville Outgenerated By Rzeschewski at Chess. Sammy played 12 opponents at the Stone Avenue Theater in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn. He won 10, drew 1, and 1 games was adjourned. It was Sammy's first visit to Brooklyn, which drew a record crowd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1921 Samuel Rzeschewski started out on his first long tour of this country last night, when he, with his father, and Charles Azenberg, his secretary, entrained for Cleveland, Ohio, where he is booked to give an exhibition against 20 opponents at the City Club of Cleveland, this evening. Cleveland has a well-organized league with half a dozen clubs. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1921 Rzeschewski won 17, drew 2, and lost 1 against 20 opponents at the City Club of Cleveland. There were 800 spectators at the simultaneous exhibition. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 30, 1921 According to latest accounts from Washington, Dr. Emanuel Lasker is not at all sure of getting his passport to this country vised through authorization of the State Department, without which it would be impossible for him, still technically an enemy, to land here on his way to Havana, where he is due to play his match with Capablanca on March 10. In the view that President Menocal of Cuba is one of the subscribers to the purse for which Lasker and Capablanca will play, it would be an act of courtesy toward Cuba if the US were to permit Dr. Lasker to land here en route to Havana. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1921 Rzeschewski Plays Blindfold. Sammy came back to New York from Cleveland to play a blindfold game at the annual meeting of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in Manhattan Tuesday night. He defeated Samuel C. Lamport, counsel of the Federation. He won the game after nearly an hour's play, when, owing to the lateness of the hour, Mr. Lamport, with a pawn behind, resigned. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1921 Newell W. Banks Stars at Chess and Checkers. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1921 Dr. Lakser will be permitted to visit the United States on his way to Havana to meet Capablanca in a match next month. The Manhattan CC received a message from Secretary Colby stating that the case had been reconsidered and that the American Commissioner in Berlin had been instructed to grant Lasker a visa. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 8, 1921 Having made definite arrangements to sail from Amsterdam on Feb 16 before receiving word concerning the favorable action of the State Department at Washington in the matter of the vise of his passport, Dr. Lasker will journey direct to Havana. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1921 Samuel Rzeschewski returned to Cleveland and gave a 10 board simul at the exclusive Union Club. He won 8, drew 1, and lost 1. His loss was to Irving Spero, the city champion. This evening he will play 20 opponents at the University Club of Manhattan. Frank Marshall will be the referee. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1921 Samuel Rzescheski surpassed himself last night at the University Club in Manhattan in his first exhibition given since his return from Cleveland. He took on 20 of the members and in the space of 2 hours and 21 minutes, he won all his games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 11, 1921 Samuel Rzeschewski, who left New York for Buffalo on Monday, will visit a variety of cities before returning here. His next trip will probably take him to the Far West and will keep him fairly busy until the close of the active season. Appended is the score of his game with Col. Dunn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1921 Chess Giants Even After 4-Hour Play. Match leaves Capablanca and Lasker in a deadlock. They adjourned their first game after the 32d move with the result remaining very doubtful. The two masters will play each night after 9 pm until 1am and will continue until 24 games are played, or one wins 8 victories. Should the limit be reached without either having an advantage in games won, the tournament will be declared drawn and Capablanca will be considered the winner, as Dr. Lasker is technically the challenger. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1921 By Spurning Conservatism Lasker Loses First Game. The score is 1-0 with 4 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 31, 1921 After 9 games, Lasker and Capablanca are abreast of the record made in the match between Dr. Lasker and the late Carl Schlechter. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1921 Capablanca Makes New Chess Record. Cuban leads Lasker by 2 to 0. With 8 drawn. Defense Perfect. Capablanca has accomplished what no chess master before him has been able to do in all the 27 years that Lasker has held the championship of the world — play 10 match games with him in succession and not lose one. Schlechter lived through 9 such games without losing, having won one and drawn 8, and then lost the 10th. Capablanca won the 10th games, increasing his score to 2-0 with 8 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 11, 1921 Capablanca Opens Big Gap At Chess. Lasker's thired defeat apparently due to anxiety to avoid draw. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1921 Dr. Lasker, Indisposed, Halts Chess Match. Since Thursday evening when Capablanca won the 14th game, giving him a lead of 4-0, with 10 drawn, there has been no further play in the chess championship match at Havana. On Friday Dr. Lasker took off the last of the 3 days to which he was entitled under the conditions and Saturday he felt too indisposed to play, but Capablanca declined to accept a point by forfeit. This time, however, the cable was silent on the subject and no reason for the additional delay was advanced. It is understood that the money, or at least not all of it, will not be paid over until 24 games have been played or a player reaches 10 wins. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1921 Lasker's Desire to Quit Match Gives Committee Knotty Problem. Conflicting reports have come over the cable regarding the championship chess match in Havana. The first was to the effect that Lasker had forfeited the 15th game and resigned the match to Capablanca. A later report stated that Lasker expressed the wish that he might resign the match on account of illness. Aside from reducing the match by 10 games, the important thing to be taken into serious consideration is the question of paying out the sum of $25,000 (over $311,000 in today's currency) due to the players upon completion of the match. Lasker, if he so wished, might forfeit 4 games, thereby giving Cabablanca a total of 8 points, but whether such a procedure would satisfy the committee is a bit doubtful. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1921 Capablanca Chess Champion; Third Incumbent in 55 years. 55 years have passed since, in 1866, Adolf Anderssen of Breslau, after losing by a score of 8-6, conceded the world's chess championship to Wilhelm Steinitz, an Austrian Jew and founder of the "modern school" of chess. In 1894, after Steinitz reigned for 28 years, Lasker, a German Jew, held the title for 27 years. Yesterday, Capablanca became world chess champion. Lasker lost the 14th and what turned out to be the last game of the historic match on April 21. The decision came yesterday when the match committee at Havana, of which Judge Alberto Ponce was chairman, announced its acceptance of the proposal of Dr. Lasker to resign the match in view of his illness. Dr. Lasker netted a total of $13,000, less his expenses ($3,000), or equivalent to 650,000 marks. Capablanca earned $12,000. There were 24 actual playing days, during which a total of 576 moves were made. Capablanca regarded the 10th game as his best. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1921 Dr. Lasker sailed today for Spain, where he will remain 2 months before returning to Berlin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 30, 1921 Formal Chess Negotiations Concluded Dram at Havana. Short and sweet and without reasons or explanations of any sort offered or required were the communications that passed between Lasker and the match committee last week. Judging by the cabled report, the action of Lasker was due to indisposition or downright illness, but not a suggestion of either is contained in the letters that were exchanged. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 5, 1921 Capablanca Incomparable? A Veritable Chess Machine. New world champion has never lost a match, won 7 tournaments and has been placed second three times. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1921 Samuel Rzeschewski in Line For Chess Championship. He returned from Detroit where he won 15, drew 3, and lost 2 in a simultaneous exhibition. Upon arrival in Detroit, he was received by Mayor Cousens, former partner of Henry Ford, who offered to Sammy the keys to the city. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1921 Heavy Strain and Overwork Sapped Dr. Lasker's Energies. Hartwig Cassel just returned from Havana where he was present for the 37 days of the championship match between Lasker and Capablanca. According to Mr. Cassel, Lasker's failure to measure up to his one-time standard of efficiency was due in some measure to the privations the ex-champion underwent while hemmed in behind the lines of the Central Powers during the World War, but even more so to his utter lack of training of any sort, either before or during the match. Lasker was not physically fit to play. The rather warm weather also contributed toward his inability to acclimatize himself properly. Lasker stated at Havana the he came fully unprepared, that he had neither practices with strong players nor even studied at all. Instead of resting before the beginning of play, he daily studied for hours in the morning of each day of play and was rather tired when engaged at the board. Lasker complained that the food, given to him at the hotel, was not palatable, so ate at the business part of the city. He also took in the sights of Havana, besides attending luncheons and dinners given in his honor. Altogether there was too much rushing about and too little rest. He also saw fit to engage in newspaper work, having contracts with two European papers to furnish the scores of the games, together with analytical work. Lasker made a quick recovery after the match, soon became quite chipper and, before he sailed for Spain, was much like his old self. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1921 Samuel Rzeschewski made his second appearance in Milwaukee, last week, playing 11 opponents at Gimbel's Grill, with the result that he won 10 games and lost one to A. H. Candee. [game] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 26, 1921 Chess Champion Sails; To Play by Wireless. Edward Lasker of Chicago, president of the Western Chess Association and Western titleholder, sailed for Europe on the steamship Olympic yesterday to be gone for two months. As soon as the Olympic gets into touch by wireless with the Adriatic, which is coming this way, Mr. Lasker will play a "blindfold" game against a team of consulting players on the sister ship. - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1921 and Aug 4, 1921 Janowski was the winner of the 8th American Chess Congress held in Atlantic City. There were 12 masters. He only lost one game, to Whitaker in the 3rd round. He had 3 drawn games. Whitaker and Jaffe placed 2nd and 3rd, respectively. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 28, 1921 Jackie Coogan is becoming adept at chess. The little star of "Peck's Bad Boy" is under the tutelage of Sammy Rzeschewski, the Polish boy chess wizard. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 17, 1921 Ohio Girl Chess Prodigy Is Rival for Rzeschewski. Celia Neimark, age 7, of West Austintown, Ohio, plays a capital game of chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1921 F. D. Yates of Leeds won the championship of the British Chess Association for the 3rd time at the annual congress held at Malvern during August. He scored 9-2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1921 Samuel Rzeschewski recently paid two visits to St. Louis and gave 4 exhibitions. He played 40 games, winning 38, losing 1, with one adjourned. [game] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1921 Rzeschewski in Minneapolis. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 22, 1921 Cuban Girl Chess Expert Holds Own with Champion. Little Maria Teresa Mora, Havana's school girl chess expert, is once more in the limelight as a result of a set match arranged between her and Jose Van der Gutch, winner of the recent tournament for the "Bohemia" trophy at the Havana Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 23, 1921 E. W. Gruer won the California State championship, held at the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1922 Samuel Rzeschewski made his reappearance in NY after an absence of over 6 months. In a simul, he won 4, drew 1, and lost 1, losing to Samuel Katz, secretary of the Manhattan CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 20, 1922 Cuba has now produced a brilliant girl chess player, Maria Teresa Mora, age 17, who is declared to be equal of any woman player in the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 1, 1922 For the first time since we wrested the chess crown from Lasker in Havana last spring, Metropolitan chess players will have an opportunity this evening to see the new world's champion in action at the rooms of the Manhattan CC in the Hotel Sherman Square, Broadway and 71st street. Membership of the Manhattan CC has almost reached the 300 mark. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1922 Samuel Rzeschewski won all 15 games in 2 hours in a simul at the Turn Verein Hall in Passaic, NJ. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1922 Capablanca defeats 37; allows 3 draws. 200 chess enthusiasts crowded the rooms of the Manhattan CC to watch Capablanca give his 1st exhibition of simultaneous display since becoming world champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1922 Samuel Rzeschewski defeated 10 at the Jewish Center. He defeated Harry Zirn, former Brooklyn CC champion. Rzeschewski also delighted the audience by rendering a number of sacred songs in Jewish, his clear young voice giving evidence of careful cultivation. At the conclusion of the program the Rzewshewski party drove off in a car with Sammy at the wheel. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 5, 1922 Capablanca off to Europe; to play in London tourney. He will also complete his honeymoon in Europe. At the Cleveland Athletic Club, he established a new record by winning 102 games and drawing 1 out of a total of 103. London will be the 1st important tournament he has engaged in since he won the Victory Tournament at Hastings in 1919. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1922 Samuel Rzeschewski paid 2 visits to the White House and also appeared on the floor of the House, hobnobbing with the Congressmen, who gathered about to shake hands. He also met President Harding and they shook hands. Harding said, "I am always glad to meet a champion, Master Rzeschewski." Sammy played chess with one of the Secret Service Force. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 6, 1922 Sammy Rzeschewski won 14, drew 3, and lost 1 at the Washington DC Central YMCA. Earlier, he defeated 3 congressmen from NY, Ohio, and Mississippi. The news of their defeat had preceded them and upon returning to the House the more or less crestfallen legislators were given the laugh by their colleagues on the floor. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1922 For the first time in the history of international chess India will be represented in a masters tournament, when the London congress of the British Chess Federation opens in July. V. K. Khadilkar of Calcutta is the player chosen to carry the standard of the Orient, where the ancient game had its origin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 14, 1922 No invitation was issued by the British Chess Federation to Dr. Lasker to participate in the London masters tournament, which can be explained by the fact that Lasker did considerable writing of a hostile nature during the war and the feeling thus engendered is slow to wear off. - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 1, 1922 Andrew Bonar Law, Unionist leader in the House of Commons, opens chess tourney in London. Lord Dunsany, the playwright, with the Lord Mayor of Westminster, officially welcomed the players to London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 31, 1922 Critics of chess have made the following statements. "As a mental exercise, chess is a game which leads nowhere. It teaches no lesson from which practical experience can be gained; it is useless as a means of gambling and has no recuperative value as a recreation. Finally, the energy sent in acquiring a knowledge of the game might be compared to a waste of opportunity — the learning of a language which has no literature." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 13, 1922 Capablanca won at London with 11 wins and 4 draws. Aljechin took 2nd with 8 wins and 7 draws, vollowed by Vidmar with 9 wins, 2 losses, and 4 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1922 Oscar Tenner, noted European master, arrived in New York with the intention of making America his permanent home. As a native of Austria, he was compelled to take the field immediately as an active Reservist. He was lightly wounded twice. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1922 Rzeschewski beat Janowski in the NY Chess Club International. He described his win and chess in general in an article he wrote for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. He had not seen his brothers and sisters in over two years, who were living in Canada and Poland. He mentioned that Charlie Chaplin plays poor chess, but they are good friends. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1922 Samuel Rzeschewski, age 10, was arrested "to stop father exploiting him for profit." He was taken into custody at midnight after a concert and chess exhibition in the Bronx. He spent the night at the Brown Children's Society Home in Manhattan. The arrest was made with considerable difficulty because of the indignant demonstration of the crowd which surged toward the doors when the officers appeared. The entertainment was for the benefit of the National Hebrew Orphan Home. A permit to hold last night's affair was denied on the grounds that minors may not give exhibitions on Sunday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1922 Sammy Rzeschewski was arrested by Chief Offiver Philip Lowenthal of the Children's Society. They will come face to face next Monday morning in the Bronx Children's Court. He was arrested for appearing on a public platform rather late on Sunday evening. He was allowed to go home with his parents, but only on condition that for the next week, he will give no public exhibitions. He spent Sunday night and all day Monday in the Bronx Detention Home, to which he was taken by agents of the Bronx Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Sammy was unable to eat while in detention because the food was not kosher. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 24, 1922 Parents of Rzeschewski, boy chess wizard, freed. They were freed after the hearing from Magistrate Marsh. The hearing was the outcome of Sammy's arrest on the night of Oct 22, when he sang and played chess for the benefit of the Hebrew Orphanage at the Hunt's Point Casino. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 1, 1922 Eugene Morphy, a second cousin of Paul Morphy, presented a gold medal to Sammy Rzeschewski "in recognition of the marked ability demonstrated in the masters tournament as the Chess Club International." Morphy referred to Rzeschewski as the youngest chess player who has ever been known to enter into even competition with men of master strength. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1922 Samuel Rzeschewski made his last appearance in the Children's Court in Manhattan yesterday afternoon when, after a two hours' hearing before Judge Samuel Levy, he obtained his discharge from the custody of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The motion for dismissal of the case was granted on the ground that the charge of improper guardianship had not been sustained. Philip Lowenthal, special officer for the Children's Society, conducted the case. He did not show sufficient evidence that the boy's health or morals were in danger of being impaired. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1922 Thomas M. Edison, a son of the inventor, lent additional interest to the game contested in the 3rd round of the annual tournament of the Intercollegiate Chess League, when his team from MIT, winners of last year's series, administered the first defeat sustained by New York University. Edison won his game on Board 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1922 Austrians impound prize won by Rubinstein at chess. Rubinstein won 8,000,000 crowns at the conclusion of the recent international congress at Vienna. Departing from the city and arriving at the border, ran afoul of the frontier officials, who took an interest in his cash holdings. The 8,000,000 crowns were impounded. The reason was that releasing these home made funds and permitting them to run amuck in strange lands would result in further depreciation of Austrian exchange. The value of 8,000,000 crowns was $120 in American dollars. Rubinstein finally reached Hastings safely in time for the opening of the chess festival there. Rubinstein finished 1st at Hasting, scoring 6.5-2.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1923 Marshall and Edward Lasker start chess title match tonight. This evening, after a lapse of 14 years, the US chess championship will once more be competed for, when, at the rooms of the Marshall CC in Manhattan, Frank J. Marshall will face Edward Lasker of Chicago, the challenger, in the first of 18 games of their match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1923 Although it is stated that he never learned the rules or fundamentals of the game, Aristide Grommer, 13, has astounded the chess world by playing 20 simultaneous games with the best players of the Paris Palais Royal Club. He lost only one game. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1923 After 5 games, Marshall is tied with Ed Lasker. The 5th game was played at the Hamilton Club in Chicago. Both have won 2, with one draw. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1923 Manhattans to Celebrate Victory in Chess League. The winning of the championship of the Metropolitan Chess League will be celebrated by the Manhattan CC. They won on tiebreak over the Rice Progressive Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 19, 1923 Marshall Can Hardly Lose Chess Title. In order to rid himself of his title of US chess champion, which he had held for the past 14 years, Frank Marshall must lose both of his remaining games of his match with Edward Lasker of Chicago. They have played 16 games. Marshall has won 5, lost 4, and drawn 7. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 7, 1923 Marshall Retains Title as Chess Champion. He drew his 17th game yesterday, played at Lawrence, Long Island. Marshall has won 5, lost 4, and drawn 8. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 11, 1923 Alekhine Leads Masters In Closing Chess Rounds. 15 of the 17 rounds have been completed at the International tournament at Carlsbad. Alexander Alekhine is found to be at the head, with Bogoljubow and Maroczy both one point behind. Alekhine has won 11 and lost 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 17, 1923 Loses His Queen at Chess; Is Urged to "Move," Dies. Louis Silverman, 47, and Sam Katz were playing a quiet game of chess last night in the Pitkin Chess Club. Katz made a move which resulted in the loss of Silverman's queen. Katz was impatient for his partner to continue the game. He spoke sharply to him and was given no answer. Silverman had slumped forward in his seat. Alarmed, Katz went to the side of his opponent and found him dead. A physician was called and determined that his death was due to heart disease. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 4, 1923 Dr. Lasker Will Not Retire; Through With Chess Title. Lasker is quite prepared to participate in a masters' tournament, provided satisfactory conditions are made for him by management. Dr. Lasker was present throughout the entire Carlsbad chess congress at the Hotel Imperial for the purpose of reporting the proceedings for several European newspapers. On one of the bye days, Lasker and Alekhine played blitz chess for 12 hours and wound up with an even score. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 21, 1923 Samuel Rzeschewski gave an exhibition in Long Island last week. He played a dozen games simultaneously, not losing one. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 5, 1923 Marshall Looms Up as Winner of Chess Title. US champion defeats Sournin in 12th round at Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Marshall increased his lead in the 12th and semi-final round of the 9th American Chess Congress at the Hotel Alamac. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 20, 1923 Draw by Marshall ties Abraham Kupchik as tourney closes. Albert Hodges robs US champion of a triumph at Lake Hopatcong. The final score of Marshall and Kupchik was 10.5-2.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 22, 1923 Roy T. Black, of Syracuse, formerly champion of Brooklyn, overslept on the morning of the 10 round in the 9th American Chess Congress at Lake Hopatcong and lost 55 minutes on his clock. Nevertheless, he succeeded in keeping within the time limit and outplayed his opponent in the ending after 91 moves. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 20, 1923 Alekhine Touring Britain; To Play Chess in America. Alekhine attended the recent annual meeting of the British Chess Federation at Portsmouth. He was barred from the British championship, but entered the major open tournament, in which he was easily first with a score of 10.5-0.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 27, 1923 Alexander Alekhine played 54 games at the Montmarte Chess Club against the best players of Paris and the provinces. He won 46, lost 3 and drew 5. By profession he is an examining magistrate. Ruined by the Russian revolution he is seeking a living by his wizardry at chess. Next year he will meet Jose Capablanca in the USA for the world's championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 5, 1923 Alekhine leaving France on visit to Montreal. Bound for America for his first visit to the Western Hemisphere, Alexander Alekhine is now on the high seas bound for Montreal. After about a week in Montreal, he will head for New York before visiting other parts of Canada. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 8, 1923 New world chess record aim of Alexander Alekhine. He may make an attempt while in Montreal to surpass the world's record for blindfold play, now held by Richard Reti, who has played as many as 25 games simultaneously while blindfolded. Alekhine will try to make it to 26. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1923 Good showing by Montreal against Alekhine at chess. His first exhibition in the New World was at the National Chess Club, where he played against 37 opponents, defeating 27. He lost 5 and drew 5. He played 136 games in Canada, winning 120, losing 8 and drawing 8. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 28, 1923 and Dec 2, 1923 Alekhine here; impresses chess players. Alekhine was interned by the Germans in Mannheim, and in time made his escape. For 2 years, as captain of a artillery in the Russian army, he saw real fighting, was wounded, laid up in hospitals and later served with the Red Cross at the front. Under the old regime he was in the legal department of the Foreign Office at St. Petersburg. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1923 Hyram Smart, a hotel proprietor, became unconscious while playing chess in London. His opponent did not discover his condition for several minutes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1923 Brooklyn holds own at chess with Alekhine. 23 games, including one blindfold, were contested by Alexander Alekhine in the second exhibition of his American tour, given at the rooms of the Brooklyn Chess Club, in the presence of 200 onlookers, last night. It was exactly the same opposition, numerically, that faced him at the Manhattan CC the night before. He won 26, lost 4, and drew 3. The Russian lost 2 more games than at the Manhattan CC, but drew 6 less. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1923 Alekhine back from trip; ready for more conquests. In Providence he won 25 out of 28 games and drew 3. In Boston, he was opposed by as many as 40, of whom 35 were defeated, 2 won and 3 drew. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 20, 1923 Alekhine meets 20 today at press club. Alekhine will give a demonstration of his skill for the benefit of the Newspaper Club in Manhattan at 2 o'clock this afternoon. He will combine blindfold chess with simultaneous play. Thus far, he has played 358 games, of which he has won 292, drawn 43, and lost 22. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 13, 1924 A letter received yesterday from Capablanca, and c cablegram from Dr. Emanuel Lasker, from The Hague, where he now resides, gave assurance of their participation in the New York International Chess Masters Tournament planned to be held at the Hotel Alamac, Manhattan, beginning March 17. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1924 Alekhine Seeks Record at Blindfold Chess. After the New York International, Alekhine will give his record-breaking blindfold exhibition against 26 opponents. In his exhibition at Davenport, Iowa, he played 27 games, including 2 blindfolded. Barring one draw, he made a clean sweep. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1924 Dr. Lasker is icebound on a vessel in the Baltic Sea and none of the passengers or crew knows anything about his favorite game. The authorities are endeavoring to send relief to the icebound ship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 25, 1924 At the beginning of the New York International on March 16, Capablanca said, "I wish to announce that it is extremely doubtful if ever again I participate in an international tournament. Only the fact that it was the first big tournament in the US for the last 20 years made me come to play, as, for the last year, since my father's death I had decided to practically retire from hard chess competition. I expect in the future to play only occasionally in public exhibitions. As for my title of world's champion, I would gladly relinquish it, but feeling that the young players have a right to fight for it, I shall patiently wait a few years at least until one of them comes up to expectations and beats me in a match for the title. If by chance it should happen that I manage to retain my title for some time yet, I shall then see what steps can be taken for me to retire without giving the other players any just cause of complaint." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1924 Dr. Lasker Crowned Victor In Masters Chess Tourney. Fulfilling expectations, base up his lead of 1.5 points, Lasker made sure if the 1st prize of $1,500 (equivalent to $21,000 in today's currency) in the New York International Chess Masters Tournament by defeating Dr. Tartakower of Austria in the 21st and semi-final round at the Hotel Alamac. The victory gave Lasker a score on 15-4, a total which Capablanca cannot match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 16, 1924 Chess Masters Tourney Ends; Marshall Gets Fourth Prize. Lasker won the event with 16-4 score, followed by Capablanca and Alekhine. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1924 America Winner Over Britain in Intercollegiate Cable Chess. The American team won by the score of 3.5 to 2.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1924 Alekhine played 26 opponents blindfolded at the Hotel Alamac, a new world record. He won 16, lost 5, and drew 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1924 Golfer Bobby Jones plays chess. He said, "I find chess the greatest possible relaxation while preparing for a championship. It stimulates the mind pleasantly while taking one's thought off golf." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1924 Dr. Lasker Sailing for Home Proposed Chess Federation. Lasker proposed an international chess federation for the arrangement of international contests. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 12, 1924 Alekhine in South of France Busy With Chess Annotation. Alekhine contracted with the tournament committee to annotate all 110 games from the New York International. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1924 Latvians Come to the Front In Olympic Chess Tourney. News from Paris has two Latvian representatives out of the three sent to Paris captured the two highest prizes in the international amateur tournament of the 8th Olympiad. It was Armand Mattison who emerged as the first Olympian amateur chess champion, with a score of 5.5 out of 8. Fred Apscheneek, another Latvian, finished 2nd, œ a point below his fellow countryman. At the conclusion of the tournament a meeting was held for the purpose of taking the initial steps toward the formation of an International Chess Federation. Dr. A. Rueb, president of the Dutch Chess Federation, was elected president and Switzerland was named as headquarters for the federation for the first year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 7, 1924 Chessplayers included Richelieu, Philip II of Spain, Hindenburg, and Ludendorff. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1924 Julius Rosenwald of Chicago arranged to pay the cost of Sammy Rzezewski's education, and make a Jewish theologian of him if possible. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 7, 1924 Blackburne, Grand Old Man of English Chess, Dead at 82. Blackburne's career started in 1860 and extended over a period of 64 years. He died in London on Sep 1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1924 Samuel Reshevsky had a splendid opportunity in the very last round to increase his score sufficiently to enable him to finish 2nd to Carlos Torre in the annual tournament of the Western Chess Association, at Detroit. However, he lost his game to Whitaker. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1924 Columbia Players Capture Intercollegiate Chess Cup. They won in 10 years in succession in the 32nd CHYP Chess League. The intercollegiate matches began in 1892. The late Edward Caswell, Yale, '66, was the prime mover in the organization. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 31, 1924 In consequence of the withdrawal of Harvard, Yale and Princeton from the "C. H. Y. P." College Chess League at a meeting of delegates held in Manhattan, that organization, after holding annual tournaments for the past 32 years, was practically broken up, inasmuch as Columbia, winner of the challenge cup for the last 10 years, was left as the sole member. A new alliance was made between Harvard, Yale, Princeton and West Point. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1925 and Jan 15, 1925 Alexander Alekhine played 28 opponents blindfolded in Paris. The exhibition was sponsored by the newspaper Petite Parisien. There reception hall was transferred into a chess room for the occasion. He won 22, drew 3, and lost 3. In New York, last April, he played 26 games, winning 16, drawing 5, and losing 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1925 After 12 rounds at Baden-Baden, Alekhine leads with a score of 10-1, followed by Gruenfeld at 8.5-3.5, and Rubinstein at 8-3. Frank Marshall's score is 7-4 - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1925 Alekhine made sure of 1st prize at Baden Baden with 12 wins, 8 draws and no losses. Second place went to Rubinstein of Poland. Saemisch of Germany took 3rd prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 14, 1925 Following a week of complete rest, 11 of the 21 experts who took part at Baden-Baden are here in Marienbad, Czechoslovakia. Among the 11 are Frank Marshall and Carlos Torre. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 21, 1925 Niemzowitsch of Denmark and Rubinstein of Poland tied for 1st at Marienbad, scoring 11-4. Marshall and Torre tied for 3rd-4th, scoring 10-5. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 9, 1925 During the progress of the amateur chess tournament at the Olympics in Paris last year, definite steps were taken toward organizing the chess players of the world and an international federation under the title of "Federation Internationale des Echecs" came into existence. Its president is Dr. A. Rueb of The Hague, supported by Leonard Rees of England as vice president and M. Nicolet of Belgium as treasurer. A call has been issued for the second congress of the federation to be held at Zurich, Switzerland in July. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 16, 1925 E. D. Bogojubow, chess champion of Russia, carried off the first prize in the German Chess Association tourney in Breslau. Bogoljubow, who will defend his Russian title in the annual national tournament at Petrograd shortly, finished with a score of 9.5-1.5. A. Niemzowitsch, another Russian, but representing Denmakr, where he now resides, took 2nd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1925 Bogoljubow clinches victory in Moscow with draw against Lasker. Capablanca third. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 7, 1925 Following the last session of play, a reception was held in honor of the visiting chess master at the Metropole Hotel in Moscow last night. This brought to the conclusion the international tournament which has been in progress since Nov. 10. Bogoljubow won 1,500 rubles. Lasker won 1,000 rubles. Capablanca won 750 rubles. 4th place finisher Marshall won 600 rubles. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 10, 1925 "Solve the chess problem and win a cigar." This sign hanging in the windows of a West End cigar shop nearly brought bankruptcy to the cigar dealer. A large chess board in the window bore another card saying: "White to play and mate in three moves." Soon a crowd gathered. In it was a chess "shark." He walked inside, made the necessary moves and came out puffing a 10-cent "Perfecto." Outside the crowd wanted to know how he solved the problem. For a few cents each he sold his solution of the play. There was a rush inside and a cloud of smoke from numerous cigars soon filled the shop. There was a clamor by others to test their ability as chess masters, but in the haze the dealer withdrew the signs and declared his offer at an end. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1926 18 chess masters entered the international tournament in Semmering, Austria. A serious upset was recorded in the first round when Alexander Alekhine, now a Doctor of Laws, lost to A. Niemzowitsch of Denmark. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1926 Spielmann Wins Chess Tourney At Semmering. Rudolph Spielmann won at Semmering with a 13-4 score, losing only one game. Alekhine of Paris scored 12.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 31, 1926 Aron Niemzowitsch won at Dresden, winning 1,000 marks. Alekhine took 2nd and 600 marks. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1926 For many years, Emanuel Lasker's chief recreation from work and chess was tennis. He was educated at the universities of Berline, Gottingen and Heidelberg. He is a Doctor of Philosophy. His mathematical and scientific contributions include works on curved lines, metrical relations, geometrical calculus and similar topics. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 16, 1926 Meyer London, famous Socialist and ex-Congressman, was fond of chess and in this way occasionally found relaxation from his political worries. In early April 1922, Reshevsky played simultaneously against 3 Congressmen in the Caucus Room of the House of Representatives. Meyer London was one of his opponents. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 10, 1926 Capablanca Wins from Edward Lasker in Chess Tourney at Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Marshall and Maroczy drew. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 15, 1926 Chess Laurels for Capablanca; Kupchik Second at the Pan-American chess tournament in Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Maroczy took 3rd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 21, 1926 Alexander Alekhine has sent a cablegram to Jose Capablanca, the world's champion, challenging him to a match for the title to be played in Buenos Aires next year. The Argentine Chess Club has deposited $500 to guarantee Alekhine's part. The club will offer a purse of $10,000 and pay all the expenses of the participants in the match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 3, 1926 An all-night international chess match was held recently in Manila, when the Filipino chess champion played a match from a local amateur radio station against a combination of Chinese champions located in Shanghai. The match was won by the Chinese players. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1926 Bogoljubow, Soviet Champion, Wins Berlin Chess Tourney. He scored 7-2. 2nd place went to Akiba Rubinstein. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1926 Chess kept pace with the times during the year. The masters tournament at Lake Hopatcong attracted world champion Capablanca and US champion Marshall. There was a national tournament in Chicago. There was a cable match between Chicago and London in November (the Insull Trophy). L. Stolzenberg of Detroit won the Western Chess Association. Milton Hanauer won the NY state association championship. Dr. Emanuel Lasker made a comprehensive tour of America. New York University won the Intercollegiate Chess League. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 26, 1926 National Chess Federation Formed by Chicago Players. The National Chess Federation of the United States of America has been organized there with 21 directors and that a charter under the laws of the State of Illinois has been applied for. For the first year, the headquarters will be in Chicago. Maurice Kuhns was elected president. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 13, 1927 Dr. Lasker was not invited to take part in the forthcoming tournament, Feb 19, to be put on by New York this year. He was not invited to play because he had written to say that the committee had "bluffed him and wronged him" and Mr. Lederer, secretary of the tournament committee of the Manhattan CC, did not want a repetition of such a letter. Lasker claims in 1924 (a tournament in which we won) that his chess clock robbed him of 15 minutes, and thus lost a game to Capablanca. Furthermore, he says he was not paid the customary fee of $500 and that the surplus from the sale of tickets was not distributed among the players, as it should have been. Mr. Lederer said that the $500 fee was for the champion and Capablanca was the new champion since 1921. The surplus was not distributed because there was a deficit. The timepiece was stopped to help rather than hinder him when Dr. Lasker had forgotten to do it himself. And then Mr. Lederer made the blackest charge of them all. Dr. Lasker, he said, used black 5-cent cigars to smoke out his rivals. These cigars were long and dark and they emitted a smoke which irritated the throats and confused the mental processes of his rival players. This was done, he indicated, with malice and forethought. For, when not playing in tournaments, Lasker smoked Havana cigars with a mild and pleasant flavor. And, during the games the opposing players would offer him their own mild Havanas, but these he put away in his vest pocket to use later, and he continued to smoke his cloud-raising black and terrifying stogies. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 26, 1927 and Jan 30, 1927 The 1927 tournament committee first did not invite Lasker and subsequently sanctioned informal negotiations with the ex-champion, who thereupon scathingly denounced it. Many agree that the onslaught was timed to harm the forthcoming congress. He has alleged a surplus in the 1924 tournament fund, of which $10,000 was raised by voluntary contributions through the efforts of the committee he assails. Walter Penn Shipley calls attention to the fact that he was one of a number who actually subscribed to a deficit. Dr. Lasker claimed to know that the 1927 committee was sidetracking the world championship match planned in Buenos Aires for Capablanca and Dr. Alekhine. In fact, the last-named comes here with the assurance of the committee that his challenge will be given the right of way, regardless of the outcome of the tournament. Dr. Lasker held the Manhattan CC responsible for the international tournament committee and demanded satisfaction on moral, if not legal, grounds. Dr. Norbert Lederer was never secretary of the club, as alleged by Dr. Lasker. Furthermore, the Manhattan CC did not originate the tournament. Capablanca was quoted as saying, "So far as I can remember, I have never attacked Dr. Lasker. Twice since 1911 I have found it necessary to defend myself against unwarranted attacks on the part of Dr. Lasker and as a result have refused to talk to him for a number of years at a time. Now for a third time Dr. Lasker assumes an aggressive attitude toward me wholly uncalled for since I have done publically nothing or said nothing that could hurt him in the least. As far as the clock incident, to the best of my recollection Dr. Lasker's facts are not correct. It seems that Dr. Lasker tries to find an alibi every time he loses to me. At the rate he is going, if he is not the alibi champion already, he will very soon be. To my mind, Dr. Lasker's attitude is undignified and not what one would expect from a scholarly man nearing the sixties who has traveled the world over and come into contact with all kinds of people." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1927 For the lack of a national body at the time the entry list was closed on Jan. 1, this country will not be represented in the International Team Tournament to be held in London in connection with the congress of the British Chess Federation from July 18 to 30 of this year. 16 nations will figure in that competition. Relative national prowess and not the status of individual players will be the aim of the team tournament. Countries are invited to send a team of their four finest available players qualified by birth or naturalization. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1927 Capablanca Squeezed Great Concessions for Approaching Chess Meet, Opponents Assert. Got exclusive right to issue book. Much heart-burning has developed among those who are to play in the Internationals Grand Masters Chess Tournament, which begins at the Manhattan Square Hotel next Saturday, because of the special and profitable arrangement the committee in charge has granted Jose R. Capablanca, the world's champion. The "price" in this case includes: his expenses from his home in Cuba, his maintenance here from the time of his arrival to the close of the tournament, $1,000 in cash and the exclusive rights to issue a book with annotations on the tactics, strategy and play at the tournament. This is the first time any master has asked as much and the first time so much has been granted. For internationals tournaments, almost all the players are professional. Only Dr. Milan Vidmar, a Jugoslavian university professor and a man of wealth, has been able to afford the luxury of playing international chess as an amateur. Dr. Emanuel Lasker has not been invited to enter and will not play. Lasker charged that a sophisticated time-clock was used against him when he and Capablanca met in 1924 and that the gate receipts were not properly distributed. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1927 Cuban Surpasses Himself In Winning Chess Prize; To Play for Title Next. Capablanca was won 8, drawn 9, and lost none with 3 more rounds to go. Alekhine has won 3, drawn 12, and lost 2 for 2nd place so far. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 18, 1927 Capablanca, King of Chess, Invincible in Tourney: Alekhine Placed Second. For some time the first prize of $2,000 had been his. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 24, 1927 Enthusiasm High In Warm Acclaim Of Chess Masters. International Tourney Prizes Awarded at Dinner attended by 200. Checks of varying amounts, including the three main prizes of $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000 were handed out to Capablanca, Alekhine, and Nimzowitsch. The other players were Vidmar, Spielmann, and Marshall. First prize for the best-played game went to Capablanca for his victory over Spielmann. The chess sets were auctioned off and netted $305. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 26, 1927 Hyman Hendler and Leon Prochnick, both well past their 80 birthdays, have just completed their 3,000th consecutive games of chess at the Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for the Aged. These two old chess masters in establishing what is supposed to be a record for consecutive play have not missed a single day at the chess board in the three years they have been together at the home for the aged. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 2, 1927 Dr. Lasker says the game of chess has reached a deadlock. It has been developed to such perfection that it does not seem possible to go any further under the present rules, he believes. With examples from the recent tournament played in New York where most parties ended in draws, Dr. Lasker demonstrated here how hopeless it is to force a victory since all possible lines have been worked out. An outcome from this difficulty he saw in a system of counting points. While this would not be a relief for all future, it would last for a century, he says. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1927 Rudolf Smirka of the Marshall Chess Club set a new record by winning the NY state championship with the score of 8-0. He won the NY championship in 1923. Worthy of note is the fact that of the 36 games played in this tournament, only 2 were drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1927 Samuel Reshevsky, 16, the Detroit schoolboy, will make his 1st appearance in 3 years at the annual tournament of the National Chess Federation of America here in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Aug 25 to Sep 5. Three years ago Reshevsky made a triumphant journey of chess playing in this country and in Europe. Then he gave up the game in order to devote his full time to school work. He has made only one recent public appearance. That was at Cincinnati, where h engaged 19 players and easily defeated all of them. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1927 Miss Vera Menchik, 21, of Hastings, England, became the first woman chess champion of the world by winning the women's tournament at the international chess meet sponsored here by the British Chess Federation. She is a pupil of Maroczy, the Hungarian master. She played her first game of chess in Moscow when she was 9 years old. Her mother is English and her father a Czechoslovakian. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1927 Norman Whitaker won the National Chess Federation tourney in Kalamazoo. He was followed by Kupchik, Mlotkowski, Reshevsky, and Steiner. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1927 Chess World Agog Over Loss Of First Game by Champion; Precedent Set by Alekhine. What Lakser failed to do in 14 games in Havana in 1921 the Franco-Russian accomplished right off the reel in far-off Buenos Aires. Just before the last New York tournament, Alekhine barely defeated Dr. Euwe of Amsterdam in 10 games. Now, however, he looms up suddenly as one of the most dangerous opponents Capablanca ever had to reckon with. For the first time in his career as a master Capablanca knows how it feels to be trailing an opponent in match play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 22, 1927 Jose Capablanca Planned Return Chess Match Here. Sensing defeat by Alekhine at Buenos Aires, Champion Looks Forward to 1929. Capablanca wrote a letter to Julius Finn of the Manhattan CC during his match with Alekhine. It was written immediately after Alekhine had won the 11th and 12th games and games a 3-2 lead. Capablanca wrote, "My dear Mr. Finn — I am not doing as well as I had expected. I believe, however, that should another match be arranged in New York in 1929, I could do much better. I am therefore writing to you to ask you to take an interest in this affair and to do your best to arrange for me a return match in New York in January, February or March 1929. I have spoken to Dr. Alekhine about this and he says that he would be very glad to play. Should the match here end in a draw I suggest the next match be limited to 20 games, the winner of the majority to win the match." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 13, 1927 Alekhine Wins Chess Crown By Defeating Capablanca in 34-game Series in Buenos Aires. A new king of the chess world reigns today. He is Alexander Alekhine of Russia, a six-footer of military bearing, who yesterday defeated Jose Capablanca of Havana, who has held the title since 1921. Alekhine won 6, lost 3, and drew 25. Alekhine won the title by being first to win 6 games. There was a purse of $10,000 put up for the Buenos Aires match. Capablanca, being champion, demanded a "playing fee" of $4,000. He got $6,400 as the loser while the winner takes only $3,600. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 29 and 30, 1927 The hero of the chess world is now known as Dr. Alexander Alekhine. For the benefit of Engish-speaking friends he introduced the letter "k" into the spelling of his surname. It lost thereby the soft guttural sound of "ch" so natural to Slavs and Teutons, but next to impossible for Anglo-Saxons. To his degree of M.A., obtained in St. Petersburg, he added, within the last two years, that of Docteur en Droit (Doctor of Laws). The Sorbonne in Paris gave him that. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 4, 1927 A skeleton seated before an unfinished chess game has been found in a cabin near Lees Ferry, Arizona. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1928 Capablanca was interviewed in New York and asked to ascribe the loss of the match to Dr. Alekhine. Capa responded, "Chiefly, the good play of Dr. Alekhine. I never dreamt that my former good form could fail me at such an inopportune time. I was not my normal self and I made mistakes that, now that I look back upon them, are quite unaccountable. I think the time is not far away when there will be a demand for a change in chess. The board can be changed so as to encompass 100 squares instead of 64. Of course that would mean the addition of two more pieces and two pawns on each side." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1928 Chess Players Disagree with Capablanca. Time not yet ripe for board of 100 squares with additional piece. There is no hint that chess has been played out and needs to be changed to be made more difficult. Capablanca made this statement, "I am greatly interested in having the game modified among the great players. This will have to be done to make chess more difficult and interesting. It has not reached its limit and it is only a question of years when modification will be imperative." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1928 Capablanca says chess is ailing; needs a doctor. "Must Not Let Great Game Die of Dry Rot," declares the master. The former chess champion was discussing his own startling proposition to change the rules of the game so as to make it more difficult for the experts, of whom the greatest masters are beginning to find it comparatively easy matter to draw at will. He said, "There is plenty of vigor in the old game yet, but it may not be always so. To my mind there are enough indications to warrant some such innovations as I have suggested. The many drawn games between experts of the first class show that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to outwit a wideawake opponent. A draw is the bugbear of the competitor wishing to make a good score. Too many of them hold him back and he is apt to drift into an unsound style." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 19, 1928 Harvard and Princeton are supposed to have severed all athletic relations, but at any rate, Harvard and Princeton met in an intercollegiate chess match on 5 boards last Saturday at the Harvard Club in Manhattan. Harvard was the winner of this chess tournament match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1928 Central YMCA bans chess. Chess received a knockout blow in the Central Branch YMCA in Brooklyn today, where members were forbidden to indulge in it until further notice. Chess players turned out and protested. The YMCA secretary says that chess attracts an undesirable element and that some members stand around with their hats on while watching a closely contested game and sometimes smoke, both of which are forbidden. The chess players are agreed that the real reason for this unfriendly attitude rests in the fact that members pay only once a year for the privilege of the chess and checker club, while other activities such as prize fight followers, dancers and pool playing members pay regularly, frequently and largely for each game played or prize fight or dance attended. The YMCA says that the chess room is closed due to the simmer cutting down of supervisory personnel and that in all probability it would be opened again in the fall. Playing with a private set as also out because there is really no place where they could play. The YMCA educational secretary said that many players can't play chess anyhow but complain just because they can't have their own way. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 11, 1928 Capablanca, who arrived here on Monday, is in the best of health after his sojourn of several months at his home in the suburbs of Havana, has been keeping out in the open indulging in tennis, his favorite form of physical exercise. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1928 Hungarians Win Olympic Chess Meet at Hague. They succeeded Czechoslovakia, the winner at Paris four years ago. The Hungarians also won the team tournament in London last year. The USA team holds second place by a comfortable margin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 5, 1928 If modern chess players want to become experts, they should "drink water, not wine," and sit so that "the light is in their opponent's eyes." Such is one of the many artifices set forth in the ancient books on chess comprising an almost priceless collection of old manuscripts which was auctioned off at Sotherby's. The collection was started by the late J. W. Rimington-Wilson, a noted authority on indoor games, who died in 1877, and was kept up by his son, the late R. H. Rimington-Wilson. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1928 Hungary came through as winner of the Olympic team tournament at The Hague, and Dr. Max Euwe led the field in the individual championship tournament. USA took second with 17 countries participating. Poland took 3rd place. The American team was captioned by Erling Tholfsen of the Marshall Chess Club. The other USA team members were Isaac Kashdan, Herman Steiner, Milton Hanauer, and Samule Factor. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1928 Chess World Hails Bogoljubow for victory at Kissingen. For the 2nd time in his career, he outranked Capablanca, who took 2nd. Euwe and Rubenstein tied for 3rd and 4th. Bogo had 6 wins, 1 loss, and 4 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 30, 1928 The chess Olympiad at The Hague had 86 participants. Isaac Kashdan had the best results, with 12 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss, for a 86.66 winning percentage. Next came Muffang of France with 9 wins, 7 draws, on 0 losses, for a 78.15 winning percentage. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1928 Alekhine has accepted a challenge from E. D. Bogoljubow of Triberg, Germany, the winner of the recent tournament at Bad-Kissingen. Bogo will be prepared to meet the champion in the fall of 1929. The latest report from Paris is to the effect that Alekhine did not receive Capablanca's challenge which, according to Norbert Lederer, the Cuban's representative in this city, was mailed to the champion fully two months ago. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 27, 1928 Because of his plan to tour the south of India early next year, Alekhine has put off his match with Bogoljubow until September 1929. The match it is reported, will be limited to 10 games to be played in Bad Kissingen, Berne, and Amsterdam or The Hague. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 30, 1928 Capablanca won at Budapest, scoring 7-2. He scored 5 wins and 4 draws. Frank Marshall took 2nd place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 4, 1928 Chess is played on the Graf Zeppelin and chess is taught to the officers. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 18, 1928 It was reported that Dr. Berthold Lasker, older brother of Emanuel Lasker, died in Berlin. He, himself, was a master and taught Emanuel the game of chess in early youth. He devoted his life to medicine and was a specialist in skin diseases. He was born on Dec 31, 1860 and was an authority on endgame compositions. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 25, 1928 Capablanca won at Berlin with 5 wins and 7 draws. Nimzowitsch took 2nd, followed by Spielmann. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 25, 1928 Alekhine consented to meet Bogoljubow before Capablanca because Bogo had first put his formal challenge in writing. Alekhine has notified Bogo that he must be ready by Jan 15 to back up his challenge with the necessary fund as required by the agreements entered into by the masters during the London Congress of 1922. Capablanca was relying upon the verbal understanding he had with Alekhine at Buenos Aires. He finally sent him a written challenge from Berlin while he was participating in the recent tournament there. If Bogo should fail to come to time by the middle of January, then Alekhine will be ready to negotiate with the Cuban. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 25, 1928 Ajeeb is dead after long retirement. He was the little fellow hidden in the Chess Automaton of the Eden Musee, who beat pretty nearly everybody and was once shot through his mechanical encasement by an enraged Texan. His name was Peter J. Hill and his last days were spent in the State Hospital at Worcester, MA. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 1, 1929 Alekhine will visit the USA next week, who has not been in this country since 1924. He will play 40-50 opponents, and some while blindfolded. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 14, 1929 Alekhine played 52 at the Brooklyn Institute Chess Club. He lost 4, drew 6 and won 42 after 7 hours of play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 29, 1929 Alekhine, who completed his tour of the US at the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco, last night, had decided to visit Mexico before returning East. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1929 Alekhine, besides playing chess, is busy with his law practice, tennis and bridge playing, horseback riding, music and art studies and a veritable thousand and one other interests. He speaks English, German, French, Russian, and about a dozen other languages. He said, "Chess is akin to music, and I know of more artists and musicians who enjoy it than mathematicians. What are my hobbies? I like music, horseback riding, painting. That is not enough. Well, add tennis. Do I play well? That is a different story." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1929 Alekhine won at Bradley Beach, NJ, with 8 wins, no losses, and 1 draw. 2nd went to L. Steiner with 6 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. In the rapid-transit tourney, Alekhine won, scoring 7.5 out of 8. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1929 Alekhine sails after a successful tour; plays Bogoljubow next. Alekhine sailed away after 3 months in the US, his third trip to this country. Alekhine played ping pong and bridge while heading back to Europe. During his US tour, he played 606 games, winning 504, losing 47, and drawing 55. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1929 Hartwig Cassel is dead. He was a veteran chess journalist for the last 40 years. It was he who suggested the first transatlantic cable match between the Manhattan CC and the British CC of London in 1895. He directed Cambridge Springs 1904. He originated the college cable matches with Oxford and Cambridge. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1929 After one of the closes finishes on record, Aron Nimzowitsch, age 43, landed the 1st prize of 20,000 crowns, by defeating Tartakower in the 21st round. Capablanca and Spielmann tied for 2nd-3rd. Alekhine was there as a journalist, but did not play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 27, 1929 Capablanca won at Budapest, followed by Rubinstein. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1929 Dr. Alekhine Retains Chess Title Easily; Capablanca Next. The match was played in Wiesbaden (twice), Heidelberg, Berlin, The Hague, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam. Alekhine won 11, lost 5, and drew 9. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 14, 1929 Good news has come from Paris, where Capablanca, before departing for Berlin to give an exhibition of simultaneous play, gave out the statement that a world's championship match between him and Alekhine was assured for next year. A letter of acceptance had been received from Alekhine who set October as the time for the beginning of play. Alekhine also intimated that he would be prepared to come to this country if Capablanca prefers to play over here and is able to make the necessary arrangements. If this happens, then the US will be the scene of a match for the title for the first time since Lasker played Marshall in 1907. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1929 Chess Year Featured by Alekhine's Title Defense. Alekhine won the world championship by the score of 11 to 5, with 9 games drawn. A return match between Alekhine and Capablanca is expected to take place in October, 1930. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 22, 1929 Please report broken or duplicate links to the Webmaster. Official Website Copyright 2017 by William D. Wall All Rights Reserved |
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