In 1849, The Jaques Staunton chess-men were first advertised and endorsed by Howard Staunton. (source: Illustrated London News, Sep 29, 1849) In 1859, Kaichen & Rothschild cigar makers of Detroit used Paul Morphy's image to sell cigars and tobacco in their print ad. In July 1859, The Morphy Hat, a French soft hat, and the Morphy Cigar (special brand ordered from Havana) were advertised in the Boston and New York papers after Paul Morphy's victorious return from Europe. In October 1859, Paul Morphy became the first sports or chess figure to issue a commercial endorsement of a product. He wrote a letter to the American Watch Company, which was used in their advertisements of their watches. Morphy wrote, "Dear Sir: The American Watch Company presented me by the New York Chess Club, has proved to me a most reliable and accurate time-keeper — almost unnecessarily so for ordinary purposes. It is now nearly five months since it came into my possession, and during that period its variation from standard time has been but a trifle more than half a minute. I give you permission to make use of this statement as you may think proper. — Paul Morphy" In 1903, a Child Calendar was published. It features a girl playing with chess pieces. In 1910, Brickwood's Ale and Oat Malt Stout had an ad that said, "The correct move! When in doubt move a pawn. This is Chess! But if in drinks you have a doubt, Try Brickwood's Ale and Oat Malt Stout. This is sound advice! Have checkmated all others." (source: Portsmouth Evening News, Sep 17, 1910. P. 1) In 1914, Underground of London, maker of houses, had an advertising poster of houses on a chess board. The tag line was, "Your next move and your best is on to Underground Houses to suit all classes." (source: https://www.loc.gov/item/2010650642/) In 1914, several print ads were made to advertise the movie On The Chess Board of Fate. The movie was a two-reel melodrama dealing with hypnotism. In 1919, the film Summer Girls was released. A poster for the movie show a couple playing chess with a tagline that says, "What's the Answer, Chess or No!" (source: Chess Amateur, Oct 1919, p. 11) In December 1919, His Wife's Friend was released. The film was adapted from the 1918 novel The White Rook, by John Burland Harris-Burland (1870-1926). The poster for the film shows a man holding a white rook in front of Dorothy Dalton and advertised that this is a game of chess for human lives. (sources: The Film Maker's Guide, 1911-1920 and https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dorothy_Dalton_His_Wife%27s_Friend_Film_Daily_1919.png) In 1920, Three Nuns Tobacco had an ad of two men playing chess and smoking, as a another man, who is smoking, watches. In 1924, there was an ad for the Hartwig Bauhaus chess set. Bauhaus was a school of art, design, and architecture in Germany. In 1926, Atwater Kent radio had a print ad of a radio next to a chess set. The radio was called the Atwater Kent Radio Music Dance Chess Model. The chess board was set up wrong (black square to the right instead of a white square). (source: Ladies' Home Journal, Feb 1926) In 1929, Hoffman Controlled Heat had an ad of two men playing chess in suits in a flexible home of heat and cool. In 1930, Mission Dry Sparkling Orange Juice had an ad showing a chess set and two glasses of orange juice on the sides. (source: Saturday Evening Post, Mar 8, 1930) In 1931, Probak razor blades had an ad of several clean-shaven men sitting and standing around a chess set. (source: True Detective Mysteries, Dec 1931, p. 65) In 1932, Armstrong Flooring for linoleum floors had a print ad in with a chess table and pieces a part of the furniture. In 1932, Player's No. 3 cigarettes had a print ad that showed a box of cigarettes next to a chess set. The tag line was, "In moments of perplexity one reaches for a Player's No.3." In 1933, the Hotels de Paris (Hotel Regina, Hotel Majestic, and Hotel Calais) advertised their hotels that were frequented by leading chess masters such as Alekhine, Lasker, Capablanca, and Marshall. In 1933, Mary Chess released her Chessmen perfume. In 1934, Camel Cigarettes featured former U.S. chess champion Frank Marshall in one of its advertisements. He had a White Queen in his right hand and a Camel cigarette in his left hand. (source: Saturday Evening Post, Apr 28, 1934) In 1934, The Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit had a print ad showing a queen and a knight on a chess board. The tag line was, "Forethought Wins." In 1935, Highland Queen scotch whiskey had a print ad with the tag line, "The chess player depends upon his Queen. You can depend upon the Queen of Whiskies." (source: Illustrated London News, July 20, 1935, p. 4) In 1936, Highland Queen scotch whiskey ran a print ad with a chess board and a bottle of whiskey, with the tag line, "The Queen Dominates." It also featured a chess diagram and a chess problem. Another ad featured a chess set with military planes, tanks, and ships. In 1936, Norwich Union insurance company in England had a poster of a chess board and pieces. The tag line was, "Your only safe move is insurance with the Norwich Union." The poster appeared at the Nottingham 1936 international chess tournament. In 1937, Ave Maria Prince Matchabelli perfume had a print ad showing a chess king perfume bottle on a chess board. In 1937, a Briggs Smoking Tobacco barrel print ad featured in Saturday Evening Post showed a Briggs smoking tobacco barrel and pipe next to a chess set. In 1937, Canada Dry had a print ad showing a bottle of Canada Dry Sparkling Water with a chess set in the background. The tag line was "When a long sparkle is a necessity." In 1937, Mount Vernon Rye Whiskey had a print ad of two men playing chess with the ghost of George Washington looking on. The tag line was, "The Present toasts the Past in Mount Vernon!" In 1937, Teacher's Highland Cream Scotch Whiskey had a black and white print ad with two men playing chess and a third man watching the game while holding a glass of Scotch. In 1937, Togal, a pain-killer, had an ad with two men playing chess. In 1938, Mary Chess introduced her chessmen perfume: roi, reine, cavalier, fou, and tour. In 1939, Bakelite had an ad that had several household appliances on a chess board in the foreground. In the background are a few ghostly chess pieces. The tag line was, "Keep two moves ahead of your competition." In 1939, Renault Novaquatre had an ad featuring a model car on a chess board. In 1940, Mary Chess introduced The King of Chessmen perfume. In 1940, Mount Vernon Straight Rye Whiskey had a print ad of two men playing chess as a third man watches. The tag line was "Today...as down the distant years...the symbol of true hospitality." In 1941, Pennzoil motor oil had a print ad showing a chess (checker) board, with the tag line, "You move, trouble." In 1942, Miller High Life beer had an ad of a bottle and glass of beer on a chess set. The tag line was, "Enjoy Life with Miller High Life." In 1942, a Mary Chess Chessmen soap and shaving lotion was advertised. In 1943, Paul Jones Whiskey had a print ad of two chairs, a chess set, two glasses, and a bottle of Paul Jones whiskey on the side. The tag line was, "Glad you dropped in, Ted..." In August 1943, Todo un hombre (A Real Man) was released in Argentina. The poster for the film shows Alejandro and Julia playing chess with red and white pieces. Chess is played in the background of a bar. In 1944, Lord Calvert Whiskey had an ad of a man playing chess with a glass of whiskey in his hand. The tag line was, "For men of judgment...Lord Calvert." In 1944, Regal shoes had a print ad of a pair of shoes next to a chess set. The tag line was, "They're Cordovan — Leather of Kings!" (source: Life magazine, Oct 23, 1944) In 1944, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals had a print ad of two men playing chess and a medical doctor looking on. The tag line was, "Your Doctor's Medical Strategy." In 1944, Walker's DeLuxe Bourbon Whiskey had a print ad of their whiskey and two men near a chessboard as one is answering the phone. The tag line is "First Grandson — 2 words that mean heart-thumping pride. Two words that mean smooth whiskey — Walker's DeLuxe." In 1945, Canada Dry had a print ad of two men playing chess with two glasses of Canada Dry water fizzing on the side. A butler is holding a tray of two bottles of Canada Dry. The tag line is "Better quiet down these drinks, Pierre." In 1945, Coca-Cola had an ad featuring images of some US Army Air Force military men playing chess in a bar, with the tag line, "Checkmate, pardner...Have a Coca-Cola." And, "...refreshment fulfills a friendly mission." Coca-cola also had a coca-cola brand chess set. (source: National Geographic, Aug 1945) In 1945, Courtley Men's Toiletries had a print ad for their "Magnificently Masculine" toiletries that came in a bottle with two knights for the cap. The ad featured a White Knight and a Black Knight in the background. The ad appeared in Time magazine. In 1945, Fine Arts Whisky had a print ad with a few chess pieces above the bottle. The tag line was "There's always a best of everything." In 1945, Wright aircraft engines had a print ad of two men playing chess on an airplane. In 1946, Armagnac brandy (le Coeur de la Gascogne) had a print ad of a chess set with a glass of brandy on the side. In 1946, Kentucky Tavern whiskey had an ad that showed a chess set with two glasses of whiskey and a book called Chess and Double Check. The tag line is, "The Aristocrat of Bonds." The board is set up wrong. In 1946, Nabob Coffee had a print ad of two men playing chess while a lady, holding a coffee cup, watches. The tag line is, "Next Move...Nabob Coffee." The board is set up wrong. In 1946, Three Feathers Whiskey had a color ad with three glasses of whiskey on a chess board surrounded by pieces. The tag line was, "The next move is yours." In 1947, U.S. chess champion Arnold Denker (1914-2005) appeared in an advertisement for Camel cigarettes. His tag line is "Experience is the best teacher in chess and in cigarettes too! I've found it's Camels for my taste." In 1947, Hamlton Watch Company had a color add of two men playing chess as two men watch. The tag line is, "Is your dream man in this picture?" (source: Life magazine, Oct 27, 1947) In 1947, Mary Chess perfume had a magazine ad that featured a bride with perfume bottles shaped like chess pieces. In 1947, Mead Paper Company had a print ad with a train and a few chess pieces. (source: Fortune Magazine, Aug 1947) In 1948, Philips had a light bulb ad of two men playing chess while a baby walks in with a light bulb. In 1949, Carling's Red Cap Ale had a print ad showing a red cap, a bottle of their ale, and several white chess pieces. The ad appeared in Life magazine. In 1949, Sebel chairs and tables had an ad of two men playing chess without sitting in a chair and no table. The tag line was, "Your move. Some chess players squirm, some rock about, some tie their legs in knots. It's tough on furniture. ...Your move, Sir." In 1950, Chen Yu nail polish had a French ad of a woman moving a chess piece on a chess board and showing off her nails. In 1950, the Gallant Knight Company had a print ad for their plastic chess set, which they called "the chessmen of champions." In 1950, Seagram's had an ad of a chess set with carved oriental chess pieces, with a bottle and two glasses of Seagram's VO Canadian Whiskey. In 1951, Sanderson's Vat 69 Scotch Whiskey had a print ad with a bottle of scotch and a glass on a tray next to a chess set. In 1951, Bohn Aluminum had a print ad that showed an armored hand moving a red pawn. The tag line was "Every red move is calculated to checkmate freedom." In 1952, Mary Chess had a black and white print ad for her Tapestry perfume. It featured a chess piece on a checkerboard floor. The tag line was "New loveliness to enhance the oldest pattern in the world." In 1952, Sanford Company had an ad promoting Sanforized fabrics. A lady is on a chess board with a king and knight, checking out her dress that does not shrink. The tag line is "Check and Double-Check." In 1952, Woman's Day magazine had a print ad featuring chess pieces and the queen reading Woman's Day magazine. In 1953, Arrow men's white shirts had a print ad with a man in suit and tie. The tie has chess pieces on it as a pattern. In 1953, Hunter Distillery ran an ad with a fancy chess set and a bottle of Hunter alcohol, with the tag line, "Outstanding for Excellence." In 1953, Martell Cognac had a print ad with a glass of cognac on a chess board next to a blue knight. The tag line was, "Depuis 1715 jamais en echec!" In 1953, Mary Chess Yram perfume had an ad with a chess piece bottle. The tag line is , "Symbol of cherished loveliness." In 1953, Van Heusen had a color print ad with two gentlemen playing chess as another man watches. In 1954, Diva fashions, tailored by Evan-Picone, had an ad of a woman standing on a chess board with a few chess pieces on some squares. In 1954, Old Crow Whiskey ran a print ad of men playing chess with red and white pieces as other watch. The tag line is "A friendly game at Col. Crow's, 1848." In 1954, Old Gold cigarettes ran a print ad featuring a nice chess set with a pack of Old Gold cigarettes at the side of the chess board. It advertised, "Your best King Size move..." In 1954, Weco tools had an ad of some of its drilling rig well equipment on a chess board. In 1955, the United States Brewers Foundation had a beer and ale ad to promote beer and ale. It featured a lady and a man playing chess with a bottle and glass of beer on the side of the chess board. The tag line was, "In this friendly, freedom-loving land of ours...Beer Belongs — Enjoy." In 1955, Kent cigarettes had a 1955 print ad of a carton of Kent cigarettes as a Christmas present surrounded by chess pieces. In 1955, Marlboro cigarettes had an ad of a man holding a chess piece while smoking. In 1955, Mary Chess perfume had a print ad showed a perfume bottle in the shape of a queen. In 1955, Rheingold beer had a print ad featuring Edmund Gwenn, and English theater and film actor, playing a game of chess, and then having a beer. In 1956, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation, a chemical instrument manufacturer, had an ad showing a data processing system computer surrounded by a red pawn, knight, and queen, with the tag line, "Fast game...but sure moves. In 1956, Diva Fashions, tailored by Evan Picone, had an ad of a woman standing on a chess board with a few chess pieces on some squares. In 1956, Kodak had a print ad of a camera and projector on top of a chess table with a chess clock and some chess pieces. In 1956, Powell Valves had an ad showing some of their valves on a chess board. The tag line was, "Checkmate for corrosion." In 1956, Seagram's Canadian Whiskey had a print ad with dozens of chess pieces from around the world. In 1956, yApre Profile necktie had an ad of a necktie on a chess king. In 1957, Ariston cigarettes had an ad with a chess problem. It shows a stalemate position. In 1957, Black & White Scotch Whiskey had a Merry Christmas ad of two older men playing chess with a bottle of whiskey in the foreground. In 1957, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corporation had a print ad with some red chess pieces denoting strategy. The tag line was, "Like chess champions, management today is capitalizing on scientific systems to stay ahead of competition." In 1957, Mary Chess had an ad for her perfumes in bottles shaped as chess pieces. In 1957, Pan American Airlines had a black and white French ad of two men playing chess on their airline. In 1957, Prince Gardner had a print ad of their billfold, cigarette case, and lighter on top of a chess board, surrounded by a few chess pieces. In 1958, Ballantine's had a print ad for their Scotch Whiskey. The bottle was placed on a chess set with pieces in the background. In 1958, Cabin Crafts carpets had an ad with a chess set on top of a carpet rug. The tag line was, "Cabin Crafts puts color in its proper place." In 1958, Citibank (the First National City Bank, City Bank Farmers Trust Company) had an ad of two men playing chess, with the tag line, "Beware the White Knight!" In 1958, General Electric had an ad that featured a table with a television and chess set sitting on it. It also had a drawer half-opened, showing some chess pieces. The tag line was "Tomorrow is here!" In 1958, Mary Chess perfume had a print ad featured a chess strategy perfume bottle in the shape of a knight. In 1958, a Mary Chess print ad showed a man and a woman behind a chess bottle perfume in the shape of a queen. The tag line is "Ummm, you smell like a fresh chess carnation. In 1958, Pall Mall cigarettes had an ad with a pack of Pall Malls on a chess board. In 1958, Miller High Life, "The Champagne of Bottle Beer," had a print ad of a man playing chess with a bottle of Miller beer in his hand. (source: Life magazine, Sep 15, 1958) In 1959, 7up ran an ad in Sports Illustrated of a cartoon with two men playing chess. The tag line was "Shhh! Men at play — and Seven-Up at work. In 1959, Bendix had a print ad showing planes as chess pieces against air defense items. The tag line was, "Checkmate in the face of enemy countermeasures. Air Defense is a chess game for keeps." In 1959, Boeing had a print ad of missiles on a chess board. It advertised "space-age openings at Boeing." In 1959, Champion Paper and Fiber Company made an ad with a chess board and chess piece. The tag line was, "A new move to serve you!" In 1959, Gilbey's gin and vodka had an ad of their gin and vodka bottle mixed with a chess board and two chess pieces. The tag line reads, "The best name in gin and vodka." (source: Life magazine, Oct 5, 1959) In 1959, Mary Chess introduced the Black Knight and the White Knight perfume. In 1959, Pepsi Cola had a color ad of a man and a woman studying a chess problem while holding a bottle of Pepsi. The tag line reads, "Relax with the light refreshment." In 1959, Puerto Rican Rum had a print ad of a man standing over a chess game as another man watches and holds a glass of rum. The tag line was, "I brought home a new chess defense from Puerto Rico — and the good news about dry rum." In 1959, Rothman's cigarettes had an ad in Woman's Day featuring two men playing chess and a lady watching. All of them are smoking. One of the men was John Purdy, the Australian chess champion. (source: Woman's Day, May 18, 1959) In 1960, Bank of America had a print ad of a black rook (castle) with a house on top being moved on a chess board with three other white pieces. The tag line was, "Protect your castle! In chess — or in protecting and preserving an estate — long-range strategy is of greatest importance." In 1960, Benedicitine Liqueur had a print ad of a lady and man playing chess. The board is set up wrong. In 1960, Celanese Arnel Excello shirts had a print ad of a man wearing an Arnel shirt thinking over a chess position. The tag line was, "You can relax...This is Arnel." In 1960, Chevrolet had an ad of a couple playing chess and listening to records with their 1960 Chevy Bel Air Sport Coupe parked behind them. In 1960, New York Life Insurance Company had a print ad of a man playing chess with a child superimposed on a watch. The tag line was "Time brings fewer cares." In 1960, Paul Masson had a print ad with a number of wine bottles on a chess board. The tag line was, "Wine made easy." In 1960, Pirelli tires had an ad of five tire models and chess pieces on an orange background. In 1961, Andersen Windows, the largest window and door manufacturer in North America, had an ad showing a family room with a chess set in the middle of it. In 1961, Congeleum final floors had a print ad showing a room with a chess set and table on the side. In 1961, Duratone had a print ad for their playing cards and a gift set that included a chess set. In 1961, EBF chess course had a print ad that was supposed to quickly teach yourself to play chess a new easy way. It was endorsed by Fred Reinfeld. In 1961, New York Life Insurance had a print ad of a father and son playing chess. The tag line was, "Time brings fewer cares...when you're sure you have enough life insurance." The chess board is set up wrong. The January 21, 1961 edition of The New Yorker had, on its cover, an artwork of chess players at a chess club. In 1961, Paul Masson had an ad with wine bottles on top of a chess board. The tag line was "Wine Made Easy." In 1961, Stouffer's frozen cooked foods had an ad of a man and a woman playing chess in front of a Stouffer's baked breasts of chicken. The tag line is, "You taste a priceless difference." (source: Life magazine, Nov 17, 1961) In 1961, Varian Associates had an ad for radar klystrons (microwave tubes) showing a White Knight and a Black Knight. The tag line was, "White's Defense at 76 degrees North, 68 degrees West." In 1962, Capstan Cigarettes had an ad of a man holding a cigarette and a shite chess piece as he moves it on a chess board full of red and black pieces. The tag line was, "Never go without a Capstan." In 1962, Gorham Sterling Silver Salt Shakers had a black and white print add in the shape of chess pieces. In 1962, Lyman Dies had a print ad of its gun dies on a chessboard as if they were chess pieces. The tag line was, "Brilliant move in the reloading game." In 1962, Paul Masson had a print ad of their brandy with a chess problem and a few chess pieces next to the glasses. The tag line was "Try the Paul Masson Gambit." In 1963, Botany 500, maker of men's suits and sport coats, had an ad for a mark 10 suit. A man dressed in suit and tie is standing over a chess set holding a chess piece. The tag line was, "The Personal Touch." In 1963, British aircraft company Bristol Ferranti had a print ad of one of their aircraft as a chess piece on a chess board. In 1963, Medaglia d'Oro coffee had an ad of a lady sitting down at a chess set with her cup of coffee. The tag line was, "As a rule, Medaglia d'Oro drinkers are entertaining people." In 1963, Old Grand Dad bourbon featured a print ad with two bourbon bottles surrounded by a chess board and pieces, with the tag line, "Either way, the perfect move." In 1964, Irving Trust Company had a print ad with a variety of exotic, carved chess pieces. In 1964, Paul Masson had a print ad of their brandy and an advertisement of the 1964 chess tourney, along with three chess puzzles and a Koltanowski chess ring prize. In 1964, Tab, a soda pop by Coca-Cola, had an ad with a red and white chess set in the foreground and a bottle and glass of tab in the background. The board is set up wrong. In 1965, Chevron Standard Oil of California had an ad of two men in a tent playing chess. The tag line was, "They take American friendship with them ...everywhere they go." In 1965, Douglas Aircraft had a print ad called Missile chess. It had a variety of its missiles on a chess board. In 1965, Paul Masson wine had an ad with a bottle of champagne and a knight, and featuring a George Koltanowski chess puzzle. The tag line was, "Tonight Could Be the Knight." In 1966, Dan River had a plaid shirt print ad of a man in a plaid shirt playing chess. The tag line was, "You're the winning king when you make your move in this subtle plaid shirting." In 1966, Evans slippers had a print ad showing several slippers on a chess board. The tag line was "Evans slippers are perfect for indoor sports." In 1966, Gant Shirtmakers had an ad of a man dressed in a Gant shirt making a chess move. In 1966, Neely Sales, an exclusive sales and service for Hewlett Packard, had an ad for their 1966 calendar, featuring a glamorous woman dressed in green sitting by a chess board and holding a chess piece in her hand. The tag line was, "Your move." In 1966, Paul Masson wine had an ad of two wine bottles on a chess board with a chess puzzle in the upper right. The tag line was "Son of Koltanowski?" In 1966, a black and white public service print ad telling people to vote on November 8, 1966 featured a Renaissance chess set with the tag line, "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good me to do nothing." The ad was created by the advertising agency Young & Rubicam. In 1967, Bass beer had a print ad showing a mug of beer in front of a chess set, with the chess pieces similar to the walrus ivory Lewis chessmen. The tag line was "They are for players who appreciate the best and get it. Bass drinkers." In 1967, Schlitz beer ran an ad of father and son playing chess. The father has a full glass of beer and the son has an empty glass. The tag line is, Father, "What's your next move, son?" Son, "To the refrigerator." In 1967, Marshall Field & Company had a print ad that included their baroque chess pieces. The tag line read, "The game is kingdoms, the stake are thrones." In 1968, Doritos had a commercial with a player playing chess while eating Doritos. In 1968, Kodel Fibers had an ad featuring a man and a boy relaxing and playing chess. The tag line was, "Make mine the fiber that still looks neat after the big game. Kodel." In 1968, Sears had a print ad of a lady in a Perma-prest Netanik blouse, lying on her side, playing chess. The tag line was, "The Neatniks are getting ruffled." The chess board is set up wrong. In 1968, A "remember to vote" ad featured a chess set with the tag line, "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." In 1968, Young and Rubicam had a print ad encouraging everyone to vote. The ad featured a chess board and chess pieces in their original position with the tag line, "All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing." In August 1969, Command Men's Hair Spray had a print ad of a man playing chess while being watched by a woman. The tag line was, "When the name of the game is great grooming the name of the line is command." The chess board is set up wrong. In 1969, a game called Football Chess was advertised. There were 11 men on each side, just like football. Checkmate was called "Downing the Quarterback." In 1969, Suntory Royal had a print ad for its whisky. The bottle was on top a stack of books surrounded by chess pieces. The tag line was "if you enjoy rare things." In 1970, British Telecom ran a commercial featuring a man playing chess. In 1970, Courtaulds Vincel fabrics had an ad of two ladies playing chess. The tag line was, "Cool it. The name of the game is Vincel." In 1970, Nestles had a commercial featuring chess. In 1970, the wool industry had a color print ad of several women with a chess set and board in the middle of them. In 1971, Avon advertised their perfume with 32 bottles that made up a complete chess set of white and black pieces. The Wheaton Glass Company of Millville, NJ made the glass models for these Avon chessmen. In 1971, L M Ericsson of Sweden, a communications company, ran a print ad for their radar, showing a man moving a king on a chess board surrounded by pieces. The tag line was "Concentration." In 1972, Florida Grapefruit had a print ad of a man and a woman playing 3-dimensional chess. She is drinking a glass of grapefruit juice while making her move. In 1972, Hart Skis had a print ad of a chess set and a background of chess pieces about to ski. Another ad had Hank Kashiwa (1949- ), an American alpine skier and former U.S. National ski racing champion, skiing on a chess board. The tag line was, "Moving easy with Hart Ski." The king and queen for the black pieces are on the wrong squares. In 1972, Bob Hope (1903-2003) had a 1972 ad to promote his Bob Hope All Star Special, which included Bobby Fischer. In 1972, JVC Electronics had a print ad for one of their radios with a chess set on top of it. The tag line was "When you get tired of playing rock you can always play the rook." In 1973, Cointreau liqueur had an ad featuring two people playing chess and two others observing, with a bottle of Cointreau in the background. The tag line was, "Cointreau...the art of lingering." In 1973, Kent cigarettes had an ad page with a package of Kent cigarettes next to a chess set with a rook in the corner. In 1973, Parker 75 Classic Ball Pen had an ad with its pen on a chessboard. Its tag line was, "For the person who doesn't plan to lose." In 1973, Playtex tampons had a print ad of a woman playing chess around a bunch of men. The tag line was, "Are you sure your tampon keeps you odor-free?" In 1973, Sleepeze had a color ad of a man and a woman playing chess on top of a bed. The tag line reads, "You can have a lot of fun on one of our firmer beds." In 1974, Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce had a print ad showing Mr. Lea and Mr. Perrins playing chess. In 1975, Carta Blanca beer had a print ad showing a glass of beer, the glass bottle, and chess set with pieces. In 1977, Charlie's Angels (TV: 1976-1981) had a poster of all three Charlie's Angels (Kate Jackson, Jaclyn Smith, and Farah Fawcett) on one side of the chess board making a move. In 1977, De Beers Diamonds had a print ad showing a man holding a black chess knight. On his finger is a men's diamond ring. The tag lines were, "All his life he's been a tough competitor. To him, second place isn't good enough. But his happiest moment came last week when his 11-year-old daughter beat him at chess. He's a special kind of man. A diamond is for him." In 1977, Lucky Charms ran a TV commercial that advertised a chess and checkers set with pieces in the cereal box. In 1977, Mary Chess introduced Chess for Men perfume. In 1977, Saratoga cigarettes had a print ad of a man playing chess and waiting for his opponent to move. The tag line was, "Wait til I finish my Saratoga." In 1977, Smirnoff Vodka had a print ad with an empty bottle of Smirnoff Vodka filled with a White Queen chess piece embracing and kissing the Black King chess piece. The bottle is on the chess board with other chess pieces in front of it. The tag line was, "Pure Mate." In 1977, Stanley Blacker, makers of eyeglass frames, had an ad featuring four men with glasses around a chess board. The chess board is set up wrong. In 1978, Amco, makers of car emblem shift knobs, had a print ad with the shift knobs acting as chess pieces. The tag line was, "Make your move...in style with Amco." In 1978, Close-Up toothpaste had a commercial with a woman showing a man the chess pieces (bishop and knight). In 1978, Mary Chess introduced Chess d'Or perfume. In 1978, the Salvador Dali Chess Set finger pieces were advertised. In 1979, Chafitz had a print ad showing its Boris and Sargon chess computer models. The tag line was, "These games think." Another ad for the Boris chess computer had the tag line, "The great mind relaxer." In 1979, Fidelity Electronics of Miami published an ad for the Voice Chess Challenger (first appearing in Omni magazine in December 1979). It was advertised as "The Perfect Chess Opponent! It Thinks...It Talks...It Sees' Every Move You Make!" In 1979, JS&A chess computer had an ad of its chess computer with a picture of world champion Anatoly Karpov. The title of the ad was "Karpov Accepts," which was an endorsement of the chess computer. In 1979, Milton Bradley had a print ad with several chess sets. In 1979, Novag chess computers were endorsed by former world chess champion Anatoly Karpov. In 1979, Vasarely Center in New York had an ad that featured some artwork, including a futuristic chess set. In 1980, Billboard had a tape/audio/video market print ad with a chess board and White chess pieces. The tag line was, "For the new decade. It's your first advertising move." In 1980, Fidelity Electronics had an ad for its Fidelity Chess Challenger 7. The title of the ad was, "Genius Offspring." There was also an ad for the Voice Sensory Chess Challenger. In 1980, Player's Superkings cigarettes had an ad of their cigarette pack on a chessboard with a chess king. The tagline reads, "There are kings. And there are Superkings." In 1980, Sargon II Chess for the Commodore VIC-20 was advertised. In 1981, Mattel Electronics had an ad that featured its Mattel Computer Chess. The tag line was, "Computer Chess checkmates the leading competitor." In 1981, Scisys had a 1981 ad featuring its SciSys executive computer chess being used to play chess on an airline. The tag line was, "For chess people on the move." In 1982, Bombay distilled dry gin had a print ad with a blue and orange chess board, with the tag line, "Play to win." In 1982, Kodak had a print ad of a chess piece on a board. The tag line was "Playing ionic chess to make silver sensitive." In 1983, Bon jour Paris clothing had a print ad of a woman standing over a chess board with a few pieces knocked over. In 1983, IBM had several ads for IBM's Deep Blue versus Kasparov chess match. IBM had a print ad showing a chip design of an IBM 4151 Super-Mini. The tag line was, "The board's half the size of a thumbnail, with 100,000 pieces. And it's your move." In 1984, the Franklin Mint had a commercial advertising the Civil War Chess Set. In 1984, Hennessy Cognac had an ad of a man and a woman playing chess and drinking their cognac. The tag line was, "Hennessy: the civilized way to surrender." In 1984, Hershey's had a print ad of a smart boy playing chess and another boy dressed up to play football. The tag line was, "...but they agree on Hershey's Miniatures." In 1984, The National Historical Society ran a print ad for their Civil War chess set made by the Franklin mint. In 1985, General Re, America's Largest Reinsurance Group, had a print ad showing a red queen and king with a white knight forking them. The tag line is, "Diversity is a powerful asset." In 1985, the Little River Band had a promo poster ad of a man playing chess with human figures. The tag line was "Playing to win." In 1985, Thomson Systems had a print ad of defense vehicles on a chess board. In 1986, there was a print ad for the Colossus Chess IV chess program for the Apple 2 Series and Commodore. It featured a carved knight on a chess board. In 1986, Dunhill cigarettes had an ad with a computer chess board and a pack of cigarettes on the side. In 1986, Wrigley's Freedent gum had a print ad of a man playing chess and being snuggled up by a woman. The tag line was, "Go ahead, get close." In 1987, Hayden Software had a print ad for their Sargon II computer chess program. The tag line was, "Checkmate. Sargon III. The ultimate in computer chess." In 1987, Hennessy Cognac had an ad where a man and a woman drinking Hennessy cognac are playing chess. The tag line read, "When you've met your match." In 1987, Schweppes tonic water used Garry Kasparov in one of its Spanish television commercials to advertise its product. In 1987, Thomson Systems and Weapons Group ran a print ad of aircraft flying over a chess board that had a queen on top of it. The tag line was "The smart response to the low blow. The Thomsonian defense — outsmarting the opposition." In 1988, Givenchy Ysatis perfume had a print ad of a lady at a costume party sitting at a chess table. In 1988, the Louis Vuitton French fashion house had a print ad, called the art of travel. It featured travel gear and a chess set. In 1988, the Noval Alto chess computer was endorsed by British GM Raymond Keene. In 1989, the Franklin Mint advertised "The Chess Set of the Gods." In 1989, Syscon had a print ad featuring two knights and a chess board. The tag line was, "War Gaming and Operational Readiness." In 1990, Battle Chess for the Nintendo NES ran an ad for its game. The tag line was, "Ye olde game is not the same." In 1990, the French defense company Lacroix had a print ad of an aircraft, tank, and ship as chess pieces on a chess board. In 1990, A Marine Corps commercial used chess as a backdrop for recruiting. The commercial featured a life size chess board with real horses and knights. The Marines also had a 1992 print ad of a chess board and pieces with a Marine in the background. The tag line, "The warrior's most powerful weapon is the mind." (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHe6dk-cDVk) In 1991, Givenchy perfunes had a chess ad featuring a lady behind a mask at a chess board. In 1992, Chivas Regal Scotch Whisky had a print ad with a close up of some chess pawns and the Chivas logo on the ad page. The add was called Chess Game Little Battlefields. In 1992, Danbury Mint had a print ad of their Camelot Chess Set with King Arthur and Sir Lancelot. In 1992, Grand Marnier Liqueur had a print ad that had a bottle of liqueur and two glasses on a chess board, surrounded by chess pieces. The tag line was, "A Grand Master." In 1992, the Franklin Mint had a print ad for their Star Trek chess set. In 1992, Paramount Pictures had a Star Trek ad for their Star Trek Chess Set. It was the Star Trek crew versus the Klingons. It was advertised as the chess set that transcends time and space. In 1992, Warner Brothers had an ad promoting its Looney tunes collector's edition chess set. In 1993, Interplay had a print ad of their Battle Chess software. The tag line was, "Choose your weapons wisely." In 1993, Maidenform bra had a print ad of a lady playing darts in a restaurant or café, wearing a bra and panties, while two men in the background are playing chess and not paying any attention to the lady. The tag line was, "Maidenform sweet nothings. Right on target with a daring look. The Maidenform Woman. You never know where she'll turn up." Another ad showed a lady in a black bra and lady in a white bra on standing on a chess board. The tag line was, "I dreamed I played chess in my Maidenform bra. I'm the darling of the chess-set. Pawns, knights, even kings watch my every move. For whether I'm the White Queen or the Black, I rule the board in my Maidenform Bra." In 1994, the Danbury Mint advertised a Star Wars Pewter Chess Set. In 1994, Intel had a print ad for an Intel Pentium Processor. The ad featured chess, games, movies, photos, etc. The tag line was, "What's the big attraction." In 1995, Chanel Boutiques had a print ad of some neckties. One of the neckties had chess pieces as a pattern on the tie. In 1995, Chivas Regal Scotch Whiskey had a print ad of a bottle of Chivas Regal Blended Scotch Whiskey next to a White Staunton King. Further away is a White Staunton Knight. The tag line was, "You either have it or you don't." In 1995, the Franklin Mint had a 1995 print ad for a Star Trek: The Next Generation Chess Set. In 1995, Paramount Pictures advertised a Star Trek chess set. In 1995, Schonbel chandeliers had a print ad of a crystal chandelier above a chess set. The tag line was, "Sacrifice anything but the Schonbek." In 1996, Memory Plus capsules was endorsed by GM Viswanathan Anand in a print ad. In 1997, Smirnoff Vodka had a print ad with an empty bottle of Smirnoff Vodka filled with a White Queen chess piece embracing and kissing the Black King chess piece. The bottle is on the chess board with other chess pieces in front of it. The tag line was, "Pure Mate. In 1998, IBM had an ad that showed a picture of a Mars rover with the tag line, "After exhausting chess matches, Deep Blue took off on holiday." In 1998, Sealy Posturpedic Bed had a commercial featuring some old men playing chess. In 1999, AltaVista search engine had a commercial of Garry Kasparov giving a simul. He has to stop and think when one of his young opponents, a chubby black kid, used the Alta Vista search engine with the query "How he can beat Garri Kasparov's Evans Gambit?" Kasparov grabs a chair, sits down, and starts some deep thinking. The ad was created by the Wieden & Kennedy advertising agency. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPIpWMCKEbk&feature=youtu.be) In 1999, British Telecom had a TV commercial with father and son playing chess over the phone, fax, and email. In 1999, Honda had an ad that featured two men playing on a very small chess set using tweezers. The tag line was "How Honda's perfectionist engineers spend their leisure time." In 1999, India Kings cigarettes had an ad of two cigarette packs with a white chess king in the middle. The tag line was, "Rule Your World." In 1999, Land-Rover had a commercial with a man playing chess against the car, with a tag line "It's not as funny as you think." In 2000, K2 shoes had a print ad with a person playing chess. In 2000, Weetabx had a commercial of a man playing chess. In 2001, an International Day Against Prejudice print ad featured a chess set where both sides were white. The tag line was "There's no game without differences." In 2001, Pepsi had a commercial starring Garry Kasparov vs. the Machine. Pepsi-Cola ran an ad of a man and a woman playing chess, with the tag line, "Relax with the Light refreshment." (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUqXr9Jlhwc&feature=youtu.be) In 2002, Balman, a Swiss watch company, signed Alexandria Kosteniuk to a sponsoring agreement. In 2002, Head & Shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo ran two ads that featured a knocked-over White King surrounded by a Black Queen and Knight. The tag line was "Game over dandruff" and "keep dandruff in check" for another ad that had a chess piece that was half white and half black. In 2002, Oracle had a print add that showed a chess board. In 2002, Pfizer had a commercial featuring a man playing chess. In 2002, Wild Turkey Bourbon Whiskey had a print ad with a bottle and glass of whiskey in the foreground, and two men playing chess in the background. The tag line was, "5:25 PM. Lawrenceburg, Kentucky. The extreme games begin." In 2003, Blancpain, Swiss manufacturer of high-quality mechanical watches, had GM Vladimir Kramnik promoting its watches. His tag line was "Time is precious when you don't have enough of it." In 2003, The United Way ran a commercial featuring Black volunteers playing chess with kids. In 2004, McDonalds had an ad with Wayne Gretsky finding a toy in the shape of a chess pieces. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8-PONMVxnI) In 2005, Spiegel Newsletter had an ad with a chess board and pieces in an endgame. The tag line was, "Spiegel readers know more." In 2006, Aquasculum clothing company had an ad featuring Pierce Brosnan and a woman playing chess. In 2006, the milk industry ran a TV commercial showing Viktor Korchnoi losing to a cow. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUZSCb4EVrM) In 2006, the National Association of Home Builders had a print ad of boxes marked for moving on top of a chess set with chess pieces. The tag line was "It's Your Move." In 2006, Sony PlayStation3 has an ad that shows a broken king with blood pouring out with the tag, "It's already devising ways to kill you." In 2007, BMW had a print ad for one of their BMW rallies. The tag line said, "A BMW Rally with Two Nearby Service Centers. What's next, paramedics at a chess tournament?" In 2007, Cyma watch had an Andy Lau Cyma Chess Chinese ad. In 2007, Siemens Technopower Sound & Silence Vacuum Cleaner had an ad of a lady vacuuming on stage of the world chess championship without disturbing the players. In 2008, Ace washing powder had a color print ad with items as chess pieces. The tag line was, "White wins." The White pieces checkmate Black. The ad ran in Turkey and was created by Grey Advertising. In 2008, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) used an ad with former world champion Vishwanathan Anand sitting in a chair. The tag line was "The fruit eaten by Adam and Eve wasn't an apple. Break myths. Go by facts. Askvishy.com." Another ad said "ENIAC wasn't the first digital computer. Break myths. Go by facts. Askvishy.com." Another ad said "'Black magic woman...' is not a Santana song. Break myths. Go by facts. Askvishy.com." (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk-2ic2BoZw&feature=youtu.be) In 2008, the Ad Council — Big Brother, Big Sister ran a TV commercial showing chess. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIQElLUj4K0) In 2008, Allianz financial services had an ad of a black king and a fallen white king with the tag line, "One Move Ahead, Always!" It was an ad for NDTV PROFIT presenting the Business Leadership Awards. In 2008, Mercedes-Benz released a magazine and newspaper ad showing a chess player in baseball catcher protective gear, with the words, "You can never feel too secure." Mercedes-Benz also made a commercial with golfer Adam Scott playing chess, and another commercial showing Formula One drivers Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg playing chess and driving. In 2008, NIIT, and Indian Multinational company, paid former world chess champion Viswanathan Anand to be their spokesman and ambassardor. Anand has starred in at least four commercial advertising campaigns for AMD India, Union Bank of India, Parle-G, and Crocin. In 2008, Nissho Printing Services in Japan had an ad that showed a chess set and board with Staunton pieces. In 2008, Silpada Jewelry had a print ad of a sexy blonde lady playing chess. The tag line is, "Pretty Smart." The chess board is set up wrong. In 2008, Werder tomato ketchup had an ad of two tomatoes playing chess. In 2009, a 30-second commercial for 7-Up soft drink showed a man on a deserted island played correspondence chess with a chess move inside the 7-Up bottle. In 2009, Gas-X had a print ad with a lone whit queen on one side of the chess board, and all the other pieces on the other side of the board. It was an ad for Gas-X that said it relieves embarrassment. The add was done by Saatchi & Saatchi. In 2009, the NBA ran a TV commercial titled "Basketball is like a game of chess." (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30HZecFFc4k) In 2009, the NHL ran a TV commercial wih Wayne Gretsky playing chess with Mark Messier. The board is set up wrong. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7orVIVroXrU) In 2009, Tacori, an American jewelry design house, ran a "Checkmate" TV commercial featuring an engagement ring tossed on a chess queen and the king falls over. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3GanFcd7Tw) In 2009, Vizir Washing Powder in Poland had an ad where their products were the shite pieces on a chess board. The print ad was by Leo Burnett in Warsaw. In 2010, Arctic Securities, a Norwegian investment bank, used GM Magnus Carlsen to advertise their services. In 2010, G-Star Raw ran some ads with Magnus Carlsen modelling some of its denim clothing. In 2010, Geico insurance company used a soccer announcer (Andres Cantor) to call the moves in a chess game for one of Geico's commercials. The Geico pitchman asks, "Can football announcer Andres Canto make any sport exciting." The chess position itself is illegal, with two white bishops of the same color and some other mistakes. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HpYxg9suRs) In 2010, meetup.com ran a "chess" commercial. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wQMDAd5_E4) In 2010, MultiArmazens, a Brazilian company that operates a dry port for cargo handling, ran a print ad of a white king and a black king on a 4-square chess board, with the tag line, "Your business just got easier." In 2010, Viagra has an ad showing some chess boards with the tag line, "Enjoy again what you like best." In 2011, Agent Provocateur L'Agent perfume had a black and white ad of a woman standing in front of a chess board. In 2011, Beachton Denture Clinic in Georgia had a 30-second chess ad. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo5jSY-DFUM) In 2011, there was a print ad for the novel Documentia, by Darren Callahan. It shows 4 pawns on a chess board, with a white pawn knocked over. In 2011, Horizon Organic, producer of organic milk products, ran a "chess mates" ad on the Disney Channel. It showed a little girl drinking milk and playing chess with her grandfather. In 2011, Makarem & Associates law firm had a print ad featuring a white knight in the foreground and black chess pieces in the background. In 2011, Pasha Bank had an ad featuring a chess board and pieces, with a man holding a White Queen in the middle of the Black pieces. In 2011, the Societe Generale (SG) bank in Romania ran a TV ad with GM Topalov. He plays chess with the pieces on the lady's desk. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaLwzrHVBNs) In 2011, the law office of Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP ran a print ad with a few chess pieces on a chess board with a pawn that was knocked over. The tag line was "Because Every Move Counts." In 2012, BMW of Santa Monica had a clever billboard. Their billboard was next to an Audi billboard that featured one of its cars, with the tag line, "Your move, BMW." The larger BMW billboard featured one of its high-end cars, with the tag line, "Checkmate" with a tag line "Your pawn is no match for our king." BMW also had an ad for a BMW rally featuring a motorcycle with a Red Cross kit. The tag line was "A BMW Rally with two nearby service centers. What's next, paramedics at a chess tournament?" In 2012, Certis, a biopesticide company, had an ad of a hand holding a chess king knocking over another chess king. The tag line was, "Nematodes: Old battle. New strategy." In 2012, Dynamic Bicycles had an ad with two people playing chess, with one of them wearing a bicycle helmet. In 2012, Graham-Pelton fundraising consulting company had a print ad with chess pieces on a chess board. The tag line was, "Next move? Discover our strategic approach to fundraising." In 2012, iVia Exchange Services had a print ad of a white king in the foreground and black chess pieces in the background. The tag line was, "Redefine your check mate." In 2012, Kyivstar telecommunications company had an ad of a chess pieces that was a combination of a queen and a knight on a chess board. The tag line was, "Double Advantage." In 2012, LG Vacuum Cleaner Hom-Bot had an ad with a chess board and a hom-bot on top of the chess board. The tag line was, "Cleaning becomes a game." In 2012, Nicklas Financial had two chess-related ads. Both showed a rook. One tag line was, "Why play games, when you can have a strategy." The other tag line was, "It's your move." The Nicklas logo includes the Nicklas name merged with a rook chess piece. In 2012, the Outlook Group, Inc and Physicians Mutual had an ad showing a few chess pieces with the tag line, "strategic thought." In 2013, Cadbury Contrast Chocolate had an ad for their product which showed a box of chocolates next to a chess set. The tag line was, "The mating game." In 2013, JK Tyre of India had a print ad showing one of its tires on a chess board. In 2013, Webster University had a billboard that read, "Our top recruits are chess players." In 2014, 99acres.com, India's largest property portal, had an ad of a chess king with a house replacing the top of the crown. The tag line was, "The search for your dream house ends with the undisputed leader." In 2014, Dalmore Distillery had an ad that featured their Dalmore Constellation Collection scotch whisky next to a chess set and board. The board is set up wrong. In 2014, there was a TV ad for the Marvel Chess Collection. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYua4-miGeE) In 2014, Red Bull (makers of an energy drink) sponsored GM Hikaru Nakamura to play chess. In 2015, Altibox had a commercial featuring Magnus Carlsen throwing chess pieces. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuNCvHlgiAM) In 2015, Energizer had a commercial called "check Mate." Two toys play chess. One toy dies suddenly in the middle of the game. The tag line is, "That's Positive Energy. Protect your device with Energizer. The board is set up wrong. In 2015, the movie Pawn Sacrifice, with Tobey Maguire and Live Schreiber, was advertised around the nation. In 2015, Porsche had a Porsche 911 sports car commercial featuring Magnus Carlsen playing chess with himself. In 2015, the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis had a color print ad for their chess club. It had the tag line, "Experience the Saint Louis Chess Club; take a Risk; The Right Move can help anyone." In 2015, the makers of Vittel mineral water produced a TV commercial with chess players. The chess clock is not set correctly. Their tag line was, "get your thinking straight." (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ0OhdxCkz4) In 2016, Kia had a TV commercial showing Los Angeles Clippers player Blake Griffin playing chess as a 2016 Kia Optima appears out of thin air. In 2017, AtHomeNet had a black and white print ad with a chess king on a chess board and a few chess pieces behind it. The tag line was, "Whatever your strategy...AtHomeNet is the key pieces to your association management solutions." In 2017, Ferro, a South Africa Performance Materials Company, had a print ad with a chess board and a few pieces with a white king tipped over. The tag line reads, "Checkmate — We remain king in the industry of back, white and filler masterbatch." In 2017, Red Bull made a commercial of a robot and a human playing chess. The human drinks some Red Bull and plays faster. (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0IStE6N0GI) In 2018, 3D Art Studio had an ad for a 3D poster design featuring chess pieces. (source: https://www.3dartstudio.net/2018/08/28/stir-buzz-awesomely-designed-posters/3d-poster-design-ad-chess-contest-open-mind-is-never-blind-3dartstudio-2/) In 2018, Alpenliebe candy had a TC commercial of a man in front of a chess board and a little girl hanging on his back. In 2018, Audi ran a TV commercial called "Game of Chess." It compared its A4 model to the game of chess. Using a split screen, Audi pairs video of the A4's features with a fast-moving chess competition, which serves to highlight the vehicle's intelligence. In 2018, Commercial Credit had a color print ad of 8 pawns in a circle, with one red pawn among the other white pawns. The tag line is, "It's a matter of pride." In 2018, Constant Contact ran a TV commercial where Mike's Landscaping got double the calls, thus double the work. It looks like the guys are going to have to work the weekend. However, one employee with a leaf blower voices his frustration, saying, "You knew I had a chess tournament." In 2018, Lead Hampton Roads had an ad with chess pieces on a chess board. The tag line read, "Leadership is a combination of strategy and character." In 2018, Sadis & Goldberg LLP law firm had an ad with a wavy chess board and pieces on top of the wavy squares. The tag line is, "We'll make sure you have a level playing field." In 2018, Vitteaut Alberti win had an ad with their bottle of a chess board with chess pieces on the diagonal squares from the bottle. Allied Chemical had an ad of a few plastic red and white chess pieces on a chess board. The tag line read, "The plastic that comes in 1,000 colors. The Daily Thanghi newpaper in India has an ad of a chess king with 4 chess pawns knocked over surrounding the king. The tag line is "The Undisputed leader in readership." Fastum ointment had an ad with all queens as chess pieces for black and the white king knocked over for white. The board is set up wrong. The tag line was, "Outsmart pain and inflammation today in 1 easy step." Greyhound had an ad with large chess pieces in a park. The tag line was, "With all the hustle and bustle, sometimes it's nice to slow down and enjoy." Honda had a commercial where two strong men move giant, heavy chess pieces on a chess board. The tag line is, "strength meets intelligence." Hornbeck Offshore Services (HOS) had an ad of a man moving a knight on a chess board with a boat in the background. HOS uses a knight on its logo. HP ran a commercial where Jay-Z played a hologram chess. The Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore had an ad of a human hand grabbing a bishop and a robot hand grabbing a queen on a chess board. The tag line is "Technology is nothing without intelligence." SevenSeas had a print ad of a yellow pawns on a chess board with four black pieces knocked over around the pawn. The tag line was "Putting the right pieces in the right place." Vaseline White and Clear lotion had an ad with a white chess board and pieces in the background and Vaseline lotion in the lower right-hand corner of the print ad. Watson Realty Company had an ad of a person moving a queen with the tag line, "We're here to lend a helping hand when it's time to move." Yves de Sistelle cologne for men has a brand called Chess Club. References: Advertising Archives - http://www.advertisingarchives.co.uk/en/page/show_home_page.html Silver, "Chess in TV Commercials," ChessBase, Jan 27, 2014 - https://en.chessbase.com/post/chess-in-tv-commercials Wall, "Chess and Advertising," - http://billwall.phpwebhosting.com/articles/Advertising_chess.htm Wall, "Advertising and Chess," - http://billwall.phpwebhosting.com/articles/Advertising%20and%20Chess.htm Winter, "Chess in Advertisements," www.chesshistory.com - http://www.chesshistory.com/winter/extra/advertisements.html Please report broken or duplicate links to the Webmaster. 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![]() Bill Wall