In 1933, Alekhine toured the Orient, giving simultaneous exhibitions. He traveled to Shanghai, Canton, Hong Kong, Manila, Singapore, and the Netherland Indies. It was called Alekhine's Magical Mystery Tour. In 1933, Alekhine met Grace Freeman Wishart (sometimes given as Wishard, Wishaar, Wislar, or Wishar) at a minor chess tournament which she had won in Tokyo. Her prize was one of Alekhine's books (Deux cents parties d'echecs — 200 games of Chess). She asked him to sign the book and their relationship developed from that moment. In 1933, the Bell Telephone Company won the Commercial Chess League of New York, scoring 6 -1. Brooklyn Edison took 2nd place with 4.5. In 1933, Efim Bogoljubow (1889-1952) won the German chess championship, held in Bad Pyrmont. He scored 11.5 — 3.5. Dr. L. Rodl took 2nd place with 9.5. In 1933, Gregory (Gary) Simon Koshnitsky (1907-1999) won the Championship of Australia, scoring 11 — 2 (9 wins and 4 draws). In 1933 Emanual Lasker was driven out of Germany because he was a Jew. He was the grandson of a rabbi. All of his property in Berlin was confiscated as well as a farm he owned. In 1933 he moved to England. In 1933, Reuben Fine won the Marshall Chess Club championship. In 1933, Marjorie Luce (Mrs. William Seaman) won the Marshall Chess Club women's championship with a 11-0 score. In 1933, the Manhattan Chess Club moved to the Hotel Alamac. In 1933, Robert Willman won the Manhattan Chess Club championship. In 1933, Fred Reinfeld won the New York State Chess Championship, scoring 9.5 — 1.5 without a loss. The event was held in Syracuse. Arnold Denker took 2nd place. Fine and Santasiere tied for 3rd place. In 1933, Hector Rosenfeld (1857-1935), age 76, was the oldest member in continuous membership in the Manhattan Chess Club. He was a well-known puzzle contributor to several publications under the nom de plume HECTOR. In 1933, Harold W. Snowden won the New Jersey Chess Championship at the age of 17. In 1933, Herman Steiner became the chess editor of the Los Angeles Times and helped promote chess in the area. The top chess clubs in the area were the Hollywood Chess Club, the Yiddish Chess Club, the Los Angeles Chess and Checker Club, the Los Angeles Athletic Club, and the Caltech Chess Club in Pasadena. In 1933, the first Bulgarian championship was held in Varna. The winner was Georgy Geshev after defeating Yury Toshev in a play-off match. In 1933, the first British Boys' championship was held in Hastings. In 1933, Emilian Dobrescu was born in Romania. In 1989, he was awarded the GMComp title. In 1933, Emanuel Lasker and his wife were driven out of Germany and their property confiscated. In 1933, they moved to England. In 1933, Wolfgang Dittman was born. He was a German chess composer. In 1933, the Beverly Hills Chess Club won the Southern California Chess League Championship. In January 1933, Isaac Kashdan published the first monthly edition of Chess Review magazine. In November 1969, it merged with Chess Life to become Chess Life & Review. In January 1933, Herman Steiner formed the International Chess Club (later called the Hollywood Chess Group), first headquartered at the Hollywood Athletic Club at 6521 Sunset Boulevard, where he conducted a weekly chess lecture and chess class. He later formed a chess clubhouse next to his own house, which was located at 108 North Formosa Avenue in West Hollywood. In January 1933, after a lapse of two years, during which Isaac Kashdan retained the title, the Manhattan Chess Club resumed its annual championship tournament. Robert Willman (1908-1977) and Abraham Kupchik (1892-1970) tied for 1st place, scoring 9.5 — 2.5. I.A. Horowitz took 3rd place, followed by A. S. Pinkus. Kupchik defeated Willman with 2 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws to take the title. On January 3, 1933, Alexander Alekhine played 20 simultaneous games, including 2 blindfold games in Honolulu. He won all his games. On January 4, 1993, Alekhine played 15 blindfold games in Honolulu. On January 6, 1933, the 13th Annual Christmas Congress of the Hastings and St. Leonards Chess Club ended at Hastings, England. The Premier event was won by Salo Flohr (Czechoslovakia) for the second consecutive year, scoring 7/9 with no losses (5 wins, 4 draws). Vasja Pirc (Yugoslavia) was second with 6½ followed by Mir Sultan Khan and Lajos Steiner with 6. The Premier Reserves Tournament was won by Josef Rejfir (1909-1962) of Czechoslovakia, scoring 7.5-2.5. On January 7, 1933, Herman Steiner (1905-1955) played 80 boards with four players at each table (320 players total) at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. He won 70, lost 7, and drew 3. On January 11, 1933, Erbin Haag was born in Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary. In 1961, he was awarded the International Master (IM) title and the International Master for Correspondence (IMC) title. On January 14, 1933, Fritz Englund died at the age of 61. He popularized the Englund Gambit (1.d4 e5). On January 18, 1933, Orest Popovych was born. He was a professor of analytical chemistry and FIDE master. He won the New Jersey championship in 1959, 1961, 1985, and 2001. On January 22, 1933, William Branch died in Cheltenham, England. He was a chess historian. On January 22, 1933, Karl Burger was born in New York City. In 1980 he was awarded the IM title. He died in 2000. He was a physician. In February 1933, Mikhail Botvinnik (1911-1995) won the championship of Russia, held in Leningrad. He score 10 — 1. 2nd place went to V. Alatorzeff, who scored 7.5. In February 1933, the Hollywood Chess Club sponsored a movie artists' concert to raise money for a new house project. The master of ceremonies was Neil Hamilton (1899-1984), best known for his role as Commissioner Gordon on the Batman TV series. On February 3, 1933, Raul Sanguinetti was born in Argentina. He won the Argentina chess championship 7 times. He was awarded the Grandmaster (GM) title in 1982. He died on August 6, 2000. On February 4, 1933, the 1933 Metropolitan Chess League of New York started its season. There were 12 teams: West Side YMCA, Queens CC, Manhattan CC, Columbia University, Hungarian Workers, Scandinavians, Marshall CC, New York University, Empire City CC, International CC, City College of New York, and Caissa CC. The Marshall CC (Fine, Marshall, Dake, Tholfsen, Reinfeld, Santasiere, Howard, and Grossman) won the title for the 3rd year in a row. The team went 11-0 in matches. The Columbia team lost every match, going 0-11. On February 5, 1933, Anatoly Lutikov was born. He was awarded the GM title in 1974. He died on October 15, 1989. On February 18, 1933, Venelin Alaikov was born in Shumen, Bulgaria. In 1988, he was awarded the International Master for Chess Compositions (IMComp) title. On February 22, 1933, the 37th Annual Pennsylvania Chess Championship began play at the Franklin Hotel in Philadelphia. It was won by Norman Whitaker. On February 23, 1933, Adrian Mikhalchisin was born in Yugoslavia. In 1963, he was awarded the IM title. In March 1933, George S. Barnes won the 36th Annual Minnesota State Chess Championship. In March 1933, E. Richard Schayer became the new president of the Hollywood Chess Club (renamed the Hollywood Chess and Bridge Club), which moved to the 6735 Yucca Street in Hollywood. Schayer was a screenwriter who wrote over 100 films between 1916 and 1956. He wrote some chess scenes into a few of his scripts, such as The Black Cat, with Boris Karloff playing chess with Bela Lagosi. On March 5, 1933, Evgeny Vasiukov was born in Moscow. He was awarded the GM title in 1961. On March 7, 1933, Hermann von Gottschall died in Gorlitz, Germnay at the age of 70. He was a German lawyer, author and editor. On March 18, 1933, Peter Clarke was born in London. In 1980, he was awarded the Correspondence GM (GMC) title. On March 27, 1933, William Samuel Viner died at the age of 52. He won the Australian Chess Championship four times (1906, 1912, 1913, 1924) and won the New Zealand Chess Championship in 1907. In April 1933, the 57th annual Varsity Match between Oxford University and Cambridge University was won by Oxford, scoring 5-2. Cambridge still led the series with 26 wins, 25 losses, and 6 ties. On April 3, 1933, Laslo Navarovsky was born in Budapest, Hungary. He was awarded the IM title in 1965. He died on January 17, 1996. On April 6, 1933, Jesus Diez del Corral was born in Saragossa, Spain. In 1974, he was awarded the GM title. On April 6, 1933, Gyorgy Bakcs (ne Bartok) was born in Budapest. In 1980, he was awarded the GM of Composition title. On April 8, 1933, Jose Capablanca, age 44, played 32 boards at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. He won 25, drew 6, and lost one game, to J. Allen and E. Carlson in consultation. On April 11, 1933, Jose Capablanca, playing the white pieces, played a game of living chess against Herman Steiner at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. The game was pre-arranged by Capablanca, who checkmated Steiner in 25 moves. Cecil B. DeMille presided as referee and announced the moves. On April 16, 1933, Lujsa Honfi (nee Gurszky) was born in Budapest. In 1969, she was awarded the Women's International Master (WIM) title. On April 23, 1933, Henry William Barry (1878-1933) died of a sudden stroke in his home. He was 54 years old. He was an American problemist and problem editor of the American Chess Bulletin. In private life, he was a musician, teaching violin for a livelihood. On April 26, 1933, Bizidar Djurasevic was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. In 1957, he was awarded the IM title. In April 1933, Salo Flohr of Czechoslovakia defeated Henry Grob of Switzerland, scoring 4.5-1.5. In May 1933, the United States Team Tournament was held to select players to join Frank Marshall and Isaac Kashdan to represent the USA in the Hamilton-Russell Cup Team Tournament in England. The winner was Reuben Fine with 8 out of 11 (7 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss), followed by Arthur Dake and Albert C. Simonson, both with 7 points. Harold M. Phillips, President of the Intercollegiate Chess League, contributed $200 of the expense fund. Total fund was $1,227.82. The 12-player event was held at the Marshall Chess Club, the Manhattan Chess Club, and the West Side Chess Club. The other players included Denker, Horowitz, Willman, Levenstein, Reinfeld, Bechkardt, Schwartz, and Hassialia. In May 1933, a 15-player Masters Tournament in Budapest was won by Esteban Canal (1896-1981), who scored 10 out of 14 (7 wins, 6 draws, 1 loss), followed by Pal Rethy with 9.5, Andor Lilienthal with 9, Lajos Steiner with 8.5, and Erich Eliskases with 8. On May 17, 1933, Ira J. Ettinger died. He was president of the Empire City Chess Club in New York. On May 21, 1933, Jose Capablanca played 23 boards at the Hollywood Chess and Bridge Club, winning 21 and drawing 2 games (drew with state champion Borochow and Mrs. May Bain of the Hollywood Club). He later played 32 boards at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. The event was coupled with Herman Steiner's wedding reception where Capablanca was a guest of honor. On May 25, 1933, William A. Shinkman (1847-1933) died at the age of 86. He was an American chess problemist and known as the Wizard of Grand Rapids. Together with Sam Loyd, he was the most famous chess composer in the US, creating over 3,500 chess problems. On May 29, 1933, Nikola Padevsky was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In 1964, he was awarded the GM title. He was a corporate lawyer. In early June 1933, a National Masters tournament was held in Aachen, Germany. It was won by Efim Bogoljubow, who scored 7.5 — 3.5. The tournament was organized by the Grossdeutsche Schachbund, a new state-supported chess federation with Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the German Minister of Propaganda, serving as honorary President of the Schachbund. Jewish players were not allowed to participate. On June 13, 1933, Levente Lengyel was born. He was awarded the GM title in 1964. On June 19, 1933, the National Chess Federation organized a chess program for the 1933 World's Fair in Chicago. World champion Alexander Alekhine played a blindfold simultaneous exhibition on 32 boards that lasted over 12 hours. He won 19, lost 4, and drew 9 for a new world record for blindfold play. Afterwards, he was able to call off all the moves of all the games, which he had kept in his memory with absolute accuracy. His opponents were some of the strongest amateurs in Chicago. A masters tournament was planned during the Fair, but was called off due to lack of funds. The Intercollegiate Chess Tournament was won by John O, Matheson of West Point, who scored 9.5 — 0.5. In July 1933, all Jews were banned from the Greater German Chess Association. The penalty was arrest. In 1933 Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), Minister of Propaganda and Enlightenment, wanted an "All-German Chess League." He barred all Jewish chess masters from official tournaments of the German Chess League. Goebbels sought out players who were of strong National Socialist persuasion. Otto Zander, President of the new league, said all Jews would be excluded unless they proved themselves at the front line of a war. In July 1933, Herman Steiner became chess editor of the Los Angeles Times. On July 7, 1933, Josef Nun was born in Czechoslovakia. In 1976, he was awarded the IM title. On July 16, 1933, Alekhine played 32 people blindfold simultaneously at the Century of Progress Exhibition in Chicago (World's Fair), winning 19, drawing 9, and losing 4 games in 14 hours. This was a new world record. On July 22, 1933, Adolf Georg Olland died in The Hague at the age of 66 while playing chess. He was the leading Dutch chess master in the time before Max Euwe. He was a physician. From July 12-23, 1933, (originally schedule for June 12-26) the 5th Chess Olympiad (known at the time as the International Team Tournament for the Hamilton-Russell Cup) was held in Folkestone, England. The gold medal went to the USA team (they also won in Prague in 1931). The silver medal went to the Czechoslovakia team. The bronze medal went to the Sweden team. At the Folkestone Olympiad, Isaac Kashdan represented the USA. He brought along his wife. Umar Khan offered Isaac Kashdan's wife 150 English pounds if she would join his harem. Only 15 teams participated (19 teams applied and Estonia did not show up), the least of any Olympiad. Originally, this Olympiad was scheduled to be played in Chicago, but these plans were cancelled due to financial problems. Alekhine won the gold medal on board 1 with 9.5 out of 12. The USA team (Kashdan, Marshall, Fine, Dake, Simonson) won again with 39 out of 56 points. Robert Combe of Scotland lost to Volfgangs Hasenfuss of Latvia in 4 moves, the shortest chess Olympiad game ever. Combe - Hasenfuss, Folkestone Olympiad 1933 1.d4 c5 2.c4 cxd4 3.Nf3 e5 4.Nxe5?? Qa5+ 0-1 In July 1933, the 4th Women's World Championship was held in conjunction with the Chess Olympiad. Vera Menchik of Czechoslovakia retained her title. In August 1933, Reuben Fine defeated Arthur Dake in a match in New York. He won 4, lost 2, and drew 3. On August 11, 1933, Mir Sultan Khan won the British Championship, held at Hastings. He scored 9.5 — 2.5. T. H. Tylor took 2nd place. The British Ladies' Championship was won by Miss Fatima. Both Miss Fatima and Sultan Khan were proteges of Sir Umar Hayat Khan. On September 9, 1933, Mikhail Botvinnik won the 8th USSR championship with 11 wins, 2 losses, and 6 draws. The event was held in Leningrad. He was followed by Alatortsev, Levenfish, Lisityn, I. Rabinovich, Rauzer, Chekover, Bohatyrchuk, and Kan. There were 20 players. From September 23 to October 1, 1933, the 34th Western Open (US Open) was held at the Hotel Tuller in Detroit. Reuben Fine won the event, scoring 12 out of 13 (+10 -1 =0). Samuel Reshevsky took 2nd, followed by Arthur Dake. The event was sponsored by the Auto City Chess and Checker Club. There were 14 players in the event. Fine lost to Reshevsky in round 6, but won every other game that he played. Reshevsky drew to Arthur Dake, Samuel Factor, Albert Margolis, and George Barnes. Reshevsky — Fine, Detroit 1933 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4+ 4. Bd2 Bxd2+ 5. Qxd2 b6 6. g3 Bb7 7. Bg2 O-O 8. Nc3 Qe7 9. O-O d6 10. Qc2 c5 11. dxc5 bxc5 12. Rad1 Nc6 13. e4 Rfd8 14. Rd2 Ng4 15. Rfd1 Nge5 16. Nxe5 Nd4 17. Ng6 hxg6 18. Qd3 e5 19. Rf1 Bc6 20. f4 Rab8 21. f5 Qg5 22. f6 Rb7 23. Rdf2 gxf6 24. b3 f5 25. exf5 Bxg2 26. Kxg2 gxf5 27. Rxf5 Nxf5 28. Rxf5 Qh6 29. Qe4 Re7 30. Qg4+ Kf8 31. Rh5 Qg7 32. Qh4 Ke8 33. Nd5 f5 34. Nxe7 1-0 On September 30, 1933, Janos Flesch was born in Budapest. In 1980, he was awarded the GM title. On October 7, 1933, Jonathan Penrose was born in Colchester, England. He won the British championship 10 times. He was a psychologist. On October 15, 1933, Zadok Domnitz was born in Tel Aviv. On October 17, 1933, Johann Nepomuk Berger died in Graz at the age of 88. In 1870 he won the first major tournament in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. On October 21, 1933, Nils Gustav Gerand van Dijk was born in Indonesia. In 1961, he was awarded the IMComp title. On October 22, 1933, Burt Hochberg was born in New York City. He died on May 13, 2006. He was a former editor of Chess Life magazine. On October 23, 1933, Scafarelli was born in Italy. In 1957, he was awarded the IM title. On October 25, 1933, James Sherwin was born in New York City. In 1958, he was awarded the IM title. From 1979 to 1990, he was the president of the American Chess Foundation. On November 12, 1933, Borislav Ivkov was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. In 1951, he became the first world junior chess champion. In 1955, he was awarded the GM title. On November 13, 1933, Bukhuti Gurgenidze was born in Surami, Georgia. In 1970, he was awarded the GM title. On November 15, 1933, Egon Varnusz was born in Budapest, Hungary. On November 28, 1933, William Addison was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1967, he was awarded the IM title. In December, 1933, Botvinnik and Flohr drew a match that was held in Moscow and Leningrad. They scored 2 wins, 2 losses, and 8 draws each. In December 1933, Capablanca won all 9 of his games in a Manhattan Chess Club weekly rapid chess tournament, finishing two points ahead of Reshevsky and Fine. At the end of 1933, Mir Sultan Khan returned with his master to India and his chess career was over. Please report broken or duplicate links to the Webmaster. Official Website Copyright 2016 by William D. Wall All Rights Reserved |
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