In 1828, the Hyderabad Chess Club of India played the Madras Chess Club of India in a correspondence match. This was the first major correspondence chess match outside Europe. The Madras Chess Club beat the Hyderabad Chess Club 2-0. In 1828, the first known private correspondence match occurred between E. Houlston, Jr. (London) and his father, H. Houlston (Wellington). H. Houlston won. In 1828, William Lewis wrote a book on the London-Edinburgh correspondence match; published in London. On January 5, 1828, Charles Ranken was born. He was a minor British chess master and the first president of the Oxford University Chess Club. On April 15, 1828, Martin Severin From was born in Nakskov, Denmark. The From's Gambit (1.f4 e5) is named after him. In April 1828, the Turk was exhibited and played chess at Scudder's American Museum in New York. Price of admittance was 25 cents. In June 1828, a North Carolina newspaper described chess as "a stupid, selfish game, invented for all born dumb, calculated to improve prison discipline, perpetuated only to preserve quietness in society." (source: Newbern Sentinel (NC), June 21, 1828) On September 9, 1828, Leo Tolstoy was born in Yasnaya Polyana, Russian Empire. He was a Russian chess novelist and chess fanatic. He died in 1910. In September 1829, The Turk returned to Europe after being exhibited in America. On November 10, 1829, Conrad Bayer was born in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia. He was a prize-winning problemist. He died in 1897, at the age of 68. Hyderabad CC - Madras CC, Correspondence 1828 1. g3 f5 2. Bg2 Nf6 3. c4 e5 4. Nc3 Be7 5. d4 exd4 6. Qxd4 c6 7. Nh3 Na6 8. a3 Nc5 9. Qd1 O-O 10. O-O Nce4 11. Qc2 d5 12. Rd1 Be6 13. Ng5 Qc8 14. cxd5 cxd5 15. Ngxe4 fxe4 16. Be3 Ng4 17. Bd4 Bg5 18. h3 Nxf2 19. Rf1 Nxh3+ 20. Kh2 Rd8 21. Qb3 h5 22. Bxh3 Bxh3 23. Nxd5 Be6 24. Rf5 Rxd5 25. Rxd5 Qc6 26. Rxg5 Bxb3 27. Rxg7+ Kf8 28. Rf1+ Ke8 29. Rf6 Qc2 30. Rh6 Qxe2+ 31. Kh3 Qf1+ 32. Kh4 Qf8 33. Rxh5 Bf7 34. Rxf7 Kxf7 35. Rf5+ Ke6 36. Rxf8 Rxf8 37. Bxa7 Kf5 38. Kh3 Rd8 39. Bb6 Rd3 40. Kh4 e3 41. g4+ Kf4 42. Bc7+ Kf3 43. g5 e2 44. Ba5 Rd1 0-1 Madras CC - Hyderabad CC, Correspondence 1828 1. e4 e5 2. Bc4 d6 3. d4 exd4 4. c3 dxc3 5. Nxc3 c6 6. Nge2 a5 7. a4 Be6 8. Bxe6 fxe6 9. Nf4 Qe7 10. Qb3 d5 11. Nxe6 Na6 12. Nxf8 Nc5 13. Qc2 d4 14. Na2 Nf6 15. O-O Rxf8 16. b4 Ncd7 17. Bd2 axb4 18. Nxb4 c5 19. Nd3 b6 20. Rae1 Qe6 21. Nf4 Qe5 22. Nd5 Ng4 23. f4 Qd6 24. Qb3 Qc6 25. Qg3 Ngf6 26. Qxg7 Rf7 27. Nxf6+ Nxf6 28. Qh6 O-O-O 29. e5 Rg8 30. g3 Rfg7 31. Qh3+ Ng4 32. f5 Kb8 33. f6 Rf7 34. Rf4 Nxf6 35. exf6 Rxf6 36. Rxf6 Qxf6 37. Re6 1-0 Please report broken or duplicate links to the Webmaster. Official Website Copyright 2017, 2018 by William D. Wall All Rights Reserved |
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